
Across the known world, even in the lands of the Ossurian Empire, encounters with what have come to be known as Seafolk have been recorded. The fact that these sightings have been so widespread have led the Scholars' Guild to believe in the veracity of these beings.   Apart from known Ossurian accounts, there have been several credible occurences in which Settlers have interacted with the Seafolk since the Seven Holy Steads were first founded.   In one instance, in the year 32 After the Founding, a fisherman named Jan Jansen was thrown overboard his small vessel in a sudden tempest. Close to drowning, he was rescued by one of the Seafolk and returned to shore. He described the creature as a male, with a beard that looked like seaweed, skin that had a greenish tint to it, the upper body of a man and lower body of a fish, and gills on the side of his torso. The being never uttered a word to him, but swam back out to sea as soon as he was safely on shore.   However, not all interactions have been so helpful. In the year 57 After the Founding, a group of sailors were on board the merchant ship The Sea Foam in the Ossurian Sea when they were suddenly surrounded by a couple dozen of the Seafolk, all bearing weapons. The Seafolk assaulted the crew, unprovoked, hurling spears at them. Two of the sailors were killed, but the crew fought back, shooting at their assailants with bows and arrows and eventually driving them away. When The Sea Foam docked in Hallanvagr, the ship's captain, Rjall Alsenen, met with the Skjald of Hallanstead to tell him of the encounter and brought one of the Seafolk's spears as evidence. That spear now resides in the Library of the Scholars' Guild.   The Sogni also have their own tales of the Seafolk, just as varied as the Settlers'. The Scholars' Guild would like to learn more about this mysterious people. Where exactly do they reside? How many are they? What form of governance do they practice? What religion? And can some form of a treaty be made between our people and theirs? Until these questions are answered, The Scholars' Guild warns that the Seafolk's intentions are unknown and are best to be avoided.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

All known seas
Average Height
6 ft
Average Physique
They have the upper body of a human and the lower body of a fish.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Skin is a greenish tint, as is hair. They have gills on the sides of their torsos.


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