Mud Wort Material in Smegpumas | World Anvil
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Mud Wort


Material Characteristics

A hard lumpy substance that is commonly found in pieces the size of a man's fist.

Physical & Chemical Properties

When held in the hand it feels to be unnaturally heavy, nearly four time the weigh it looks like it should hold. This weight seems to grow the longer a person holds onto the material. As well, if a person holds it in their hands for more than an hour, than their skin will become permanently stained the color of the Mud Wort.
Mud Wort also has hallucinogenic properties, that when consumed pure the person who consumed it may experience hallucinations for several hours.


When ground and mixed with the proper quantities of ironwood and sulphur, it can create a very powerful painkiller that has the ability to numb all pain that a person may feel.

Geology & Geography

Only found deep in the Oakgonie Swamp it will only grow near the bottom of the roots of the fig mangroves that grow there. This makes it harvest extremely difficult and dangerous as they can sometimes be thirty feet under the water. Mud Wort has only been found in this region, but expeditions are underway to find it in new places.

Origin & Source

It lives as a parasite on the roots of the fig mangroves, and has not been found growing off of any other type of tree.

Life & Expiration

After it is removed from the host tree is will stay about max potency for about a month (38 days) and after that it loses half its strength within two days.

History & Usage


It was first discovered by the Oakgonie people who used it as a hallucinogen, and in very small doses to numb pain. From them it spread to the rest of the world where alchemist discovered the right compound to make it the most effective painkiller.

Everyday use

Now its most common use is a powerful painkiller, but it is also use as a hallucinogen by some of the rich, but none will admit to this.


Trade & Market

There is a small market as it is difficult to transport, make the painkiller, and use it within the one month after harvest. Because of this an alchemist would contact a harvest party to harvest some and bring it to him as the need arises. Some also always have a little bit an hand, but that is extremely expensive to purchase from them.
extremely expensive
very rare
Smells like old dirt
When eaten it tastes like very organic dirt with a hint of sour.
A deep brown almost black

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