The Seven Holy Steads are a confederation of regional governments each led by a ruling House. They are: Karvastead Hallanstead Lantenstead Hakkonstead Salenstead Jarvastead Mailenstead Each Stead's seat of government is located in its capitol city. Each capitol city was once a military outpost of the Ossurian Empire. The Ossurian Empire, located to the south of Sognaland and across the Ossurian Sea, invaded Sognaland, establishing outposts across the southern parts of the continent. While the Ossurian outposts were functioning, many Sogni were captured and enslaved. Eventually, when the power of the Ossurian Empire waned due to threats from the mainland, the soldiers withdrew along with any Ossurian citizens and their Sogni slaves. The outposts were deserted. Two centuries later, after the Sognian Incursions and the Sognian Truce, all inhabitants of the Ossurian Empire with at least a quarter or more of Sognian ancestry were forced to return to Sognaland. The settlers built cities on the old Ossurian outposts, and the Seven Holy Steads of Sognaland were founded. Each Stead was headed by a ruling House. The Seven Holy Steads have operated as a confederation of regional governments for two centuries. However, with the ascenscion of Suuvi Hakkonen as the Skjald of Hakkonstead, and her call for unity under her Queenship, the political future of the Seven Holy Steads is in question.