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Order of Temples

A holy-man who claimed to be a follower of Ao, began preaching mutual respect for all the gods, as they all were bestowed with a portfolio of powers that balance out this world. Thus did the Order of Temples come into being. A group to help mediate between followers of conflicting gods, and to ensure that no beliefs were suppressed and no gods’ names were used to wage war against each other in this city again. Consisting of 9 Primary orders with the largest temples, and numerous smaller shrines and alters for minor deities.
Guilds size: Medium
Guild headquarters: Ethereal Citadel
Guild leader: Servant (Founder)
Religious, Organised Religion
Notable Members
SeladrineDark SeladrineMorndinsammanOrcishKnowledgeDeathLifeChaosOrder
Head Representative:
Largest Temples: Correlon Lolth Moradin Gruumsh Oghma & Mystra Kelemvor & Raven Queen Auril, Lathander, & The Dagdha Cyric & Selune Asmodeus, Bahamut, & Waukeen
Pantheon/Domain: Elven Drow Dwarven Orcish Arcana, Forge, & Knowledge Grave & Death Life & Nature Trickery, Twilight, & War Light, Peace, & Order
Affiliated Guilds: Dungeons & Delicacies Rising Sune Dungeons & Delicacies Shaper's Synidcate & The Curiosity The Curiosity Camaraderie of the Sickle Venom & Far Travels Crimson Standard & FFF
Notable Sub Groups: Council of the Afterlife

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