

Personal Attack Ship

Category (Corp)
Price: 6,000c
Evasion: 20
Endure: 14
Wounds: 5
Movement Rate: 4
Inertial Movement: 0
Station Register
Pilot: 1
Co-Pilot: 0
Helm: 0
Science: 0
Engineering: 0
Tactical: 0
Gunnery: 0
Population: 1-2
AI: 1 (no specialty)

Bunk 0%, Steerage 50%, Operations 50%, Equipment 0%, Recreation 0%, Cargo 0%
{Harrier Rotary} {MC-16 Missile Pod}
{Puncture Cannon} { }
{ } { }
In combat, most single person attack vessels have been replaced by drones. They need fewer internal components, no life support, are quicker to react and can handle greater G forces. With the right AI they’re arguably a hell of a lot smarter too. But they lack versatility. An attack drone is pretty much just an attack drone, whereas small groups like mercenary teams, smaller corps engaging in light fleet activity, or larger corps that need to get a single person in and out of a spot while also defending them, have some need for a small one-two person attack crafts that can double as personal transports, light cargo vehicles, escape craft, or just ways to get a team to a locale without putting them all inside a single target.
Personal Attack Ships are typically atmospheric flyers in addition to being space fighters, to add to their marketability as versatile ships. They usually pack an impressive weapons payload for their size, but most can’t take on a larger vessel single-handedly.

IRPF Scout and Assist Craft

Corvette (IRPF)
Price: 15,000c
Evasion: 16
Endure: 25
Wounds: 8
Movement Rate: 4
Inertial Movement: 0
Station Register
Pilot: 1
Co-Pilot: 1
Helm: 0
Science: 0
Engineering: 0
Tactical: 1
Gunnery: 1
Population: 1-20
AI: 2 (no specialty)

Bunk 40%, Steerage 0%, Operations 30%, Equipment 0%, Recreation 0%, Cargo 10%
{Puncture Cannon} {MC-16 Missile Pod}
{MC-16 Missile Pod} { }
{ } { }
The SAC is the IRPF’s preferred interception vessel. It’s a corvette class that’s quick, tough, has a strong array of combat abilities, and can host a crew large enough to successfully board most small craft. Their real strength is when they travel in pairs, which is how the IRPF prefers to deploy them. Two fully crewed SACs can raid and control targets many times their size. The only real downside to this setup is that pirates tend to know that a SAC is rarely flying empty. The ship isn’t strong enough to survive a saturated barrage. A sneak attack can rob the IRPF of ten good soldiers and years of investment in training.

IRPF Civilian Crew Craft

Corvette (IRPF)
Price: 7000c
Evasion: 15
Endure: 25
Wounds: 9
Movement Rate: 4
Inertial Movement: 0
Station Register
Pilot: 1
Co-Pilot: 1
Helm: 0
Science: 0
Engineering: 1
Tactical: 0
Gunnery: 0
Population: 1-23
AI: 2 (no specialty)

Bunk 30%, Steerage 15%, Operations 20%, Equipment 0%, Recreation 20%, Cargo 15%
{Pulse Driver} { }
{ } { }
{ } { }
MarsCo didn’t exactly "give up" the corvette class civilian market, but they certainly left room at the head of the table. It’s anyone’s guess as to why. Maybe they figured the frigate class was a more lucrative area, or maybe they wanted someone else to shoulder the burden of keeping so many small ships spaceworthy. For whatever reason, MarsCo never produced a bestseller in this class that wasn’t intended for combat, and the most popular civilian corvette ship in SOL is an IRPF vett called the CCC. Also known as the Astral Minivan. It seats 12 comfortably, plus cargo, has a nice sound system, a place to lie down for long flights, and performs admirably in a race.
It doesn’t -win-, mind you. But you can tell it tried.

Redtail Dropship

Corvette (MarsCo)
Price: 18,000c
Evasion: 14
Endure: 30
Wounds: 9
Movement Rate: 4
Inertial Movement: 0
Station Register
Pilot: 1
Co-Pilot: 1
Helm: 0
Science: 0
Engineering: 1
Tactical: 1
Gunnery: 1
Population: 1-42
AI: 1 (no specialty)

Bunk 5%, Steerage 80%, Operations 5%, Equipment 10%, Recreation 0%, Cargo 0%
{Hornet Micromissile} {Harrier Rotary}
{Hornet Micromissile} {Harrier Rotary}
{ } { }
The Redtail is favored by independent hotdrop groups that want a ship strong enough to get in and out of a dangerous situation quickly and in one piece. Its design was too complicated and technical to implement as a large scale military dropship, but in the hands of private operators it can fill a large variety of roles and is capable of punching above its weight class with the right upgrades.


Corvette (MarsCo)
Price: 21000c
Evasion: 13
Endure: 35
Wounds: 10
Movement Rate: 3
Inertial Movement: 1
Station Register
Pilot: 1
Co-Pilot: 1
Helm: 0
Science: 0
Engineering: 0
Tactical: 0
Gunnery: 2
Population: 1-28
AI: 1 (no specialty)

Bunk 15%, Steerage 45%, Operations 15%, Equipment 10%, Recreation 0%, Cargo 15%
{Puncture Cannon} {Puncture Cannon}
{MC-H22 Missile} { }
{ } { }
The Thunderer is often referred to as a Corvette Frigate (or a friggen big corvette). It’s among the most heavily armored ships in its class and packs more hull to boot, so it sticks in a fight longer too. However, its standard MarsCo XA series drive doesn’t normally push a vessel with this much extra weight around, so it’s a sluggish maneuverer and performs best when escorting slower ships.

ASR Saucer

Corvette (ASR)
Price: 20000c
Evasion: 17
Endure: 25
Wounds: 8
Movement Rate: 4
Inertial Movement: 0
Station Register
Pilot: 1
Co-Pilot: 0
Helm: 1
Science: 1
Engineering: 1
Tactical: 0
Gunnery: 0
Population: 1-15
AI: 3 (no specialty)

Bunk 30%, Steerage 0%, Operations 40%, Equipment 20%, Recreation 10%, Cargo 0%
{ASR Prism DA} {Pulse Driver}
{ } { }
{ } { }
The Saucer is the ship everyone wants to own and no one wants to buy. ASR’s small science platform is a sensory wonder capable of full planet scans, recordings, and analysis. But it’s not a great fighter, so in hostile territory it needs a larger ship to escort it anyway. ASR is wary of selling Saucers to independent groups that don’t have a research history or a larger fleet to pair with it. Often as not, it gets used as a spy vehicle.

ASR Dreamer

Corvette (ASR)
Price: 11000c
Evasion: 18
Endure: 20
Wounds: 7
Movement Rate: 5
Inertial Movement: 0
Station Register
Pilot: 1
Co-Pilot: 1
Helm: 0
Science: 0
Engineering: 0
Tactical: 0
Gunnery: 0
Population: 1-15
AI: 3 (no specialty)

Bunk 30%, Steerage 0%, Operations 10%, Equipment 0%, Recreation 55%, Cargo 5%
{CQB Submuition Railgun} { }
{ } { }
{ } { }
The Dreamer is ASR’s best selling personal spacecraft, almost exclusively to people who make far more money than they’ll ever need. It’s a pleasure craft through and through: fast as a lick, ultra maneuverable, luxurious, feature-filled, and ultimately: more form than function. The Dreamer’s supercharged engine allows it to mount a modest mass-driver cannon usually reserved for frigate-sized vessels that packs a considerable punch, but ultimately this ship was never meant to get into fights. The gun is to deter attackers long enough for the dreamer to get away clean.

Pulse Jackknife

Corvette (Pulse)
Price: 30000c
Evasion: 17
Endure: 18
Wounds: 7
Movement Rate: 5
Inertial Movement: 0
Station Register
Pilot: 1
Co-Pilot: 1
Helm: 0
Science: 0
Engineering: 0
Tactical: 1
Gunnery: 0
Population: 1-25
AI: 1 (no specialty)

Bunk 20%, Steerage 30%, Operations 30%, Equipment 10%, Recreation 10%, Cargo 0%
{Pulse Driver} {Pulse Driver}
{Pulse Driver} {Small Omni}
{ } { }
Pulse’s Jackknife is a terror of the corvette class. Quick, maneuverable, and lethal in close quarters, the Jackknife is primarily an anti-vehicle, anti smallship tool. They can keep up with even personal fightercraft and outgun them two to one. God help them if a larger ship shows up though; they’re armored with honor and bold intentions.

Pulse Horizon

Corvette (Pulse)
Price: 10000c
Evasion: 18
Endure: 19
Wounds: 7
Movement Rate: 5
Inertial Movement: 0
Station Register
Pilot: 1
Co-Pilot: 1
Helm: 0
Science: 0
Engineering: 0
Tactical: 0
Gunnery: 0
Population: 1-15
AI: 1 (Gunnery I)

Bunk 30%, Steerage 0%, Operations 10%, Equipment 0%, Recreation 55%, Cargo 5%
{Harrier Rotary} {Harrier Rotary}
{ } { }
{ } { }
Pulse wasn’t about to let a pleasureship like the Dreamer go unanswered. Horizon is a nearly identical vessel from a technical standpoint, save for a higher atmospheric topspeed and better turning radius (and a worse AI). Horizon has a certain appeal to a bad type of client, though. The ship’s personal armament is short ranged and aggressive, designed to make it too prickly to get close to. This has the unfortunate side effect of making it a rather powerful anti-personnel attacker, with the speed to flee the scene of the crime.


Corvette (IML)
Price: 6000c
Evasion: 16
Endure: 25
Wounds: 9
Movement Rate: 4
Inertial Movement: 0
Station Register
Pilot: 1
Co-Pilot: 1
Helm: 0
Science: 0
Engineering: 0
Tactical: 0
Gunnery: 0
Population: 1-20
AI: 1 (no specialty)

Bunk 0%, Steerage 45%, Operations 0%, Equipment 5%, Recreation 0%, Cargo 50%
{Harrier Rotary} {MC-16 Missile Pod}
{Puncture Cannon} { }
{ } { }

Cornerstone Core

Frigate (MarsCo)
Price: 30000c
Evasion: 12
Endure: 38
Wounds: 20
Movement Rate: 4
Inertial Movement: 1
Station Register
Pilot: 1
Co-Pilot: 1
Helm: 1
Science: 0
Engineering: 0
Tactical: 0
Gunnery: 0
Upgrade Packages: When purchased you can add one of the following packages for 3,500c.
Tactical Package: add one Tactical and two Gunnery stations to the ship.
Science Package: Add one Engineering and two Science stations to the ship.
AI Upgrade: Add the Scanning and Telemetry and Remote Repair abilities to the Ship’s AI and upgrade its Assist score to 3.
Population: 2-80
AI: 2 (Engineering I)

Bunk 20%, Steerage 20%, Operations 20%, Equipment 10%, Recreation 10%, Cargo 20%
{Networked Flak Cannon} {Networked Flak Cannon}
{MCX-5 Guided Torpedo} { }
{ } { }
The Cornerstone is MarsCo’s most ubiquitous chassis, and a favorite among corps looking to grow over time. It’s not terribly fast and not terribly strong, but it’s durable, it has stations for nearly everything, and most importantly: it’s modular. Cornerstone Cores can be armored, streamlined, coupled together, and otherwise merged to form some of the most formidable large ships in Sol. For teams looking to work toward very large vessels it’s an appealing way to carry an investment forward. Plus you can get the things repaired just about anywhere.


Frigate (MarsCo)
Price: 20000c
Evasion: 12
Endure: 34
Wounds: 16
Movement Rate: 4
Inertial Movement: 1
Station Register
Pilot: 1
Co-Pilot: 1
Helm: 1
Science: 0
Engineering: 0
Tactical: 0
Gunnery: 1
Population: 2-100
AI: 2 (Engineering I)

Bunk 30%, Steerage 20%, Operations 10%, Equipment 0%, Recreation 30%, Cargo 10%
{Omni Medium} {Omni Medium}
{ } { }
{ } { }
MarsCo’s Starcan probably has a more elegant name somewhere in its literature, but no one uses it. The chassis has been used and reused for generations and corners the civilian frigate market. Reasonably quick, reasonably durable, reasonably offensive when properly crewed, and much more comfortable during long journeys than a corvette, StarCans make the Mars-Venus loop by the thousands. No one wants to pilot one of these into a full scale fight, but they’re tough enough to roll from world to world without fearing for one’s life provided you haven’t pissed off anyone with more money than you.

Aurora Class Singlecore

Frigate (ASR)
Price: 38000c
Evasion: 14
Endure: 30
Wounds: 16
Movement Rate: 4
Inertial Movement: 1
Station Register
Pilot: 1
Co-Pilot: 0
Helm: 1
Science: 2
Engineering: 0
Tactical: 1
Gunnery: 0
Population: 2-70
AI: 4 (Engineering I, Engineering II, Gunnery I)

Bunk 20%, Steerage 15%, Operations 30%, Equipment 15%, Recreation 10%, Cargo 10%
{CQB Submuition Railgun} {MCX-5 Guided Torpedo}
{MCX-5 Guided Torpedo} { }
{ } { }
The Aurora class is ASR’s most visible corp-specific design. A light and agile frigate, Auroras are swift in the air and in space, and their powerful Aurora Reactors can power formidable mass drivers. Its real strength is its AI, however, which outshines just about any other unit in its class.

Aurora Class Dualcore

Frigate (ASR)
Price: 38000c
Evasion: 14
Endure: 30
Wounds: 16
Movement Rate: 5
Inertial Movement: 1
Station Register
Pilot: 1
Co-Pilot: 0
Helm: 1
Science: 1
Engineering: 1
Tactical: 1
Gunnery: 1
Population: 2-70
AI: 4 (Engineering II, Gunnery I)

Bunk 20%, Steerage 15%, Operations 30%, Equipment 15%, Recreation 10%, Cargo 10%
{ASR mk3 Laser Emmiter} {ASR mk3 Laser Emmiter}
{ASR Prism DA} { }
{ } { }
The Aurora Dualcore is the current market dominator in the Frigate class. ASR’s drive technology is compact enough to pack twice the power it needs into a chassis of this size, resulting in amazing speed and destroyer-level armament. With two cores, the Aurora dual can mount ASR’s offensive laser weapons, making this the smallest beamboat in the sky and a terror to everything the same size or smaller. Unique laser-reflective torpedos were engineered purely to deal with Aurora dualcore frigates. Overwhelming them with incoming missiles is also a good method. Just don’t get in close. The spacelanes are littered with the sundered hulls of ships whose pilots thought they were ace enough to outrun a laser.


Frigate (Pulse)
Price: 35000c
Evasion: 14
Endure: 38
Wounds: 18
Movement Rate: 4
Inertial Movement: 1
Station Register
Pilot: 1
Co-Pilot: 1
Helm: 0
Science: 1
Engineering: 2
Tactical: 1
Gunnery: 0
This ship can apply any actions taken with its Engineering, Science, or Tactical Console to any friendly ship inside of 20 hexes. It does not also benefit from the action itself if it does so. Population: 2-70
AI: 2 (no specialty)

Bunk 20%, Steerage 15%, Operations 30%, Equipment 15%, Recreation 10%, Cargo 10%
{PDG Array} {Pulse Driver}
{Pulse Driver} { }
{ } { }
Pulse carries little in the Frigate class, primarily because their capital-class ships boast frigate-like speed. Pulse’s Enabler is a uniquely utilitarian ship for a company known for being straightforward and aggressive. It’s quick and durable but primarily exists to level the playing field against opponents with technology that might prove advantageous against its allies. It can achieve target locks for other ships, scramble enemy signals, and overcome countermeasures.

IRPF Ubiquitous Support Craft

Frigate (IRPF)
Price: 35000c
Evasion: 13
Endure: 34
Wounds: 20
Movement Rate: 3
Inertial Movement: 0
Station Register
Pilot: 1
Co-Pilot: 1
Helm: 0
Science: 1
Engineering: 1
Tactical: 1
Gunnery: 1
Population: 2-70
AI: 2 (no specialty)

Bunk 20%, Steerage 15%, Operations 30%, Equipment 20%, Recreation 5%, Cargo 10%
{Networked Flak Cannon } {MC-H22 Missile System}
{Puncture Cannon} { }
{ } { }
Anyone whose flown through inner SOL has seen a USC before. Next to the Enforcer, it’s the IRPF’s bread and butter. USCs are very well built ships, capable of filling just about any role they’re called on to fill. While considerable combatants on their own, USC fleet wings usually include one USC and two escort SACs, and the three together, plus the USC’s drones, are more than anything sub-carrier really wants to solo. The USC’s only real flaw is its speed, which, much like its larger cousin the Enforcer, is slow for its class. The IRPF counts on numbers to respond quickly to problems, more than trusting a hard burn to get them to a critical area in the vastness of space.


Frigate (Progenitus)
Price: 40000c
Evasion: 10
Endure: 44
Wounds: 25
Movement Rate: 3
Inertial Movement: 1
Station Register
Pilot: 1
Co-Pilot: 0
Helm: 1
Science: 0
Engineering: 1
Tactical: 0
Gunnery: 0
Population: 2-180
AI: 2 (no specialty)

Bunk 20%, Steerage 70%, Operations 10%, Equipment 0%, Recreation 0%, Cargo 0%
{PDG Array} { }
{ } { }
{ } { }
The Progenitus Salvation frigate is easily the most heavily armored ship in its class, boasting destroyer-level plating and multiple layers of ablative hull that let it hang in a fight longer than a ship its size has any right to. As an evacuation vessel it maintains an impressive topspeed too (but it turns like a planet). Salvations rely on Seraphim escort drones for nearly all of their offensive ability, however. The ship is designed to sit directly in the line of fire while collecting evacuees, take a pounding, and leave in-tact, hopefully toward a better armed ally ship. It’s not equipped to fight back.


Frigate (Spyglass)
Price: 38000c
Evasion: 16
Endure: 28
Wounds: 16
Movement Rate: 3
Inertial Movement: 0
Station Register
Pilot: 1
Co-Pilot: 1
Helm: 0
Science: 1
Engineering: 0
Tactical: 1
Gunnery: 1
Scramblenet: This ship counts Evasion Bonuses provided by cover and range as 1 higher. Population: 3-80
AI: 2 (no specialty)

Bunk 20%, Steerage 20%, Operations 30%, Equipment 20%, Recreation 10%, Cargo 0%
{Steelhead LAR} {Steelhead LAR}
{Spyglass Stealth Torpedo} { }
{ } { }
Spyglass does a lot of its best shipbuilding at the frigate level, which gives them enough room to integrate advanced countermeasures into their ship signatures that make them read as smaller vessels or not at all, as well as scramble incoming targeting. The Halfmoon is a frightening adversary, not so much because it is well armed or armored, but because it will almost always get the first shot and is damned difficult to fire back at. It is an excellent boarding vessel, as most spyglass ships are. The corp rarely attacks something just to blow it up, they usually want whatever’s on board.


Frigate (Spyglass)
Price: 34000c
Evasion: 18
Endure: 26
Wounds: 15
Movement Rate: 3
Inertial Movement: 0
Station Register
Pilot: 1
Co-Pilot: 1
Helm: 0
Science: 1
Engineering: 2
Tactical: 0
Gunnery: 0
Population: 3-80
AI: 2 (no specialty)

Bunk 30%, Steerage 10%, Operations 20%, Equipment 20%, Recreation 10%, Cargo 10%
{Puncture Cannon} { }
{ } { }
{ } { }
If the Halfmoon is a boarding and agressing vessel, the Intercessor is an evasive spy. Its job, primarily, is to be where people think it isn’t and listen, then leave to report. Nearly all of its abilities are based on avoiding detection or fleeing a fight rather than engaging, and it’s ultimately not a particularly powerful attacker. However, IRPF doctrine still has the Intercessor listed as a ship that should be reported rather than engaged if encountered alone on patrol. While it may not sport devastating weaponry, it’s damned hard to hit with anything but a dumb-fire gun. In a one on one fight its evasiveness makes it dangerously resilient.


Frigate (TTI)
Price: 40000c
Evasion: 15
Endure: 33
Wounds: 18
Movement Rate: 3
Inertial Movement: 0
Station Register
Pilot: 1
Co-Pilot: 0
Helm: 0
Science: 0
Engineering: 0
Tactical: 1
Gunnery: 2
Living Ship
All terrain: This ship can walk or run at half its atmospheric speed and can move as a living creature its size would. Population: 1-40
Psyche: 2 (no specialty)

Bunk 10%, Steerage 10%, Operations 20%, Equipment 55%, Recreation 5%, Cargo 0%
{CQB Submuition Railgun} {Bioship Claws}
{Omni Small} {Omni Small}
{ } { }
The Sunclaw is the smallest of TTI’s officially produced living ships, and is rarely seen outside of a heavy combat zone. They’re fast, mean, and difficult to track, but they seem ill-suited for non-aggressive jobs. Their crew capacity is very small for a ship its size, and its cargo area is likewise unimpressive. It is, however, uniquely destructive and difficult to pin down. While TTI claims none of their bioships are built expressly for combat, the Sunclaw is among the most difficult to believe. Officially, it’s a training vessel for bioship pilots learning the ropes. Unofficially, it’s a dragon. The Sunclaw shares the Dracones’s atmosphere-friendly design, making it a capable ground vehicle as well and a terror in urban cover.

Cornerstone Tandem Destroyer

Dreadnaught (MarsCo)
Price: 70000c
Evasion: 8
Endure: 55
Wounds: 38
Movement Rate: 2
Inertial Movement: 1
Station Register
Pilot: 1
Co-Pilot: 1
Helm: 2
Science: 0
Engineering: 2
Tactical: 2
Gunnery: 3
Destroyer chassis: This ship must suffer three wounds in a turn before it rolls on the ship damage table.
Modular: This is a chassis and propulsion system designed to fit over two Cornerstone Cores. The cost here includes both cores. Reduce the retail price by any Cornerstone Cores you already have, up to two. The Cores can be separated at a shipyard to run independently but this ship cannot operate without both. Population: 4-200
AI: 3 (Science III)

Bunk 20%, Steerage 20%, Operations 20%, Equipment 10%, Recreation 10%, Cargo 20%
{Flak Cannon} {Flak Cannon}
{Omni Medium} { }
{ } { }
The Tandem Heavy is the quintessential example of MarsCo modular design: take two Cornerstone frigates and slap a new drive and weapons system between them, clad the whole thing in absurdly thick plate and send it off into space. It’s ugly, it’s enormous, it’s arguably inefficient, but it’s cheap (for a destroyer) and absurdly strong. By dedicating the paired Cornerstone’s power purely to weapons systems the Tandem is able to mount multiple mass drivers, and its manufacturing zone can outfit multiple missile and torpedo launchers.

Cornerstone 1-3-1

Dreadnaught (MarsCo)
Price: 40000c
Evasion: 13
Endure: 40
Wounds: 33
Movement Rate: 3
Inertial Movement: 2
Station Register
Pilot: 1
Co-Pilot: 0
Helm: 2
Science: 1
Engineering: 1
Tactical: 1
Gunnery: 1
Modular: This is a chassis and propulsion system designed to fit over a Cornerstone Core. The cost here includes that core. Reduce the retail price by a Cornerstone Core if you already have one. The Core can be separated at a shipyard to run independently but this ship cannot operate without it. Population: 6-300
AI: 3 (Science III)

Bunk 20%, Steerage 20%, Operations 20%, Equipment 10%, Recreation 10%, Cargo 20%
{Networked Flak Cannon} {MBC Centerline Railgun}
{Omni Large} {Omni Medium}
{Omni Medium} { }
The 1-3-1 is the most common transport ship chassis for major interplanetary travel lines in Sol. When outfitted for battle, 1-3-1’s are quick and relatively evasive for their size, mostly due to their minimal target aspect while advancing head-on. However they have very little armor by comparison to other ships in the Destroyer size category. While not designed to be a drone carrier, the enormous cargo space in the 1-3-1 makes it capable of hosting a number of drones akin to a genuine carrier, just in a much lighter, more vulnerable package.


Dreadnaught (ASR)
Price: 70000c
Evasion: 10
Endure: 50
Wounds: 35
Movement Rate: 3
Inertial Movement: 1
Station Register
Pilot: 1
Co-Pilot: 1
Helm: 2
Science: 2
Engineering: 2
Tactical: 2
Gunnery: 1
Destroyer chassis: This ship must suffer three wounds in a turn before it rolls on the ship damage table. Population: 6-250
AI: 4 (Science III)

Bunk 20%, Steerage 30%, Operations 10%, Equipment 40%, Recreation 0%, Cargo 0%
{ASR mk3 Laser Emmiter} {ASR mk3 Laser Emmiter}
{ASR Prism DA} { }
{ } { }
The triumph chassis is most often encountered in cruiseship form. It’s one of the most comfortable resort transports available for long hauls between Jupiter and the inner worlds, and many offer full time residences for people who need to regularly make the trek. Even while outfitted for transport the ship is a powerful fighter, boasting most of the same laser technology the aurora dualcore has. Swapping out the transport interior for dronebays makes it a good midrange carrier as well, though its overall cost vs resilience makes that a risky role to play.

Triumph Heavy

Dreadnaught (ASR)
Price: 83000c
Evasion: 10
Endure: 55
Wounds: 38
Movement Rate: 2
Inertial Movement: 2
Station Register
Pilot: 1
Co-Pilot: 1
Helm: 2
Science: 2
Engineering: 2
Tactical: 2
Gunnery: 1
Destroyer chassis: This ship must suffer three wounds in a turn before it rolls on the ship damage table. Population: 2-150
AI: 4 (Science III)

Bunk 20%, Steerage 30%, Operations 10%, Equipment 40%, Recreation 0%, Cargo 0%
{ASR mk3 Laser Emmiter} {ASR mk3 Laser Emmiter}
{MCX-5 Guided Torpedo} {MCX-5 Guided Torpedo}
{ } { }
ASR’s true combat destroyer is the Triumph Heavy, a variant of the triumph chassis that sacrifices all of its transport capacity for armor and offensive power. The triumph Heavy loses ASR’s usual maneuverability and is a slow, bulky creature, but it’s powersource is capable of continuous beam cycling. Coupled with multiple torpedo tubes, the triumph heavy is a devastating long to mid range bombardment craft.


Destroyer (Pulse)
Price: 65000c
Evasion: 15
Endure: 45
Wounds: 36
Movement Rate: 4
Inertial Movement: 1
Station Register
Pilot: 1
Co-Pilot: 1
Helm: 2
Science: 1
Engineering: 2
Tactical: 2
Gunnery: 2
Destroyer chassis: This ship must suffer three wounds in a turn before it rolls on the ship damage table. Population: 2-150
AI: 3 (Science III)

Bunk 20%, Steerage 20%, Operations 20%, Equipment 10%, Recreation 10%, Cargo 20%
{Saturation Missile Pod} {Saturation Missile Pod}
{Starcutter Cannon} {Starcutter Cannon}
{Omni Medium} { }
The Starcutter is the fastest ship in the Destroyer class, filling an interceptor roll with a vessel larger and better armed than most ships tasked to do the same. Starcutters are traditionally missileboats, cruising in quickly and unleashing a hail of devastating explosives. They also mount Starcutter cannons, a weapon built specifically for this classification of ship and one of the few traditional projectile weapons to be employed at the destroyer level. Between the two, the Starcutter is better equipped than most destroyers to take on groups of smaller, lighter craft.


Destroyer (Pulse)
Price: 70000c
Evasion: 14
Endure: 45
Wounds: 36
Movement Rate: 3
Inertial Movement: 0
Station Register
Pilot: 1
Co-Pilot: 1
Helm: 2
Science: 1
Engineering: 2
Tactical: 2
Gunnery: 2
Relay accelerators: Any friendly vessel with a Railgun can use this vessel to extend thier attack range. Relay Accelerators work once per turn. When the vessel attacks, roll to hit as normal but use this vessel as the point of origen for the attack (this vessel must be in range of the firing vessel's railgun). Each time a railgun projectile travels through a relay accelerator, reduce its final accuracy by 1. This can take it into the negatives.
Magnetic Shielding: If an enemy Railgun weapon would attack this ship or aother ship within five hexes, reduce its accuracy by 1 to a minimum of 0. Population: 2-150
AI: 3 (no specialty)

Bunk 20%, Steerage 20%, Operations 20%, Equipment 10%, Recreation 10%, Cargo 20%
{MBC Centerline Railgun} {MBC Centerline Railgun}
{PDG Array} {Omni Large}
{ } { }
The Premier is aptly named. Pulse wanted to assemble a ship that showed off the best it had to offer, and the Premier doesn’t disappoint. It’s faster and more maneuverable than most ships in its class, sports mass drivers that can fire in sequence to avoid downtime during recharge, and packs multiple boarding pods and an impressive marine contingent. But it’s the Premier’s ability to quickly turn and focus its fore weapons that really contribute to its power in battle, as well as its ability to chain mass driver systems. Multiple premiers have the ability to serve as barrel extensions for one another, allowing them to accelerate their rail projectiles to obscene speeds, as well as to disrupt incoming rail-driven shots. Its only failing is that its multiple long barrel accelerators and sophisticated technology makes it more vulnerable to damage than a standard destroyer, putting it in Sol’s sparsely populated Cruiser class.


Destroyer (Progenitus)
Price: 80000c
Evasion: 8
Endure: 55
Wounds: 40
Movement Rate: 2
Inertial Movement: 2
Station Register
Pilot: 1
Co-Pilot: 1
Helm: 2
Science: 0
Engineering: 2
Tactical: 2
Gunnery: 3
Destroyer chassis: This ship must suffer three wounds in a turn before it rolls on the ship damage table. Population: 5-325
AI: 3 (Science III)

Bunk 20%, Steerage 20%, Operations 20%, Equipment 10%, Recreation 10%, Cargo 20%
{PDG Array} {MBC Centerline Railgun}
{LTP Flank Artillery} {Omni Medium}
{ } { }
The Progenitus Palanquin is one of the most heavily armored destroyers in Sol, boasting ablative hull plates usually reserved for carriers. While classified as a Destroyer due to its size and armor, it sacrifices the speed and power of its class for additional transport room. Palanquins are almost always troop transports or evacuation ships, and can accommodate more than double the personnel most ships in their class can carry.

IRPF Enforcer

Destroyer (IRPF)
Price: 43000c
Evasion: 12
Endure: 45
Wounds: 30
Movement Rate: 2
Inertial Movement: 1
Station Register
Pilot: 1
Co-Pilot: 1
Helm: 1
Science: 1
Engineering: 1
Tactical: 1
Gunnery: 1
Population: 4-175
AI: 2 (Science III)

Bunk 20%, Steerage 20%, Operations 20%, Equipment 10%, Recreation 10%, Cargo 20%
{CQB Submunition Railgun} {MC-H22 Missile System}
{Omni Small} {Omni Small}
{ } { }
The Enforcer is the IRPF’s bite to back up its bark. It’s a solid unit: dependable, efficient, well armed and armored. Granted, it underperforms nearly every other Destroyer specialist craft in their areas of expertise. It’s not fast enough to keep up with Pulse, not strong enough to take it like Progenitus, and isn’t kicking out damage at nearly the same rate as some of the other dedicated gunboats. But the deficiency isn’t by a tremendous amount, and its singular advantage more than makes up for it: it’s cheap to make and can be produced without a specialist shipyard. Meaning it can be made anywhere, from any corp’s yard, at half the cost of a specialty ship. Two Enforcers are more than a match for another Destroyer, and the IRPF builds more large craft more often than anyone else due to how much territory they need to cover, so their numbers rarely stop at 2-1. The IRPF designed their sky presence to capitalize on quantity.

IRPF Swift and Heavy Responder

Destroyer (IRPF)
Price: 60000c
Evasion: 13
Endure: 45
Wounds: 30
Movement Rate: 2
Inertial Movement: 1
Station Register
Pilot: 1
Co-Pilot: 1
Helm: 1
Science: 1
Engineering: 1
Tactical: 1
Gunnery: 1
Population: 5-250
AI: 2 (Science III)

Bunk 20%, Steerage 20%, Operations 20%, Equipment 10%, Recreation 10%, Cargo 20%
{Steelhead Antiship LAR} {Steelhead Antiship LAR }
{ } { }
{ } { }
The cruiser class has a limited population in Sol; not many corps have a genuine need for a large attack vessel that can race at frigate speeds. But the IRPF has a few, most commonly when someone they’re under contract to protect has been locked down in an area outside the IRPF’s contracted patrol zones. The SHR was developed to get a forward command center to a battlezone while the rest of the fleet was still on the way. In recent days, however, this ship’s role is being reconsidered. Lumen’s arrival on the scene has turned the idea of a "fast warship" on its head. It is the opinion of most admirals that the Cruiser role will ultimately be phased out in short order, replaced by heavier ships augmented with Lumen drives that could outrun any conventional engine anyway. SHR have been retasked to officer task ships in the meantime, cutting their crew and upgrading their innards to allow for specific transport of high ranking teams for important ops or events. It’s a bit of a luxury warship now, but it’s a solid performer and they’re cheap to find used since most of them are being mothballed anyway.


Destroyer (Spyglass)
Price: 70000c
Evasion: 12
Endure: 46
Wounds: 36
Movement Rate: 2
Inertial Movement: 2
Station Register
Pilot: 1
Co-Pilot: 1
Helm: 1
Science: 1
Engineering: 1
Tactical: 1
Gunnery: 1
Scramblenet: This ship counts Evasion Bonuses provided by cover as 1 higher.
Trapdoor cloak: This ship upgrades its cover value by one: in no cover it is obscured, in partial cover it is half covered, and in half cover it is fully covered. When this ship is fully covered it is effectivly invisible. Population: 5-200
AI: 2 (no specialty)

Bunk 20%, Steerage 20%, Operations 20%, Equipment 10%, Recreation 10%, Cargo 20%
{Spyglass Stealth Torp System} {Spyglass Stealth Torp System}
{MBC Centerline Railgun} { }
{ } { }
The Predator stealth destroyer was so good at staying hidden that for the longest time Sol didn’t even know it existed. It’s one of the only Spyglass ships expressly designed to destroy other ships, and it’s exceptionally good at it. The Predator’s suite of antitracking technology allows it to hang nearly invisible in space until it comes to life, and a proprietary thrust system allows it to cruise without producing tell-tale trails. This makes it an excellent ambusher, and, provided it succeeds in eliminating the witnesses, very good at disappearing after the fact. Few Predators have ever been encountered outside of a planned attack; the ship isn’t deployed as a frontline fighter. It’s a ship of spite, vengeance, or calculated removal.


Destroyer (TTI)
Price: 75000c
Evasion: 14
Endure: 46
Wounds: 37
Movement Rate: 3
Inertial Movement: 0
Station Register
Pilot: 1
Co-Pilot: 0
Helm: 0
Science: 1
Engineering: 1
Tactical: 1
Gunnery: 1
Living Ship Population: 1-150
Psyche: 3 (no specialty)

Bunk 20%, Steerage 20%, Operations 20%, Equipment 10%, Recreation 10%, Cargo 20%
{LTP Flank Artillery} {LTP Flank Artillery}
{Omni Medium} { }
{ } { }
The Moray is the quintessential TTI bioship; the one most commonly featured when the creatures are spoken of on the news or featured in media. It’s relatively common, as these ships go, and features a large crew capacity and most of the generally expected features of a ship in its size. It nearly passes for "normal," except that it undulates as it moves, and it tends to smile at people. A very large, very unnerving smile. Morays armed for combat boast reasonable armament, but nothing that’s really stood out as noteworthy. Its less their attack power and more their unique thrust that makes them frightening opponents. Morays can turn on a dime, flipping and shifting directions in space pulling G’s that should liquify their crew. Something about their construction keeps the occupants safe. Like all bioships, they’re also annoyingly tenacious. Being able to regenerate between encounters lets them hit and run without accumulating as much lasting damage as a traditional ship.


Destroyer (TTI)
Price: 85000c
Evasion: 14
Endure: 46
Wounds: 40
Movement Rate: 3
Inertial Movement: 0
Station Register
Pilot: 1
Co-Pilot: 0
Helm: 0
Science: 1
Engineering: 1
Tactical: 1
Gunnery: 2
Living Ship
All terrain: This ship can walk or run at half its atmospheric speed and can move as a living creature its size would. Population: 1-150
AI: 5 (no specialty)

Bunk 20%, Steerage 20%, Operations 20%, Equipment 10%, Recreation 10%, Cargo 20%
{Bioship Claws} {Mawcannon}
{MCX-5 Guided Torp Sys} {Starcutter Cannons}
{ } { }
The Dracones earned its place in the history books by being the only destroyer in Vector naval history to single handedly wreck an entire fleet, including two ships of superior size and firepower and fully six that would be considered by most metrics to be its equal, and wipe out a landing force as well. But it wasn’t some new weapon or amazing armor that made the victory possible; it was an ability that, up till then, no one had really considered the power of in tactical application: the ability to maneuver while landing. The Dracones is the only Destroyer-sized ship in Sol that can not only maneuver adeptly in atmosphere, but can twist, turn, land, launch, and otherwise -move- in ways beyond predictable lines. In the event in question, the Dracones used an entire city for cover, approached on foot, and leapt up from below the cloud layer to snatch the landing fleet out of the sky. It may have been thanks to the benefit of surprise, but the ship still has a dread reputation.


Carrier (MarsCo)
Price: 30000c
Evasion: 13
Endure: 40
Wounds: 40

Movement Rate: 3
Inertial Movement: 2
Station Register
Pilot: 1
Co-Pilot: 1
Helm: 2
Science: 3
Engineering: 3
Tactical: 3
Gunnery: 3
Modular: This is a chassis and propulsion system designed to fit over four Cornerstone Cores. The Cores can be separated at a shipyard to run independently but this ship cannot operate without at least two. If the ship has more than two cores, add the weaponry of the additional cores to this ship’s weapons. Population: 6-300
AI: 3 (no specialty)

Bunk 20%, Steerage 70%, Operations 10%, Equipment 0%, Recreation 0%, Cargo 0%
{Networked Flak Cannon} {Networked Flak Cannon}
{Hiver Drone Bay} {Hiver Drone Bay}
{ } { }
The Cornerstone Hiver is pretty much the largest construction a Cornerstone ship can be before it stops being worth including its modular component, and even here it’s of questionable use from a functional standpoint. But for those industries starting from Cornerstones and moving into heavy drone operations like mining, this system has proven very useful. Cornerstone Hivers emphasize big engines and a lot of cargospace and make very good operation platforms for belt mining and gasmining. They can carry a respectable drone count for combat, but since this was primarily intended to be an upgrade for civilian Cornerstones, the ship itself isn’t particularly well-suited for engagements against anything close to its own size. It’s a well defended platform against smaller hit-andrun vessels, making it ideal for fending off pirates and small raids.

Broadwing Carrier

Carrier (ASR)
Price: 180000c
Evasion: 12
Endure: 40
Wounds: 40
Movement Rate: 3
Inertial Movement: 3
Station Register
Pilot: 1
Co-Pilot: 1
Helm: 1
Science: 4
Engineering: 3
Tactical: 3
Gunnery: 2
Population: 1-250
AI: 4 (no specialty)

Bunk 20%, Steerage 20%, Operations 20%, Equipment 10%, Recreation 10%, Cargo 20%
{Broadwing Beam Battery} {Broadwing Beam Battery}
{Broadwing Beam Battery} {Broadwing Beam Battery}
{Broadwave Cannon} { }
ASR’s Broadwing emphasizes the "flagship" nature of the carrier category. It is absolutely a showpiece, sailing through space with elegance and grace while unleashing pinpoint strikes with some of the most advanced beam systems in Sol. Broadwings carry ASR’s Broadwing beam batteries, powerful short-range lasers that deliver punishing penetration, but thier claim to fame is the Broadwave cannon: a foremounted partical weapon with unparrelled range and power. Firing it leaves the ship extreamly vulnerable however.

Farlite Carrier

Carrier (Pulse)
Price: 80000c
Evasion: 10
Endure: 40
Wounds: 40

Movement Rate: 2
Inertial Movement: 2
Station Register
Pilot: 1
Co-Pilot: 1
Helm: 1
Science: 1
Engineering: 3
Tactical: 1
Gunnery: 1
Population: 20-1000
AI: 2 (no specialty)

Bunk 50%, Steerage 30%, Operations 20%, Equipment 0%, Recreation 0%, Cargo 0%
{MBC Centerline Railgun} { }
{ } { }
{ } { }
Pulse has little in the carrier and dreadnought category, as it’s not really the company’s MO to need such things. For all their aggression, Pulse has long been about recruiting through appeal rather than force, and the company rarely needs to bring special ships to the front specifically to punch other companies in the face. Even their conflicts with ASR are typically only on the surface, at a rivalry level. On the corporate level the two entities are aware they tend to feed off each other and will do little beyond poke the other occasionally to annoy them. The Farlite is, strictly speaking, a carrier ship, but it’s not really intended for combat. By carrier standards its quite small and poorly armed, but that’s because it has a specific job to do. It carries competitors for several Pulse vehicle-based events, including high-speed racing, Drop, and others. The ship is itself the arena, and can unfold and deploy into stands, event centers, a track, and more. The ship is rated for up to 1000 crew, but unfolded for the show it can accomidate 10x that. This allows Pulse to set up complex events anywhere, making use of unique terrain like asteroids, moons, or, occasionally, the outskirts of a corptown that probably doesn’t want them to be there. Farlite racing is known for being an event that takes place in areas that specifically tell them not to come. It often gets the racers shot at. Which is part of the fun.

IRPF Occupation HQ

Carrier (IRPF)
Price: 250000c
Evasion: 6
Endure: 55
Wounds: 45

Movement Rate: 2
Inertial Movement: 2
Station Register
Pilot: 1
Co-Pilot: 1
Helm: 2
Science: 1
Engineering: 3
Tactical: 2
Gunnery: 2
Mobile City: This ship brings with it a small city's infrastructure, including power, water, and food sufficent to sustain a population of up to 6000 people, or double that with rationing. If loaded with combat-ready troops, each trooper counts as 2 people and most land vechicles count as 5. A common combat deployment consists of 2000 ground troops and anywhere between 200-400 mixed vehical types.
All terrain: This ship can walk or run at half its atmospheric speed and can move as a living creature its size would. Population: 20-6000
AI: 2 (no specialty)

Bunk 50%, Steerage 40%, Operations 10%, Equipment 0%, Recreation 0%, Cargo 0%
{LTP Flank Artillary} {LTP Flank Artillary}
{Puncture Cannon } {Puncture Cannon }
{LZ Clearance Thumper} { }
The OHQ, also referred to as "the boot," is a carrier intended to provide the IRPF with everything it needs to fully pacify an aggressive area. Unlike most carriers of this size, it is carrying actual crew, equipment, ground weapons, and vehicles, rather than drones for space combat. It’s also one of the few that can land, and that is indeed its point. When the Boot comes down, it brings a small army with it. OHQ’s don’t defend themselves terribly well in space, aside from just being very durable machines. They’re typically employed after other ships have cleared the dropzone of hostiles.

Prism Carrier

Carrier (Spyglass)
Price: 100000c
Evasion: 5
Endure: 30
Wounds: 60

Movement Rate: 2
Inertial Movement: 2
Station Register
Pilot: 1
Co-Pilot: 0
Helm: 1
Science: 4
Engineering: 4
Tactical: 2
Gunnery: 2
Population: 30-6000
AI: 3 (no specialty)

Bunk 20%, Steerage 20%, Operations 20%, Equipment 10%, Recreation 10%, Cargo 20%
{Puncture Cannon} {Puncture Cannon}
{Puncture Cannon} {Puncture Cannon}
{ } { }
Spyglass doesn’t really operate in the largescale megacorp warfare scene, though it does have several ships in size categories that qualify. The Prism is a well-known, slow moving personnel transport that works as an operations theatre/ moving city. They possess almost no offensive abilities and are certainly not intended for combat. Prisms defend themselves in a unique way: they are almost certainly homes for extremely important and high-level subterfuge and the information they carry includes multiple corps and all sorts of valuable technology, which makes them very appealing raid targets. But that means you have to board them, which takes you from the vulnerable exterior to the extremely well defended, almost maze-like interior. Sieging a Prism is notoriously difficult; they all have uniquely configured interiors and have absolutely enormous crews to defend them. An enemy could decide instead that the value of the interior information isn’t worth risking letting Spyglass keep whatever they have, and destroy it from the outside instead, but publicly that looks like a very ugly move. Prisms are usually in or around cities. People know them; they know they have very little exterior armament, next to no deployment ability, and very little speed. A full-on attack is a very public massacre of thousands to eliminate information someone *might* have, *maybe*, on the inside of their ship. It’s a bit like bombing an office building, but on the megacorp level.

Kinship Carrier Rigs

Carrier (Progenitus)
Price: 30000c
Evasion: -2
Endure: +5
Wounds: +15
Movement Rate: 0
Inertial Movement: 0
Station Register
Pilot: 0
Co-Pilot: 0
Helm: 0
Science: 0
Engineering: 0
Tactical: 0
Gunnery: 0
Population: +200
AI: 3 (Science III)

Bunk 0%, Steerage 50%, Operations 50%, Equipment 0%, Recreation 0%, Cargo 0%
{Seraphim Nest} {Seraphim Nest}
{Seraphim Nest} { }
{ } { }
The Kinship has a lot in common with the IRPF’s Occupation HQ, and indeed it’s possible the two were intended to work together to some degree. Progenitus is known for meshing its ships with its landscapes, and Kinship rigs are population centers that are attached to large Progenitus craft like the Palanquin which allow it to land with a considerable population onboard and support a much larger number of Progenitus’ coveted Seraphim Drones. This effectively upgrades the Palanquin into a new size category with greater offensive capability, which was appealing to Progenitus because their heavily armored capships are already among the most expensive to produce available and their weapons technology is not so advanced as to justify the creation of an entire drone carrier for how little they’re used.

Colony Hiver Dreadnaught

Dreadnaught (MarsCo)
Price: -
Evasion: 10
Endure: 50
Wounds: 45

Movement Rate: 2
Inertial Movement: 2
Station Register
Pilot: 0
Co-Pilot: 0
Helm: 0
Science: 0
Engineering: 0
Tactical: 0
Gunnery: 0
Dreadnaught: This ship must take 5 wounds in a round before it rolls on the ship damage table.
Drone Link System: The AI of the Colony Hiver can use each of its drone bays simultainiously with this single action. Population: 0
AI: 3 (no specialty)

Bunk 0%, Steerage 20%, Operations 10%, Equipment 60%, Recreation 0%, Cargo 0%
{Hiver Drone Bay} {Hiver Drone Bay}
{Hiver Drone Bay} {Hiver Drone Bay}
{Hiver Drone Bay} {Hiver Drone Bay}
Marsco’s primary foray into the Dreadnaught category is the Colony Hiver, and it echoes the MarsCo design philosophy to a T. It is, quite simply, overwhelming. The Colony Hiver carries more attack drones than any other ship in Sol, and in a wider variety of sizes. It is capable of manufacturing replacements as they’re destroyed, carries an absurd amount of ammunition, and is wrapped in redundancy. It can sustain considerable damage as it closes range to an enemy and sit there soaking it as its swarm goes to work, making it a fleet-killer all by itself. The only downside of this design is that it typically needs heavy repair between conflicts before it can really be used again. But MarsCo does not idly engage this monster. It tends not to mind having to spend a few spare coins patching it up after a fight.

Gestalt Dreadnaught Squadron

Dreadnaught (ASR)
Price: 30000c
Evasion: 20
Endure: 20
Wounds: 20
Movement Rate: 4
Inertial Movement: 1
Station Register
Pilot: 0
Co-Pilot: 0
Helm: 0
Science: 0
Engineering: 0
Tactical: 0
Gunnery: 0
Dreadnaught: This ship must take 5 wounds in a round before it rolls on the ship damage table. Population: 0
AI: 5 (no specialty)

Bunk 20%, Steerage 0%, Operations 10%, Equipment 60%, Recreation 0%, Cargo 0%
{ASR mk3 Massive Laser} { }
{ } { }
{ } { }
The Gestalt is a beautiful lance in the stars that serves as a symbol of ASR’s laser-like precision and technical prowess. With no crew and a very tight construction it can flip and twirl like a fighterjet despite being larger than a Frigate, while pounding a target in unrelenting firepower. Gestalts are smaller and weaker than many other dreadnaughts, but their power-per-pound is amazing and their AI’s are capable of coordinating very well. Fighting a Gestalt squadren is like fighting a team of elite fighter pilots whose ships are performing at the battleship level.

IRPF Ultimatum Dreadnaught

Dreadnaught (IRPF)
Price: 180000c
Evasion: 12
Endure: 50
Wounds: 40
Movement Rate: 3
Inertial Movement: 3
Station Register
Pilot: 0
Co-Pilot: 0
Helm: 0
Science: 0
Engineering: 0
Tactical: 0
Gunnery: 0
Dreadnaught chassis: This ship must suffer five wounds in a turn before it rolls on the ship damage table. Population: 0
AI: 5 (no specialty)

Bunk 20%, Steerage 0%, Operations 10%, Equipment 60%, Recreation 0%, Cargo 0%
{Ultimatum Missiles} {Ultimatum Missiles}
{Devastator Torpedos} {Devastator Torpedos}
{PDG Array} { }
  The Ultimatum is a new machine to Sol and one that has seen very limited use so far. It also makes other corps very uncomfortable, so the IRPF has been cautious in its deployment. Ultimatum is specifically designed to kill ships in the Carrier, Dreadnaught, and Battleship category, and is loaded with heavybore weapons designed to slam hard into vessels that shrug off smaller attackers. This makes it touchy when it comes to the IRPF’s business model of being a police-force for hire among multiple different corps. In practice, the Ultimatum should only be deployed when capships are on the scene. However, megacorps only bring out the capships when a conflict is of personal, direct importance to them. Which means there is almost no way an Ultimatum could be deployed without it being a direct conflict of interest between two contracting operators. This has made several megacorps nervous that the IRPF is poised to aggress against them collectively, and if they’re clever about how they approach the united spire attack they may be able to do so successfully.

Phylactery Sphere

Dreadnaught (Spyglass)
Price: 100000c
Evasion: 5
Endure: 30
Wounds: 60

Movement Rate: 1
Inertial Movement: 2
Station Register
Pilot: 1
Co-Pilot: 1
Helm: 2
Science: 1
Engineering: 2
Tactical: 2
Gunnery: 2
Secrets to the Grave: This vessel is not designed for combat. Typically, Phylactory Spheres will destroy themselves if it looks as though someone is trying to forcibly break into them. If a Sphere comes under fire, the Guide should roll D10. Once the Sphere has taken that many Wounds, it self-destructs. Population: 0-6000
AI: 3 (no specialty)

Bunk 20%, Steerage 40%, Operations 0%, Equipment 40%, Recreation 0%, Cargo 0%
{ } { }
{ } { }
{ } { }
  The Phylactery sphere is the closest Spyglass has to a dreadnought, in that it is a massive autonomous construct. It’s the furthest thing from a war machine there is, however. In fact, many of them are designed to literally destroy their cargo in the event of a forced boarding or heavy assault. Phylactery Spheres are mentioned here because this is the category they fall within but it is ultimately unnecessary to stat them. They possess no noteworthy defensive or offensive abilities, are designed to maneuver rarely and slowly, if at all, and defend themselves against attacks by holding rare objects and threatening to blow them up if you don’t engage them on their terms. They are an event rather than an adversary.

Seraphim Drones

Dreadnaught (Progenitus)
Price: 50000c
Evasion: 25
Endure: 20
Wounds: 5
Movement Rate: 4
Inertial Movement: 0
Station Register
Pilot: 0
Co-Pilot: 0
Helm: 0
Science: 0
Engineering: 0
Tactical: 0
Gunnery: 0
All terrain: This ship can walk or run at half its atmospheric speed and can move as a living creature its size would. Population: 0
AI: 3 (no specialty)

Bunk 0%, Steerage 0%, Operations 100%, Equipment 0%, Recreation 0%, Cargo 0%
{ } { }
{ } { }
{ } { }
Progenitus went in a different direction with the Dreadnaught class than most of their competitors, foregoing a large and heavily armored ship for a lightning quick, hard to hit, and supremely sophisticated drone. Seraphim drones are bipedal robots that are roughly 30 feet tall, have in-atmo maneuvering abilities, and pack extremely powerful short-ranged weaponry. They also have arms and hands that can manipulate, making them ideal for rescue operations and situations where equipment may be needed onsite to get into or out of a dangerous situation. Each Seraphim costs anywhere between five to ten times what a conventional combat drone costs to produce and maintain, but their overall versatility has made them staples in Progenitus’ fleet. More importantly, they cut a very impressive figure that shows well for the company, and they can be used for more tasks than just attacking.

Maeko Bioprobe

Dreadnaught (TTI)
Price: -
Evasion: 30
Endure: 15
Wounds: 3
Movement Rate: 5
Inertial Movement: 0
Station Register
Pilot: 0
Co-Pilot: 0
Helm: 0
Science: 0
Engineering: 0
Tactical: 0
Gunnery: 0
Living Ship
All terrain: This ship can walk or run at half its atmospheric speed and can move as a living creature its size would.
Foea Channeling: Damage dealt by Transcendent implant abilites this ship uses can be counted as Antiship if the ship wants them to be. Population: 0
Psyche: 4 (no specialty)

Bunk 0%, Steerage 0%, Operations 100%, Equipment 0%, Recreation 0%, Cargo 0%
{Bioship Claws} {Translocation Implant}
{Excitation Implant} { }
{ } { }
The Maeko is a unique spaceborn lifeform TTI created as a capship assassin. It’s small by space vehicular standards; smaller than most personal shuttles. But it is blindingly fast, invisible to most sensors, autonomous, and very strong. These long, lythe creatures dart back and forth between flying and teleporting, too small to hit and too fast to track, until they land on top of ships and physically break into them. From then on, they sow havoc, and they’re very good at it. Maekos don’t breathe, so they have no need to avoid puncturing the hull as they travel through a ship. They’re supernaturally durable and agile and can out pace and out perform counter-intrusion forces by blasting through decks, disappearing through walls, venting hallways, or good old brute force. And they can follow a ship into atmosphere. Their flight abilities in air are diminished, but they still exist, and they’re still a threat.
Maekos can wait. Anywhere really. Underwater, under a building, curled up in a hold, in a dumpster. They have no need to be anywhere else. Maeko’s currently represent some of the most threatening weapons in Sol. In the black your best hope of surviving them is to kill them before they arrive, and that’s damned hard to do. Worse, they carry a heavy fear factor with them. Space combat is expensive and indiscriminate; generally your goal is to damage the other ship until they collectively give up, either by order of the captain or by mutiny. Maekos have targets. If one gets on your ship, it’s there to kill one or more individual, very specific, people, and it will tear through everyone else to get to them.

Knifehead Dreadnaught

Dreadnaught (TTI)
Price: 300000c
Evasion: 10
Endure: 45
Wounds: 60

Movement Rate: 3
Inertial Movement: 1
Station Register
Pilot: 0
Co-Pilot: 0
Helm: 0
Science: 0
Engineering: 0
Tactical: 0
Gunnery: 0
Notes: Living Ship
Dreadnaught: This ship must take 5 wounds in a round before it rolls on the ship damage table.
Foea Channeling: Damage dealt by Transcendent implant abilites this ship uses can be counted as Antiship if the ship wants them to be.
Population: 0
Psyche: 4 (no specialty)

Bunk 0%, Steerage 0%, Operations 90%, Equipment 10%, Recreation 0%, Cargo 0%
{Bioship Claws} {Translocation Implant}
{Knifehead Maw Cannon} {Knifehead Cavitation}
{Steelhead Antiship LAR} {Steelhead Antiship LAR}
The knifehead is a next-generation bioship that has a lot of people worried, primarily because they’re not really sure why it was developed to begin with. It’s enormous, surpassing most carriers in overall length, and it lacks the usual stealth, agility and subtlety of other bioships. It’s big, bulky, and oppressively intimidating, and quite possibly autonomous, or at least possessive of a very small crew. TTI has classified it as being a ship with a pilot rather than a fully independent lifeform, but if there is someone in there, they are likely alone, and not so much "controlling" it as helping it focus and interpret its orders. Knifeheads have a lot of TTI’s proprietary technology loaded into them and exhibit abilities beyond their impressive traditional armament, but little is known about their combat prowess as yet. The grim ships stay tethered to Europa, where they serve as very visible reminders of who owns the moon.

Additional Vessels

  Bulk Freighters
Known in the books as the TL-Class   MarsCo: Cornerstone Rig
The Cornerstone Rig is a peaceful sibling of the Cornerstone Hiver Carrier, sacrificing a large part of drone component and weaponry for extra large cargo bays, sufficient to carry station kits and Geomats. Considered the most well-rounded ship in its class, a lot of extremely rich traders prefer it for relative ease of maintenance. There's also a Cornerstone Lander version of it, which trades off quite a bit of cargo space for capability of landing on and taking off from the planets.
  Pulse: Chest
A continuation of Pulse's philosophy, Chest is the second fastest and most maneuverable ship of its class, even if it comes with some unfortunate reductions to cargo capacity and hangar. A lot of cutthroat traders were able to leverage it Chest's speed for trading rare wares faster and in larger quantities than almost any other ship would've been able to do.
  Spyglass: Contrabandist
The only large transporter ship, that integrates Velvet Glove for the entire cargo bay, Contrabandist-class are mostly contracted out to other corporations, small and large, for transportation of sensitive cargo. Spyglass's real game here is usage of shell corps, contracting those ships out, to move their own illicit cargo, as it's lost in traffic of genuine sensitive cargo flights.
  IRPF: Relocator
Designed to be able to move entire station kits and Geomats, IRPF put their own spin on this ship, integrating it with advanced databeam systems and hangars, allowing it, in a pinch, to be used as a carrier.
  Progenitus: Howdah
An expansion pack for Palanquin, Howdah includes massive cargo bay, decent hangar and its own power and propulsion components, allowing massive increase in carrying capacity at a cost of acceleration and maneuverability. Howdahs are often used in relief mission to resupply Palanquins with Kinship Carrier Rigs.
  TTI: Whale
Nicknamed "Knifehead's Morbidly Obese Cousin", the Whale-class, nevertheless, is a unique large transporter - namely, as it's the only bioship in its class (aside from 'Cuttlefish' specialized craft, used for ferrying large amounts of cargo to and from surface), as well as being one of its class with highest acceleration/deceleration and maneuvering rates. One of the more well-known usages of Whales was transportation of some unknown cargo from TTI-operated excavation site in Noctis Labyrinthus to Europa, where Cuttlefish was used to get it to the surface on one of the outposts. Sadly, this outpost was since raided by the unknown party.
Known in the books as the TS-Class
MarsCo Lifter
The most widespread TS-class ship, the Lifter had proven itself to be a great workhorse, especially considering (surprisingly best in class) acceleration and maneuverability. It's also pretty simple to maintain and doesn't need repairs often.
  ASR Cantilever
A versatile derivative of Saucer line, the Cantilever is equipped with a reasonably large cargo bay and onboard sensory suite, often used by prospectors and the likes. Some of owners integrate a ship-based version of Lightshow for advertising.
  Pulse Dumbbell
The invisible workhorse behind the curtain, Dumbbell helps to maintain Pulse's Farlites and Chests by transferring cargo to and from them to other stations. Boasts surprisingly high autonomous operation terms, allowing to use it for interplanetary flights, if comfort's not too important.
  Spyglass Smuggler
A smaller sibling of Contrabandist (and often used on Contrabandists for cargo interfacing operations), this TS boasts integrated Velvet Glove for the entire cargo bay, making it a ship of choice for transporting sensitive data storages and other materials that you don't want to get scanned. Of course, it also makes it prime vessel for pirates and blockade runners, as well as for general smugglers, but utility of Smuggler line for other corporations is still too great to crack down on it.
  IRPF Vulture
An extremely armored (as for TS) ship, the Vulture was designed to be able to resupply IRPF forces in hotzones and, while usually lacking weaponry, it can still drop off the cargo and run without getting shot down.
  TTI Dolphin
A unique bioship TS, the Dolphin can boast the largest cargo bay in its class, which, unfortunately, required sacrificing acceleration major time. Still, when used to load/unload Whale or Cuttlefish, it's not as noticeable.
  Lumen Marker
A peculiar transporter ship line, Marker is the first indigenous Lumen design, created exclusively for the needs of the corporation. By using an extremely proprietary spatial compression technology, the cargo bay of Marker can be expanded enough that this ship can double as a TL.
  IML Pilgrim
With surprisingly small cargo bay, good acceleration and integrated missile system, the Pilgrim is a flying curiosity, more of a space ROV, classified as TS mostly because no other class fit. There are some movements into reclassifying it as its own GO class.
  Passenger Ship
Known in the books as the TP-Class   MarsCo Express
After using modified Lifters for passenger transportation was met with a wave of complaints about lacking comforts, MarsCo designed an Express line of ships from scratch. While far from being ideal, nevertheless, affordable costs and ease of maintenance made Express the "default" long-range passenger ship in Sol.
  ASR Arch
Another derivative of Saucer line, those ships shed their cargo bay in favor of luxurious personnel accomodations, equipped with cutting-edge technology. Unfortunately, that also makes them rather expensive to maintain, but ASR can afford it.
  Pulse GrandTour
The GrandTour line of ships was Pulse's answer to how should they approach large-scale passenger transportations and, in general, some of those vessels get characterized as "pocket Farlite", often for a very good reason - more than a few of Pulse festivals relied on those to ferry personnel and some equipment with them.
  Spyglass Incognito
Continuing the general line of Spyglass, Incognito are often designed with confusing internal layout and anti-boarding measures, as well as integrated Velvet Glove to prevent scans. Some call them "Pocket Prism".
  IRPF Van
Styled after Occupation HQ somewhat, the Van allows tactical versatility when landing a whole "Boot" would be considered utterly excessive. Nevertheless, it's one of the few TPs that has more than a nominal defense system AND carries an Active Armor deployment rig.
  TTI Manta
A derivative of Dolphin, originally designed for flights of TTI higher-ups, as of now, Manta is the only bioship that's been explicitly designed for passenger flights, as well as (paradoxically) the most widespread bioship in the system. Pilots of Mantas say each ship has its own temperament and needs individual approach.
  Lumen Owl
Another of Lumen's proprietary developments, the Owl-class (name generally considered a bad taste joke), once again, leverages proprietary spatial compression technology to fit a Lifter worth of passenger space into volume of not much more than a Jackknife.
  IML Ravana
An utter titan of TP-class, the Ravana boast the largest passenger carrying capability, as well as largest amount of onboard amenities. Some consider Ravanas "TLs/TDs in disguise" and, indeed, there's been some rumors that Ravana chassis was designed as a dual-purpose - capable of both being outfitted as a passenger transport and as superheavy surface-to-orbit craft, or even, sacrificing landing capability, as a pretty solid TL. However, so far, only TP version exists on the market.
  Ship Upgrades
Engine tuning and RCS optimisation have a variable price
  Mineral scanner, for asteroid miners.
Freight scanner, for IRPF and customs officers.
  Trading system extension, a one-time subscription to allow to remotely get pricing lists without docking to stations, as well as remotely send buying/selling orders to your ships.
  Tactical navigation system (better HUD display) and ecliptic projector - QOL for pilots, maybe add 1 to piloting checks.
  Motion Analysis Relay System - allows to reroll a failed Piloting check. Autopilot upgrade, basically. Probably integrated into Atatu already
  Cargo Bay Life Support - already installed on Cordoba, allows to use cargo bays as impromptu living spaces.
  Strafe Drive Extension - beefed-up RCS, allowing ship to maneuver fiercely enough without activating primary thrusters
  Video Enhancement Goggles - better sensor suite for the ship
  Best Buying Price Locator and Best Selling Price Locator - two one-time subscriptions, that automatically fetch, where you can buy some stuff the cheapest and sell it for the greatest amount of creds.
  Docking computer - allows to skip piloting checks while docking. Atatu has it integrated.
  Engine tuning, RCS optimization - self-explanatory
  Starship/Vehicle Weapons
The weapons listed here are for ship and military vehicle use. Weapons are sized by the omni slots they inhabit. If your ship has omni slots listed on it, you may select weapons in the equivalent size categories from this list to fill the slots with. Weapons that are listed with the ship are supposed to come with it as part of its purchase price. Typically your Omni weapons do too, but as we covered earlier: ship buying is a story. Sometimes you might not get them all at once, or the dealer may have a limited selection of weapons available, or only allow them to come with one and upsell the others. Even your built-in weapons may be in short supply depending on what method you chose to get the ship originally. This is up to your Guide to mess with if they want to, but they are well within their rights to do so. They were not given prices not because they are "free," but rather because their value is arbitrary and entirely up to the context of the story to determine.

Weapon Cards: The ship weapon cards work much like standard weapon cards, with two new categories:
Installation Limitations: If the weapon is locked to a specific type of ship, say, an ASR ship, or a Bioship, it will be listed here. If it is, only those sorts of ships can use this weapon. If it says "Any" then anyone can use it.
Omni Size Category: This indicates what size Omni slot can mount this weapon. Weapons must be matched to the corresponding slots. If your ship doesn’t have one in the right category it can’t use those weapons.
  Harrier Rotary Cannon
Credits: 0c;
Install Limits: Any;
Omni Size Category: Omni Small;
Special: Ranged, Strafe;
Accuracy: +2; Damage: 15d10;
Notes: Strafe: Draw a line of 10 hexes (normal, not space). Each hex must connect to another hex only once, but the line can otherwize curve however you wish. Roll to hit against all targets in the line of hexes and divide the damage dice between each hit target. You may assign as many as you want to any target provided every target gets at least 1.
If this weapon attacks a ship or vehicle, roll 15D8 instead of 15D10.
  Puncture Cannon
Credits: 0c;
Install Limits: Any;
Omni Size Category: Omni Small;
Special: Ranged, Line, Anti-ship, Short Range;
Accuracy: +1; Damage: 15+3d10;
Notes: Short Range: This weapon can only fire at targets in short range.
  MC-16 Missile Pod
Credits: 0c;
Install Limits: Any;
Omni Size Category: Omni Small;
Special: Ranged, Missile (D3), Anti-ship;
Accuracy: +1; Damage: 6+2d6;
Notes: Missile: This weapon can be fired automatically after Locked On has been used successfully on the same turn against the same target. Declare the attack when you would normally attack, but requires no actions. If you do so, add 4 to the missile's accuracy score for that shot.
Missile Barrage: If using Fire At Will, Multiple missiles can be fired at once provided you do not fire any other weapon that doesn't have the missile property. Roll to hit one time against the target. If you hit, roll the dice indicated next to Missile keyword. That many hits are achieved. Roll Damage for each. This can be paired with the Locked On accuracy bonus. After a missile barrage the ship cannot perform another missile barrage for 1 round per missile fired, while the ship manufactures replacements.
  Hornet Micromissile Pod
Credits: 0c;
Install Limits: Any;
Omni Size Category: Omni Small;
Special: Ranged, micromissile (d8), anti-ship;
Accuracy: +2; Damage: 2+d4;
Notes: Micromissile: Roll to hit as normal. If you hit, roll the dice listed next to micromissile. This is the number of hits that actually land. Roll damage as normal. Micromissiles are missiles if a rule would affect missiles, but they do not have all the same abilities.
  Pulse Driver
Credits: 0c;
Install Limits: Any;
Omni Size Category: Omni Small;
Special: Ranged, Short Range, Anti-ship, Rythmic Fire;
Accuracy: +1; Damage: 5d10;
Notes: Short Range: This weapon can only target enemies inside of 5 hexes.
Rythmic Fire: The Pulse Driver shoots twice per attack action. It must target the same target and roll to hit with both shots.
  Networked Flak Cannon
Credits: 0c;
Install Limits: Any;
Omni Size Category: Omni Medium;
Special: Ranged, anti-Ship, Flak, Networked, Short range;
Accuracy: +0; Damage: 6+d12;
Notes: Paired system: If a ship has a networked flak cannon or buys one for an omnislot, it is considered to have two of the weapons profiles listed here, per purchase.
Short Range: Flak Cannons can only fire at enemies in Short Range.
Networked: Up to 2 Flak Cannons can be fired with each attack action. Cannons can be fired at the same target or separate targets. Declare the targets for every cannon before firing. Each cannon aiming at the same target beyond the first increases the accuracy of every cannon firing at that target by 1. So two cannons firing at one target do so at accuracy 1. Three at Accuracy 2, four at accuracy 3.
Flak: For every Flak cannon that fires in a turn, add 1 to the ship’s Evasion score (to a max of +4) until its next turn provided it was moving at Simple Maneuver speed or not at all.
  MCX-5 Guided Torpedo System
Credits: 0c;
Install Limits: Any;
Omni Size Category: Omni Medium;
Special: Ranged, Anti-ship, Single Target, Torpedo, Long Range;
Accuracy: 2D10+4; Damage: 50+5d10;
Notes: Torpedo: torpedos travel over time. Fire the torpedo using a shooting action like normal. One torpedo can be fired from a single launcher per turn. You do not need to roll to hit to launch the torpedo.
The torpedo travels three hexes per turn toward its target, beginning one hex away from the ship that fired it. When it touches the target's hex, roll to hit using the dice and score listed in the torpedo’s accuracy score; this represents the unit’s onboard guidance. If it hits, deal damage as normal. If it misses it will re-lock on the next closest target and begin chasing that.
Continue this until the torpedo hits or is destroyed. Torpedo’s can target at any visible range and ignore cover provided by distance.
Torpedos are targetable. They have 1 Wound, 10 endure, and 20 evade.
  PDG Array
Credits: 0c;
Install Limits: Any;
Omni Size Category: Omni Medium;
Special: Ranged, Defensive Guns, Computer Controlled;
Accuracy: -; Damage: -;
Notes: Defensive Guns: The PDG array has no statline for damage. It is an array of short-ranged guns that shoot down incoming missiles before they can impact the ship. It cannot typically be used offensively, its calibre is too small and its speed too slow to be a threat to a ship hundreds of miles away.
Computer Controlled: This system moniters itself. Any time a missile or torpedo would roll to hit you, roll D3. Add that much to your Evasion score against that attack. This die may not be modified in any way outside of Transcendence.
  CQB Submuition Railgun
Credits: 0c;
Install Limits: Any;
Omni Size Category: Omni Medium;
Special: Ranged, Anti-ship, Single target, Railgun, Recharge, Short Range;
Accuracy: +3; Damage: 30+3D10;
Notes: Short Range: This weapon can only fire at targets in short range.
Recharge: this weapon can only be fired once per turn.
  Steelhead Antiship LAR
Credits: 0c;
Install Limits: Any;
Omni Size Category: Omni Medium;
Special: Ranged, Strafe;
Accuracy: +2; Damage: 5d10;
Notes: Strafe: Draw a line of 10 hexes (normal, not space). Each hex must connect to another hex only once, but the line can otherwize curve however you wish. Roll to hit against all targets in the line of hexes and divide the damage dice between each hit target. You may assign as many as you want to any target provided every target gets at least 1.
  Spyglass Stealth Torpedo System
Credits: 0c;
Install Limits: Any;
Omni Size Category: Omni Medium;
Special: Ranged, Anti-ship, Single Target, Torpedo, Long Range, Stealth Torpedo;
Accuracy: +4d6; Damage: 30+5d10;
Notes: Torpedo: torpedos travel over time. Fire the torpedo using a shooting action like normal. One torpedo can be fired from a single launcher per turn. You do not need to roll to hit to launch the torpedo.
The torpedo travels three hexes per turn toward its target, beginning one hex away from the ship that fired it. When it touches the target's hex, roll to hit using the dice and score listed in the torpedo’s accuracy score; this represents the unit’s onboard guidance. If it hits, deal damage as normal. If it misses it will re-lock on the next closest target and begin chasing that. Continue this until the torpedo hits or is destroyed.
Torpedo’s can target at any visible range and ignore cover provided by distance.
Stealth Torpedo: This Torpedo is only targetable if it is within 5 hexes. It has 1 Wound, 10 endure, and 25 evade. It is not visible on the grid before this range.
  Bioship Claws
Credits: 0c;
Install Limits: Bioship;
Omni Size Category: Medium;
Special: Melee, Bioship Melee Weapon, Anti-ship;
Accuracy: -; Damage: 30+2d12;
Notes: Bioship Melee Weapon: This weapon assumes the living ship has caught and grappled the enemy ship and is activly attacking it in melee. Both ships must be in the same hex to attack with this. To initiate an attack with this weapon, declare the attack and then roll as though performing a Difficult Maneuver. If your resulting roll would reach the enemy's Evasion score, the ship grapples on and does damage.
For the remainder of the turn the bioship just needs to roll for damage with this weapon, not to hit. It is assumed that rolling and explosions dislodge it at the end of its turn.
  MC-H22 Missile pod
Credits: 0c;
Install Limits: Any;
Omni Size Category: Omni Medium;
Special: Ranged, Missile (D6), Anti-ship;
Accuracy: +1; Damage: 10+2d10;
Notes: Missile: This weapon can be fired automatically after Locked On has been used successfully on the same turn against the same target. Declare the attack when you would normally attack, but it requires no actions. If you do so, add 4 to the missile’s accuracy score for that shot.
Missile Barrage: If using Fire At Will, Multiple missiles can be fired at once provided you do not fire any other weapon that doesn't have the missile property. Roll to hit one time against the target. If you hit, roll the dice indicated next to Missile keyword. That many hits are achieved. Roll Damage for each. This can be paired with the Locked On accuracy bonus. After a missile barrage the ship cannot perform another missile barrage for 1 round per missile fired, while the ship manufactures replacements.
  ASR Prism Defense Array
Credits: 0c;
Install Limits: Any;
Omni Size Category: Omni Medium;
Special: Ranged, Defensive Lasers, Computer Controlled;
Accuracy: -; Damage: -;
Notes: Defensive Lasers: The Prism Defense array has no statline for damage. It is an array of laser scattering prisms that shoot down incoming missiles before they can impact the ship. They're faster and more accurate than their projectile counterparts but lack the raw power which make them less effective at stopping torpedos.
Computer Controlled: This system moniters itself. Any time a missile would roll to hit you, add 3 to your evasion score against that attack. Anytime a torpedo would roll to hit you, add 1 to your Evasion score against that attack.
  ASR mk3 Laser Emmiter
Credits: 0c;
Install Limits: Proprietary (ASR
Omni Size Category: Omni Medium;
Special: Laser, Ranged, Anti-ship;
Accuracy: +10; Damage: 5+2d6;
Notes: Laser: This weapon can only be fired using the Mind stat. It has a range of 10 hexes. If fired within 5 hexes, add an additional 5 to its damage. Laser weapons effectively hit as soon as they fire; their miss chance is mostly due to things getting in their way, computer malfunction, or missleading sensor and targeting info.
  MBC Centerline Railgun
Credits: 0c;
Install Limits: Any;
Omni Size Category: Omni Large;
Special: Ranged, Anti-ship, Single Target, Line, HV Rail, Recharge, Explosive Payload;
Accuracy: +3; Damage: 40+4d10;
Notes: HV Rail: This weapon fires at short range with full accuracy, but can fire up to 10 hexes away with an accuracy score of 0.
Recharge: this weapon can only be fired once per turn. Explosive Payload: This weapon can be fired in single target mode rather than line mode, causing the projectile to embed itself in the first target it hits. This only works on ships of the frigate classification or larger. Declare you will fire in explosive payload mode before rolling to hit. If you hit, the attack has Exploit.
  ASR mk3 Massive Laser Emmiter
Credits: 0c;
Install Limits: Proprietary (ASR
Omni Size Category: Omni Large;
Special: Heavy Laser, Anti-ship, Ranged;
Accuracy: +10; Damage: 15+6d6;
Notes: Heavy Laser: This weapon can only be fired using the Mind stat. It has a range of 20 hexes. If fired within 10 hexes, add an additional 5 to its damage. If fired within 5 hexes, add an additional 10 to its damage on top of that. Laser weapons effectively hit as soon as they fire; their miss chance is mostly due to things getting in their way, computer malfunction, or missleading sensor and targeting info.
  Starcutter Cannon
Credits: 0c;
Install Limits: All;
Omni Size Category: Omni Large;
Special: Ranged, Short Range, Anti-ship, Auto-Targeting;
Accuracy: +3; Damage: 16+6d8;
Notes: Auto-Targeting: If a ship mounting this weapon travels into the same hex as an enemy ship, or an enemy travels into the same hex as a ship with this weapon, this weapon gets one free attack.
  Saturation Missilepods
Credits: 0c;
Install Limits: Any;
Omni Size Category: Omni Large;
Special: Ranged, Missile (D10), Anti-ship, Fast Reloader;
Accuracy: +0; Damage: 2d6;
Notes: Missile: This weapon can be fired automatically after Locked On has been used successfully on the same turn against the same target. Declare the attack when you would normally attack, but it requires no actions. If you do so, add 4 to the missile’s accuracy score for that shot.
Saturation Missile barrage: If using Fire At Will, Multiple missiles can be fired at once provided you do not fire any other weapon that doesn't have the missile property. Roll to hit one time against the target. If you hit, roll the dice indicated next to Missile. That many hits are achieved. Roll Damage for each. This can be paired with the Locked On accuracy bonus. Other stations cannot fire this weapon at all on the same turn it performs a missile barrage.
  LTP Flank Artillery
Credits: 0c;
Install Limits: Any;
Omni Size Category: Omni Large;
Special: Ranged, Anti-ship, Single target, short range, limited tracking, field of fire;
Accuracy: +2; Damage: 25+d10;
Notes: Limited Tracking: This weapon's projectiles have a degree of thrust assistance for course correction. They have a range of 10 hexes.
Field of Fire: This weapon can target a hex instead of a ship. If any ship (friend or foe) enters that hex before this ship's next turn, roll a D10. On a 7+, they take damage as though hit by this weapon. Each additional LTP Flank Artillary attack made by the same ship this turn in the same hex decreases the number needed to hit by 1 and increases the damage dealt by D10.
Credits: 0c;
Install Limits: Bioship;
Omni Size Category: Omni Large;
Special: Ranged, Short Range, Anti-Ship;
Accuracy: d3; Damage: 25+4d10;
Notes: -
  Hiver Drone Bay
Credits: 0c;
Install Limits: Any;
Omni Size Category: Unique;
Special: Launch, Drone Swarm;
Accuracy: +0; Damage: d6;
Notes: Launch: This weapon can be used either by a Tactical action or an AI action.
Drone Swarm: The Hiver Drone Bay deploys drones with a range of five hexes. The Drones are assumed to be fast enough to reach their targets in the turn theyre launched. Roll D6. That is how many drones successfully engage the target from this launch. Deal damage as listed for each drone. They do not need to roll to hit (it is assumed they are attacking from near point-blank range). The drones are then assumed to immediately return. Defensive systems a ship is equipped with that would lower the accuracy of incoming missiles or torpedos can also defend against drones. Whatever value the system would subtract from the accuracy of incoming torpedos or missiles is instead subtracted from the D6 roll used to determine how many drones are attacking, to a miniumum of 1.
  Knifehead Maw Cannon
Credits: 0c;
Install Limits: Knifehead Bioship;
Omni Size Category: Unique;
Special: Ranged, High Speed, Spread, Anti-ship, Recharge;
Accuracy: +0; Damage: 60+6d10;
Notes: Recharge: This weapon can only be fired once per turn.
High Speed: This weapon has a range of 10 hexes.
Spread: This weapon can be fired in an arc three hexes wide. Roll to hit once, all ships in the arc that would be hit by that roll are.
  Knifehead Cavitation Organ
Credits: 0c;
Install Limits: Knifehead Bioship;
Omni Size Category: Unique;
Special: Ranged, Sympathetic Rythem, Anti-ship;
Accuracy: +1; Damage: 5d10;
Notes: Sympathetic Rhythm: this weapon's damage is standalone; it does not stack on other damage or on itself and dissapears if it does not deal a wound. If it does deal a wound, disable a random station on the target ship for each wound dealt. this is in addition to stations dissabled as normal for losing wounds.
  Devastator Torpedos
Credits: 0c;
Install Limits: Any;
Omni Size Category: Unique;
Special: Ranged, Anti-ship, Single Target, Torpedo, Long Range, Devastator Warhead;
Accuracy: 4d6; Damage: 20+4D10;
Notes: Torpedo: torpedos travel over time. Fire the torpedo using a shooting action like normal. One torpedo can be fired from a single launcher per turn. You do not need to roll to hit to launch the torpedo. The torpedo travels three hexes per turn toward its target, beginning one hex away from the ship that fired it. Roll to hit using the dice and score listed in the torpedo’s accuracy score; this represents the unit’s onboard guidance. If it hits, deal damage as normal. If it misses it will re-lock on the next closest target and begin chasing that. Continue this until the torpedo hits or is destroyed. Torpedo’s can target at any visible range and ignore cover provided by distance.
Devastator Warhead: The devastator torpedo deals its damage repeatedly when it hits as it detonates its multiple shells. Roll D3 when the torpedo hits. deal damage immediately, then roll damage again each round for that many rounds.
  Ultimatum Missiles
Credits: 0c;
Install Limits: Any;
Omni Size Category: Unique;
Special: Ranged, Missile (D12), Anti-ship;
Accuracy: +1; Damage: 10+2d6;
Notes: Missile: This weapon can be fired automatically after Locked On has been used successfully on the same turn against the same target. Declare the attack when you would normally attack, but it requires no actions. If you do so, add 4 to the missile’s accuracy score for that shot.
Final Ultimatum: When fired, this weapon always rolls the die indicated next to the Missile rule for number of hits. Against Cruisers, Battleships, or Carriers, this weapon fires 12 shots rather than D12.
  LZ Clearance Thumper
Credits: 0c;
Install Limits: IRPF Occupation HQ;
Omni Size Category: Unique;
Special: -;
Accuracy: ; Damage: ;
Notes: This unique system is designed to sterilize the landing zone for the Occupation HQ. It is a series of heavy munition bombardments and an emencelly powerful shock emission system that can be deployed as the ship descends, effectively flattening the area its landing in and clearing trees, buildings, vehicals, and people, for about a quarter mile around the LZ, resulting in a pre-built parimeter that can be secured immediately upon landing.
  Broadwave Cannon
Credits: 0c;
Install Limits: Proprietary (ASR
Omni Size Category: Unique;
Special: Extreme Range Laser, Anti-ship, Ranged, Main Engine Powered;
Accuracy: +10; Damage: 40+6d6;
Notes: Extreme Range Laser: This weapon can only be fired using the Mind stat. it has a range of 30 hexes. If fired within 15 hexes, add an additional 10 to its damage. If fired within 5 hexes, add an additional 10 to its damage on top of that. Laser weapons effectively hit as soon as they fire; their miss chance is mostly due to things getting in their way, computer malfunction, or missleading sensor and targeting info.
Main Engine Powered: The Broadwave Cannon cannot be fired on any turn in which the ship uses a maneuver (though it may still be drifting). If fired, it is the only weapon that can fire that turn, and cannot be fired more than once. It cannot be fired again for three rounds.
  Broadwing Beam Battery
Credits: 0c;
Install Limits: Proprietary (ASR
Omni Size Category: Unique;
Special: Laser, Ranged, Anti-ship;
Accuracy: +10; Damage: 4d6;
Notes: Laser: This weapon can only be fired using the Mind stat. it has a range of 5 hexes. If fired within 5 hexes, add an additional 5 to its damage. Laser weapons effectively hit as soon as they fire; their miss chance is mostly due to things getting in their way, computer malfunction, or missleading sensor and targeting info.
  Seraphim Nest
Credits: 0c;
Install Limits: Proprietary (Progenitus
Omni Size Category: Unique;
Special: Launch;
Accuracy: ; Damage: ;
Notes: Launch: This weapon can be used either by a Tactical action or an AI action. Each nest holds one Seraphim Dreadnaught. Luaching deploys the Seraphim; place it in an adjacent hex where it can behave as normal. A seraphim may dock on any turn that it can successfully end its movement in a hex with a friendly Seraphim Nest. Seraphims regenerate one Wound per round they are docked.