Feyneth's Hollow

A magical place rumored to be a refuge for the arcanists, witches and wizards. Controlling world events with dark magics.


Whispers of Feyneth's Hollow weave through the common folk like a persistent breeze, carrying with them a mixture of fear and fascination. In hushed tones, believers share tales of a hidden sanctuary nestled in the embrace of the Vales, a place where the arcane is not cursed but cherished. They speak of a mystical refuge that appears only to those burdened with magical gifts, a safe haven from the scorching flames of persecution. The legend tells of a benevolent High Magus, a guardian of lost and hunted souls, who offers shelter and guidance to those touched by the arcane.People better off dead but saved by this mysterious figure.


Well known, though rarely mentioned in pubs and taverns accross Eldonia. While most don't believe the Feneth exists, there are true believers who spread it's legend.

Variations & Mutation

It is said the Kingdoms of Eldonia - maybe the world- do the bidding of the HIgh Magus of the Hollow, that he brings down the mighty at a whim and shapes world events according to his own design.

Cultural Reception

Feyneth's Hollow is often scoffed at by the pious and the pragmatic alike, regarded as nothing more than a heretical myth peddled by charlatans and the deluded. Among the righteous and the rational, the tale is derided as a fanciful legend, a dangerous notion that leads astray the weak-minded. Church sermons ridicule the concept of such a sanctuary, painting it as a ludicrous fantasy for those who dabble in the dark arts and wish to escape divine retribution. Political leaders, too, mock the idea, using it as a cautionary tale to warn against the folly of seeking power beyond one's mortal means. To the upstanding citizen, Feyneth's Hollow is but a laughable superstition, a story to be dismissed and condemned, lest it undermine the fabric of a society built on order, faith, and the natural law.


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