Locket of the Lost Whisper

Description: This delicate silver locket, found in a secret compartment in the master bedroom, exudes a faint, ethereal glow. Upon opening, it reveals no picture but instead, a tiny, intricate rune etches into the metal. The locket is cold to the touch, and when held, it emanates a gentle, sorrowful hum.  
Magical Properties:
Requires Attunement
Whispers of the Past: Once per long rest, the wearer can open the locket and whisper the name of a deceased individual the wearer knew well in life. This allows the wearer to see a brief, ghostly reenactment of one of the individual’s memories, with the wearer.
Guardian's Shield: The locket can be activated to cast the spell "Shield" once per day, as the spirit within protects the wearer from harm.
Sorrowful Comfort: When worn, the locket provides a +1 bonus to saving throws against being frightened, as the sadness within it makes the wearer more resilient against fear.
  Locket of Lost Whispers Scenes
Item type
Jewelry / Valuable
Current Location

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