
Nightshades are human practitioners of dark magic who extend their unnaturally long lives by feeding on the blood of the living. They are said to live underground, in dark, abandoned places, or deep in the forests where there is little sunlight. As they have devoted their souls to darkness, the light of the sun sickens them and may kill them if they are exposed for too long.   They are described as having pale skin, and when they haven't fed in a while, their skin becomes more translucent. They also have fangs in their mouths that are used to drain the blood of their victims.   One becomes a Nightshade by choice, by practicing dark magic and making a pact with Aki. It is not possible for a Nightshade to turn someone else into a Nightshade against their will.   The Scholars' Guild has never found any evidence of the existence of Nightshades. They seem to be more of a tale told to scare children.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Pale eyes, and fangs in their mouths
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Pale, at times transluscent, skin


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