Daoine Roimhthe (DOH-nee ROE-vuh)

Eldonian word for the people who built the ruins scattered around the countryside of Eldonia. Called The Aelesians by the formally educated and by the scholars of Ithca.   The city, on which Dunwell was built was once called Cathair Nádúir. The Daoine built it.


The Eifer's emotions toward the ruins of the Doanie Roimhthe are a complex blend of reverence and fear. They hold the remnants of the ancient civilization in high esteem, recognizing the incredible power and achievements of the "Siobhán Draoi," or the "Masters of Magic." However, with their great knowledge and use of arcane magics, the Doanie Roimhthe became prideful, and their ambitions led them to reject the balance with nature that the Eifer hold dear.   The ruins serve as a somber reminder of the consequences that can befall those who forsake the natural order. The Eifer believe that the prideful pursuit of arcane magic led to the downfall of the Doanie Roimhthe, resulting in their civilization's eventual demise. The Eifer fear that tampering with such potent magics could upset the delicate balance of the world and bring about disastrous consequences.   Thus, while the Eifer revere the Doanie Roimhthe for their mastery of magic and the creation of wondrous artifacts, they approach their ruins with caution. The ancient remnants stand as a powerful testament to the importance of maintaining harmony with nature, a lesson that the Eifer carry with them to this day.


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