Micin Twesdo


(a.k.a. Sibling Micin, Mince)


Micin received all of his education within the group. He was born and raised within the group. When he was 8 years old, his parents decided to leave and did so without taking him with them. It's not clear where they left to go, or how, but one day they were there and the next they weren't, leaving Micin to carry their shame on his shoulders.  


Despite his best efforts, Micin has never risen higher than Level 3. He works hard to move within the levels, going above and beyond in certain areas, but to no avail.  

Hobbies & Interests


  • meditation
  • team sport
  • yoga


  • words of the prophet
  • team activities
  • team sports


He believes that he is not worthy of being part of the group and that one day everyone will realise this. He does not strongly believe the words of the prophet but thinks they are as good an explanation as anything so is willing to go along with them.  


Micin is an anxious person but he attempts to hide it behind bluster. He has a need to feel important and like a valued part of the group but lives with a constant feeling that he is deficient or defective in some way. He struggles with imposter syndrome every day and attempts to overcome it by forcing his way into the centre of attention and trying to make others see him as important.  



As a local species, he has a small body, roughly 5ft tall, covered in black and white fur. He has long ears and a furry tail which is about a foot long. He dresses in the robes of the group.


He rushes in and out of rooms as though he always has somewhere better to be, but his eyes are constantly seeking approval. He speaks more than anyone else as a way of asserting his own importance and dominance, but he's not a strong communicator.
He / Him

  This is part of Ready. Set. Novel! project which I am working on. Below is the checklist:   - Name
- Nickname
- Age
- Birthdate
- Gender
- Ethnicity
- Location
- Profession
- Education
- Hobbies and Interests
- Political and/or Religious Beliefs
- Disposition and Personality
- Appearance


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