
Spells cast only with their intellect are complex but lack energy.


Intellect is one of the three elements which can be used to access Ardency (a person's innate pool of magical energy), the others being Empathy and Spirit.   A spellcaster is able to access their Ardency using only Intellect, but there are limits as to what these spells can do, particularly in terms of the amount of power they are able to exert.  


Intellect is Intrinsically linked to the head and knowledge or learning. This does not mean that a spellcaster needs to be well educated but it has more to do with someone's desire to learn or understand how things work. There's an element of logic mixed in here as well.  

Accessing Intellect

In order to access Intellect, a person needs to connect with their curiosity and that desire to learn. A standard form of this is asking questions (either verbally or in their head) that they want the spell to help them answer.   For example, a spellcaster may be using Intellect to perform a kinetic spell, to unlock a door. They would focus on the problem at hand and ask the question:  
How can I unlock this door?
  Or, a spellcaster may be trying to keep themselves hidden in darkness using a light spell. They would, again, focus on what they are trying to achieve and pose the question:  
What do I need to do to stay hidden?
  These questions may become more complicated, depending on the skill and the amount of Intellect energy they are able to use.  

Improving Intellect

There are a few different ways for a spellcaster to improve their skills in Intellect. These include:
  • Learning new things
  • Attending lectures
  • Reading books
  • Learning a new language
  • Playing logic games
  • Doing puzzles
  • Doing maths equations
  • Strategy games

Strengths & Weaknesses

Like each of the three elements, Intellect has pros and cons when using it. An Adept is able to use all three elements to balance out each other, but even then understanding this balance and which way to tip the scales, so to speak, is crucial for getting the right effect.  


Intellect allows for the creation of complicated spells. It can be woven tightly and used in a way which is logical and intricate.


Due to the complexity of spells created using Intellect, they use a lot of energy and therefore have less energy for power and can be very weak.

Related Energies

Only Intellect

Energy Impact Example Elements
Force (Kinetic) Move inanimate objects Lift a box, pull a cart, wave a paint brush Any one
Light Manipulate light waves to create illusions Hide something in shadow, change someone's appearance Intellect

Combined with others

Energy Impact Example Elements
Force (Potential) Create or destroy inanimate objects Construct a door, demolish a boulder Any two
Magnetic Using and creating magnetised charges Magnetise metal, pull objects together, force objects apart Empathy & Intellect
Chemical Changes at an atomic level Create edible items, create chemical compounds Intellect & Spirit
Time Changes to the momentum of time Slow things down, speed things up All
Magic System

Rules of Ardency

  • Ardency draws on elements of a person's energy to affect the energy around them
  • Ardency is limited by the energy of the spellcaster
  • Ardency cannot create or destroy life
  • Ardency cannot change another's Ardency
  • Ardency cannot affect the spellcaster's energy
  • Ardency cannot affect the mind or life of another


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Sep 2, 2024 19:13 by Joella Kay

What is Ardency?

Sep 2, 2024 22:08 by Elspeth

Excellent question. I've written a bit about it in the Magic article, but I think it needs its own article. It's the name for a person's innate source of magical energy, a combination of Empathy, Intellect and Spirit. I'll add some of that to this article too. Thank you for reading.

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