Ifulnakat Wador Ry


(a.k.a. Sibling Ifulnakat, Sibling If)


Ifulnakat, as a distant species, received an above-average education in which they were taught to be questioning and open their mind to new thoughts and ideas. They are well-versed in languages, dialects, cultures and religions from across the galaxy. They have also learned something of philosophy, but it left them with more questions than answers.  


They were working as a translator when they first came across the group and the teachings they had to share. By this time they had seen much horror and grief and were looking for a reason to believe in goodness again and explain the evil. Since joining the group they have worked their way up the level and have reached Level 4.  

Hobbies & Interests


  • solo sport
  • team sport
  • traditional strategy board game
  • reading


  • other cultures
  • nature
  • words of the prophet
  • problem solving


They believe that there are many things which people don't know or understand about the universe and the way to understand is through seeking answers. They have found these answers in the words of the prophet and the teachings within the group.   They believe that good and evil exist and that they have seen the face of evil, that it is ordinary and banal and that it hides in plain sight.  


Ifulnakat is a pious individual. There was a time when they were young and naïve and wanted to fix the universe for everyone, but now they no longer believe everyone deserves such salvation. They look out for themselves and for the other siblings, but only so long as it benefits them to do so. They report solely to the parent and will do whatever they ask of them.  



They have the pallid yellow skin of a distant species with short, straight, black hair that they keep trimmed at 2 inches long. They have large dark eyes which stand out in their otherwise pale face. They dress in the robes traditional for siblings.


Ifulnakat moves quickly through life, and as quickly through their duties, always eager to do more. They have trouble sitting still for long periods of time unless their mind is fully engaged in something. They find it easier to think if they are moving, and their left leg twitches when they are anxious or excited.
They / Them

  This is part of Ready. Set. Novel! project which I am working on. Below is the checklist:   - Name
- Nickname
- Age
- Birthdate
- Gender
- Ethnicity
- Location
- Profession
- Education
- Hobbies and Interests
- Political and/or Religious Beliefs
- Disposition and Personality
- Appearance


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