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Kalnirith Eirinn

Kalnirith Eirinn (a.k.a. The Devil of the Sea)

As the unfortunate result between a demon and an overly-obsessed Elf, Kalnirith's meager start to life began at the lowest of lows as she was abandoned at the nearest convenient location - the Sand Pit slave colosseum.   First showcased as a demon baby that could fight off animals larger than her, Kalnirith grew within the fighter cages, sharpening both her teeth and skills with her every battle. Challenging grown men by 7, Kalnirith established herself as a regular fan favorite, catching the eye of a renowned pirate captain who promptly bought her freedom upon her colosseum win in exchange for her work upon his ship.   Eager to break free of her chains, Kalnirith took the tedious deck swabbing and cannon loading with stride, seeing the menial work as an opportunity to grow stronger. Through a particular show of loyalty in taking a rain of bullets for the captain, Kalnirith became first mate, but not without some secret displeasure within the crew.   Finally in full command of her destiny, Kalnirith roamed the seas in search of worthy battles to satisfy the call of both bloodthirst and treasure joined as one...   At least, until the mutiny happened.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

As a result of her mixed blood, Kalnirith looms over most at a lofty 6 foot 7. Her training at the Sand Pits during her childhood along with the demanding work as a deckhand on the Abyssal has built her bulk, making Kalnirith a wall of a woman.

Identifying Characteristics

Though in possession of quite the dainty mug, the signs of her cursed blood overpower her angelic visage - two dark brown horns spiraling into a downward curve sprout from her temple, and if catching her in a smile, you'll spot a fine set of pointed teeth. Not to mention, the giant tail behind her.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In contrast to her rather grim history, Kalnirith is quite often in a boisterous mood - always seeking for good conversation or banter around her. Despite the imposing appearance, if one would get in a long enough conversation with her, she could be described as charming, even.

Personality Characteristics


Whether by her heritage or her upbringing within a coliseum, Kalnirith is always on the hunt for a new opponent in which to rip and tear. However, her time on her beloved mentor's ship has shaped the animalistic desire to seek the want for a good challenge with the rewards to show for it.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Alcohols, primarily rum or whiskey
  • Herring Pie
  • The Navy

After a meeting with misfortune at sea, gold-hungry Kalnirith Eirinn wants nothing more than a sack full of treasure and a new ship to command. ------

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Chaotic Neutral
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6 ft. 7 in.

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