
Trolls are creatures of Sognian legend. Though there were a few accounts of sightings from early Settlers, the Scholars' Guild never verified them. As of today, no Scholar has ever encountered one of these creatures, nor found credible evidence of their existence.   Trolls are said to live deep in wild places, particularly in the heavily forested regions just south of the Northern Range. They are humanoid in appearance, with wrinkled, leathery skin. Their bodies are said to be clothed by the living things of the forests, like mushrooms, leaves, bark, and rock. The Sogni give conflicting reports of their nature. In some stories, they are tricksters, leading travelers into trouble or cursing them. In others, they bestow magical gifts and blessings.   It is believed by the Sogni that they dwell in places near waterfalls and springs. When Sogni travel through areas that Trolls are believed to inhabit, they leave an offering of flowers as a sign of respect. Though they are reveared as guardians of wild places, the Sogni believe no attempt at contact with them should ever be made.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

They supposedly dwell in the forest near waterfalls and springs.

Additional Information

Social Structure

They are solitary beings that live in isolation.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They are said to inhabit the deep forests south of the Northern Range.

Civilization and Culture


The Sogni believe that Trolls are some of the oldest creatures in the world, having been in existence since before the Long Night of the World.
Average Physique
They are humanoid in appearance, with wrinkled, leathery skin.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their bodies are said to be clothed by the living things of the forests, like mushrooms, leaves, bark, and rock.


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