
Dragons are creatures of Ossurian legend and are not believed to inhabit Sognaland.   According to The Scholars' Guild, dragons once dwelt in the Askeon Mountains near the northeastern border of theOssurian Empire. They plagued the people who made their homes there for centuries. When the Ossurian Empire conquered the region, its knights drove the creatures out, slaying every last one of them. The riches they found in the dragons' layers was carried back as a gift to the emperor at the time, Rognald the Great. He was thus given the title Rognald the Vanquisher. No trace of dragons has been seen since his reign nearly 700 years ago.   Dragons varied in size and color. The smallest full-grown dragon was reported to be only fifteen feet tall, while the largest was approximated at 100 feet tall. Dragons are known to have fed upon livestock, large animals, humans, and other sapient species. They also had an attraction to gold and gems, which they hoarded in their mountain lairs.   Solitary creatures, they were neither male nor female, and their method of reproduction remains unknown, though it is a known fact that dragons hatch from eggs. It is well known that they breathed fire from their mouths, but some sources add that not all dragons had that ability.    Despite their reputation for preying upon humans, there are some legends of friendships and bonds formed between dragons and other sapient species. It is unknown how true this could be, as dragons themselves appeared to be nothing more than large beasts without ability for emotions and higher order thoughts.


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