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7/12/24 - Adventurers' Exam

1st-2nd of Tarsakh, 1499

General Summary

The Adventure Begins!

  The various members of the party began gathering together as they signed up to take the Adventurer's guild certifcation exam. Everyone arrived throughout the afternoon, and spent time filling out paperwork and some general chatting.   First impressions:
Astoria - The uncannily tall otherworldly humanoid
Fi-for-dis - The reclusive chef who does not like to be percieved
Vanya - The ostentatious fire genasi
Alexandrite - The shiny, but fractured teal earth genasi
Akane - The slightly unnerving kitsune funeral director   Once fully assembled, the party was introduced to their exam prompter, an old tired looking man by the name of Haar.   Quest Acquired: Discover the Mystery of the Talking Animals harrassing travelers in the valley nearby.   Party was given lodging at the guild and called it early to prepare for an early morning.   Party started off early in the day before sun rise on Haar's orders. FI-4-DYS cooked breakfast, and the party was summoned to head downstairs by a Black Psuedodragon by the name of Black Tempest, Haar's companion. Following their prompter's directions, they passed out of the city proper and through the fields of the outer district on their way to a valley to the Northwest of the city.   Before long, the party came across a talking Raven by the name of Ravenna. She claimed to have been given the gift of speech by a leaf-faced man from the nearby forrest, and she hired the adveturer's to help her find a new home as her previous one was ransacked by monsters. Promising "yellow shiny circles" as the rewards for the quest.   In the first cave, the party found magical crystals that exploded in various magical spells when gripped in hand (including mage hand), but could easily be moved by other means. The party set off or otherwise disposed of these crystals, but were then attacked by a large talking rat (Rattie) who screamed "burglers, ruffians, thieves, ransackers, etc" at the party for destroying all her pretty crystals.   Leaving this cave, they continued onwards to another cave where they found small non-talking animals caught up in spider webbing. As they began freeing the animals, they were attacked by a large cat-sized talking spider (Rachnie), who accosted the party for stealing her food. Rachie also accused Ravenna as the instigator, and the party discovered all 3 animals knew each other.   Confronting Ravenna about this, the party learned the other two had made a mess of Ravenna's cave as a prank and so Ravenna hired the adventurers to mess up their caves. The party returned with all 3 animals to Ravenna's cave to help clean the cave and recieve their promised rewards, and the animals began acting even more strangely before 2 of them turned invisible and Ravenna revealed to be an Imp who attacked the party. Combat ensued, and the party successfully defeated the Imps and completed their Quest!   Haar was napping outside, unconcerned, and congradulated the party on successfully overcoming a job that ended up being more dangerous than originally expected.   Session End!  

Party Levels up to Level 2!

Rewards Granted

50 GP 30 SP
Cleansing Coin
Bronze Rank Adventurer status

Missions/Quests Completed

Newby Adventurer Certifican Exam
Report Date
12 Jul 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Related Characters


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