Deep Dwellers

Deep Dwellers are beings said to dwell in the dark, deep, hidden places beneath the earth. They are humanoid in feature, with pale, gray skin and large, bulbous black eyes. Their homes are in cave systems the sprawl miles under the ground. While it is true that there are cave systems throughout Sognaland, The Scholars' Guild has never sent any expeditions to map them, and any attempts to do so by curious explorers has never been recorded. The Scholars' Guild believes that the idea of Deep Dwellers arose from a mixture of Sognian lore about the Tekket and the occurrences of unexplained sounds heard by workers in some of the mines throughout the Northern Mountains. No credible evidence has ever been found of any sapient species living below the earth. Therefore, according to the Scholars' Guild, Deep Dwellers are no more than a Settler myth.


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