A Stonewood Bank Heist

Session 2:

  Intro: Last time, you made it to Stonewood, explored the town and met with some of the locals, you looked for and found the grisley remain of Livia Magnus - wife of the deceased govenor- in the mouth of a Boggart - aka devil frog - in a house called the Wispering Willows, returning that night to the Ironcrest Inn, you had a night of revelry after surviving so many close calls with death. You also met a new interesting figure Lyra Silverwald, who came into town that evening hunting for something. A brawl with two soliders highered by the govenor broke out in the tavern, resolved with fists and staffs. Afterwards you all invibed some bonus time with Zahou the Innkeeper.
  The next day your returned to the Wispering Willows to follow up on a dream Vass had about they entry way, got into a locked safe, where you found a mysterious locket. Lyra said, if she was able to find her friend Whimsy - who she believes is being held at the Valin & Blink Bank- then she'd be able to tell you a lot more about the locket.
  You then tried to pull off a bank heist, looking for shipping manifests, ownership rights over boats once controlled by Verus Trading, and this mysterious figure Whimsy. Lavinia transformed herself into Falvus Verus, and made Lyra and Marcus invisible, Ash snuck in by the Blessing of the Trickster given to him by Lyra, despite the direct light of the well lit interiors of the building, Vass tried to open an account as himself. Despite passing many itntial checks and getting all the way into the safe, the crew was held up by a request for a key to open the chest containing the valuables in the safe. Being told they'd need to go to the branch manger to get a replacement key, they reutrned upstairs, but upon getting to past the intial stairs, with Lyra, and Marcus following, William re-engaged a glyph ward with a triggering word, while Lyra and Marcus where on the ward. Engageing an audible alarm and sprining a trap.
  With the alarm now going off, the bank went into shutdown and Lavainia (still pretending to be Falvus Verus) and Lyra were pushed out the door, except Vass who was able to distract people to remain inside, the two gaurds in the vault also left but in thier wake there was summoned an Earth Elemental, where Ash and Marcus are stuck in the locked vault with the creature. What you can only assume is some kind of guardian or protector of the vault. Lastly, you heard the branch manager say he needs 6 hours of shutdown before the bank will re-open.

Start of Play

Ash and Marcus: Make a perception check
>12: you notice, a glowing collar around the Earth Elementals neck.
Unlocking the Collar: Dispel Magic, Knock or >25 Slight of Hand
Creature only Speaks Primordial.
  Vass: Make and Insight or Arcana Check
>15: you notice this man is trained in the arcane arts, likely the man in charge of the magical security but secretive. You'd guess he's probably a 9th level Mage, Someone capable of the greater magics you've heard about like Cone of Cold.
  Mage and Branch Manager Iosif Andretis: Make an insight check on Vass vs Deception.
Who are you boy and what are you doing in my bank?
Iosif cares less about the wealth in the bank than he does the reputation of the bank and will settle with the party to avoid a fight, might even give them what they want if they do a favor for him.
Favor: Evict a man from his home (the guardsman he sent never returned, and he lost track of the issue). Run Eviction   Lavinia and Lyra: What do you want to do, your'e outside the bank with about 15 other people, employees and customers of the bank.
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