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Player Questions

How long is it between Wavebreakers disembarking from Land’s End?

  Around 5-6 months if nothing goes wrong. Construction of wavebreakers is a lengthy and expensive process. Crews need to be trained in the proper usage of equipment and regular checks need to be done to the existing ships. With a voyage time of two years, and no magically produced foods, rationing can also be problematic.    

Is there general worship of the Celestial God of Ice, Night & Prophecy?

Are temples, clerics and the sort or are clerics/paladins rarer in Halcyon   As a true neutral god, they are often seen as aloof or distant. With the territory of prophecy comes an expectation - that once seen, prophecy should be acted upon. The followers of this god know that these records aren’t as simple as this. Once recorded, any action taken towards preventing it will most likely cause it to hasten. Their god simply weaves these images into being. Once done, it is as much a fact as gravity.   Those that follow this God are few and far between, as despite their possible usefulness in preparing for the future, the gift of prophecy is as much a curse as it is a blessing. Much more common is those who worship saints related to her, as those who do, rarely have the same amount of visions.   The people that wield their power are visited by nightly visions. These are usually more of a curse than a blessing, and so those that seek domains such as death, winter or divination usually seek out other gods or sources of magic.    

How does the mainland's history carry over to QP if at all? Are there religious sects or heroes who have travelled here and made guilds and such?

  A lot of the original settlers of Queensport were not native to the land's end. They were, in fact, mostly foreign labourers or 2-4th generation immigrants. The work was known to be very dangerous so only the desperate, courageous or those with delusions of grandeur took that first boat ride out.   Organisations: The antiquarians and the university are both groups that originated on the mainland. In fact, most shops and businesses that have assets within queensport can only do so by having a thriving revenue from the mainland, due to the large amount of money it takes to import goods, building materials and the shipping costs incurred.     Political Groups: The city operates via an elected official that has to answer to a committee. This committee is made out of a number of political leaders from the countries within the coalition as well as a handful of other powerful global figures (I.E: Elvish Nobility). They usually send envoys to carry word of decisions, as travel between Queensport is difficult and very few officials can afford the luxury of a four year travel. However there is an embassy in Queensport, which has permanent residents within its walls.     A lot of countries are very invested in Arcadia as it's a huge boon to anyone that can utilise it. Laws have been put in place to try and stop an all out land grab. Some believe Queensport a powder keg, as several times it has placed countries at odds.     Religions: Whomever tries to reach out to the gods about Arcadia receives no answers Scrying from the mainland doesn't work Which makes the land even more valuable to some   However this does not stop those from making churches to their gods in this new land. One of the first Churches you may find is the Church of Pax located within Old Town, Queensport.   Heros/Adventurers: The term “Hero” is very rarely used in this age, as it normally refers to someone born during the time of the Gods (think Heracles). Adventurers or Antiquarians are much more common as this profession is highly lucrative. For example, those with the ability to handle Arcadia have a plethora of job opportunities waiting for them.  

those escaping the conflicts: who and what are tied to those now in Arcadia?

  The conflict, being The Century War, happened over 150 years ago. Those that escaped that conflict are several generations of people who are slowly integrating into other countries within the Coalition. With no infrastructure to return to and very few willing to settle amongst old battlefields, those that call for a place of their own are mostly likely to be drawn to Arcadia.    

Are there any festivities for local races that either everyone or specific slices of society take part in?

  There are the rare occasions where high ranking dignitaries or leaders of other countries will visit Queensport, however this is a rare occasion. This is usually received with a celebration held by the local establishment for the people of Queensport.  

Does this rub certain other factions up the wrong way or cause rifts?


How does the Underdark work?

  During the early days of the world, before the celestial war, creation was a bit more unchecked. As things were created, some either burrowed deep beneath the earth or were too unseemly and so were buried The Depths are a working title for these underground networks.    

What do gods Generally want out of their Clerics/Paladins - is it a direct quid pro quo kind or a more amorphous kind of deal?

  Depends on the god. All of them have a vested interest in the running of the world.Some look for change, or the maintaining of order. Others (mostly Fae gods) just want to see what happens when they give powers to mortals. There are exceptions, of course. For example, although there are many who worship the God of Secrets, there are very few that have been blessed by them. The few that have are usually eclectic hermits. There are also the saints, who are worshipped for their individual ideals. They will normally represent a facet of their patron, and will set their own rules and tenants for their followers, separate from their Gods. Saints are generally a bit more palatable to the everyday person.


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