
Giants are creatures that inhabit the remote regions of the Northern Mountains and the Frostlands. Originally believed only to be Sognian legend, they were first encountered by Settlers who traversed the River Hakkon to its source in the Northern Range in the 23rd year After the Founding. They stumbled upon a giant encampment unknowingly, and all of the party save one were killed. The survivor, a young man named Otto Svenson, made his way back to report his findings to the Skjald of Hakkonstead.   After the Scholars' Guild was established, a few members set out to explore and map the Northern Range. They found giant encampments as well, but fortunately managed to stay hidden. They set up temporary shelters and spent a full year observing the giants before reporting their findings to the Guild.   Giants reach a height on average of twenty feet. Their skin is gray as granite, and their hair ranges in shades from white to light gray. There are male and female giants, but the Scholars never saw a child among any of the encampments they observed. They were unable to determine how old the creatures were, and only fragments of their language were able to be deciphered. They raise herds of mountain goats, and in the winter, they descend to the forests, hunting and foraging for food. They wear the skins of mountain cats, cave bears, and wolves. At night, they gather around fires and sing songs. Each band of giants is solitary and keeps its distance from other bands of giants. They are hostile to outsiders of any kind.

Additional Information

Social Structure

They live in small bands of no more than ten. There seems to be no dominant member of the band.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Giant encampments have been found throughout the Western, Northern, and Eastern Ranges and in the forested foothills just south of the mountains.

Civilization and Culture


According to Sognian lore, giants came originally from the Nightlands during the Long Night of the World. When the Shining Ones were victorious, the giants were allowed to live in the mountains so long as they never attacked the Sogni. For centuries there has been a truce between the Sogni and the giants. The Sogni leave the giants in peace, and the giants do not leave the areas allotted to them. It is the position of The Seven Holy Steads that the sapient inhabitants of the Steads follow the lead of the Sogni and leave the giants in peace. There has yet to be an unprovoked attack by giants on any sapient species.
Average Height
20 ft.
Average Physique
Tall, muscular, with broad shoulders
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Leathery gray skin the color of granite, and hair that ranges from white to light gray.


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