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Tarbohom Naushaun

Origin of Rage, Totem of Rage, Chief of the Uruks Tarbohom Naushaun (a.k.a. Tarb)

Awakened after a 1000 year slumber, the great Tarbohom finds himself in a world he does not understand. First in line to become chief of the Naushaun tribe, Tarbohom learned the art of battle, command, and respect early in life. Seen as a villainous monster, the ancient high elves and dwarves imprisoned Tarbohom and caught him in a wall of ice, freezing him for 100s of years.

Finally freed by Farryn Derona and Baelai Joeal, Tarbohom now walks the material plane, alive and thirsty for blood once more. But without his true tribe, the Origin of Rage finds new purpose in protecting and caring for his new tribe. He draws form the power of his past and fallen brothers to better protect and defend those who are important to me. Always ready for a fight, Chief Tarbohom will always come when his Uruk Warhorn is called.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A perfect War Uruk, Tarbohom is tall and imposing.  Much of his boldly green skin is covered by ancient tattoos whos inks still maintain their bright, shimmering colors.  He wears no shirt to better show off his tattoos so only his dark ponytailed hair covers some parts of his impressive back tattoos at times.  Around his simple leather pants, Tarb wears the impressive pelt of a saber cat, pulled together with the head as a belt buckle.  
When showing the great power of his rage, Tarbohom is joined by the spirits of his brothers- Tarbam and Targatbor.  The two ancient uruks appear as shimmering green phantoms and battle beside him, protecting him and his allies from beyond the mortal planes.

Facial Features

  • Red warpaint over his eyes
  • Bold tusks, one of which is chipped

Identifying Characteristics

TarbTatts by Mary Marchena

Tarbohom bares tattoos reminiscent of himself and his brothers and the ways they manipulated the Way of Rage to their own strengths:

Left Arm: Targatbor - Way of The Storm
Misty blue swirls of tribal storms
Right Arm: Tarbam - Way of the Totem Beasts
Red symbols representing an eagle's talons, a badger's paw, a wolf's paw, and a bear's paw, and a bear totem
Back: Tarbohom - Way of Rage
A symbol of the Naushaun Totem Tribe - an axe-headed totem pole. An ornate battle axe adorned by the ever furious eyes of rage.


Tarbohom also bares tattoos with deep meanings in Uruk Tribal and Ancient Orc culture.

BadgerWolf by Mary Marchena
Right Side: Tholl Vadok - Deep Death's Mourning Teeth
A symbol of Tholl Vadok the Badger Wolf who serves as the god of Uruk death. His rising whiskers are represented by pointed teeth, each set serving as a reminder for one person lost to death. Tarbohom bares 14 sets of teeth.

Left Leg: Uruk Marriage and Family Tattoos

Tattoos for wives are done at the wedding ceremonies. After the birth of each child, the wife adds tattoos to her husband and herself.
Tarbohom bares a tattoo for each of his wives, Angath and Fal. Above Fal- his first wife- are her children Shataz, Vokipus, and Fasak. Above Angath are her two children Raugz and the youngest Korlash.
Sons are given a symbol like a two-headed axe while daughters have a one-sided arrowhead as their tessellated tattoo symbol.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity


Accomplishments & Achievements

As the first born son of the Naushaun chief, Tarbohom found a way to channel his Orcish fury into the Way of Rage, creating the Urukish supernatural combat abilities they soon became known for.  After being crowned the Origin of Rage, Tarbhom's two brothers- Tarbam and Targatbor- also found their own ways to channeling their rage. A great warrior, Tarbohom lead his Uruk tribe through a successful war until he was cornered and trapped.  After thawing, Tarbohom aided the 5S party in many triumphs and acheivements.  The great warrior now also aids the Goliaths of Makgil in hunting and survival while also providing a font of information in the Uruk lifestyles and culture they have been attempting to learn about for so long.

Failures & Embarrassments

In the years with his tribe, Tarbohom was praised as a violent and proud warrior and future chief. But to their enemies, The Origin of Rage was a monster to be feared. A horrific maker of war, the Uruk general was plotted against by the magic wielding high elves.  Far in the north, at the battle of Rage's End, Tarbohom was separated from his tribe.  His warg was shot out from under him as he was surrounded by enemies in an attempt to keep him still so the plan could be enacted.  Cleaving through as many elves and dwarves as he could manage, Tarbohom kept his brothers from aiding him as he could see the elves intended to bring the mountain down on him.  
Tarbam watched as the ice and snow poured down from the mountain, covering Tarbohom and suffocating him in the frigid doom.  To be sure the Uruks could never reclaim their lead monster, a spell was placed over his icy tomb to encase him and keep him hidden away.  
As Tarbohom waited, frozen in slumber, the elves and dwarves finally took their opportunity.  Without Tarbohom, the Uruk Genocide was perpetuated and the Great War was seen as a victory to all peoples of the continent.  The green beasts would become just a legend.

Mental Trauma

After awakening from his long, icy slumber, Tarbhom found himself in a strange world.  Not only was the civil explanation of life strange to him, but Tarbohom was slow to realize how long he had been locked away.  With 100s of years passing since his imprisonment, his wives, children, brothers, and family had all been long dead and buried.  
The most tragic to Tarbohom was the realization that his youngest son- Korlash- had yet to lose his baby tusks.  When uruk children lost their baby tusks, both the mother and father uruk were known to take a tusk and fashion them all into a necklace to wear with pride, showing their child to be strong.  Tarbohom struggled with the idea that his absence had led Korlash to die before ever growing his adult tusks.
After the Champion's Dream, Tarbohom was gifted the 5th tusk to his necklace.  Though the lost still hangs heavy over his heart, he keeps all 5 tusks close to him at all times.  And he prays to meet his children after his long ride on the back of the great Tholl Vadok.


Family Ties

Tarbohom, like most proud Uruk Tribesmen, is a story teller. Around the camp fires, in the dark forests, and in the safety of unfamiliar quarters, Tarbohom would regal the party with tales from his life before he was frozen away. Many of the tales and details of Uruk history or Tarb's family have been shared in broken Common (with some help from Baelai or Jester on translation) around the campfire to his new tribe.


Tarbam The Wild Fury Totem

The middle brother of Tar Nau's three sons, Tarbam lead the way of the Totem Warrior. Tarbam was known from a young age to often be followed by many animals. And wild creatures were often drawn to him. One morning, he left the tribal camp and returned mounted on the back of a bear who he would then ride into battle for many years. As the son of the chief, Tarbam could have taken many wives like Tarbohom did. But instead his single wife, Laugscara, gave him single daughter- Girakun. Tarb has joked that his middle brother let two women run his wife- one was a great warrior and deserved his respect but the other was a bit too small to order him around so much.

Targatbor The Spirit's Wind Totem

Targatbor was the smallest and strangest of the three brothers. He would adopt the way of Tarbohom's rage but sculpted it differently by infusing it with the storming powers he found far north in the mountains. Somewhat smarter than most Uruks were expected to be, Tarbohom often poked fun at his youngest brother for 'sit-thinking.'
Targatbor's power in battle, his willingness for blood, and his desire to take wives were often questioned by the chief of the Naushan tribe. Though few uruks held the idea of restraint, Targatbor demonstrated it when forced to challenge his eldest brother. Forced to fight in a brutal and deadly conflict, Tarbohom held nothing back as he father commanded. He did wish for Targatbor to defeat him, although he knew- like everyone watching- that it was impossible. When Targatbor was nearly defeated, he rose up and struck Tarbohom across the face hard enough to knock his hulking brother away and to chip his tusk. Tarbohom is proud of his injury and admits that this is the only defeat he has ever enjoyed.
When the Uruk situation became dire and it seemed as though the enemies were upon the tribe, Targatbor retreated into the mountains. He vowed to preserve what little was left of the uruks and to keep the Totems of Rage alive.

Wives and Children

Of his two wives, Fal was a proud beauty whos family had more than a few strong warriors. Tar Nau and Fal's father more or less arranged the marriage for the chief's eldest son when he came of age. Tarbohom remembers his first wife as strangely feminine and still a proud warrior and mother. Tarbohom has a fond memory of a day when he came home to find Fal washing blood off of herself. She revealed that a male in the village had made a rude comment about Tarbohom's eldest son so she attacked him and bit him. Tarbohom was very proud.
At the time of Tarbohom's disappearance, Fal had 2 sons- Shataz (age 8) and Fasak (age 3)- and one daughter- Vadokiprus (age 7).
Angath was known for keeping true to her name, translating to 'ghost' she had a quiet and shy personality. Her family was also a proud and well known for their warriors. Tarbohom had particular respect for her brother, Korlash, who once saved his life from an elf mage with a deftly thrown axe. Angath became good friends with Fal after the marriage, the two of them working together to raise and protect the children of the future chief. The two of them were proud of household, many strong children, and the powerful chief lineage they knew they were continuing.
At the time of Tarbohom's disappearance, Angath had one daughter- Raugz (age 4) and the youngest of Tarb's sons- Korlash (age 2).

Religious Views

Tarbohom still worships the old ways of the Uruks. Shalmor, The Unforgiven Elvish Son -who is rarely worshiped today- is his main patron. Tholl Vadok, the Badger Wolf of Deep Death who sits at the right hand of Shalmor, is the harbinger of death who carries the fallen to their final resting place.
The significance of his tattoos and the tattoo ceremonies still holds power to Tarbohom, requiring him to reenact the ceremonies correctly or else risk dishonoring his ancestors or his warrior god. Now with the goliaths, he has found more information recorded by his brother, allowing him to continue his lost culture.


Speaking little beside the guttural and rough Uruk for most of his life, Tarbohom has little value for pronouns and articles. Sometimes difficult to understand, Tarbohom does generally understand Common and figure out the meanings of things. Or he just reads the room and tries to be intimidating and refined at the same time.
Frozen Warrior
Date of Birth
10th of Galas
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Bold Green
242 lbs
Known Languages
Uruk, 70% Common

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Character Portrait image: TarbohomNaushaunICanOnlyDrawHalfFacesLeaveMeAlone by Mary Marchena


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