The Äthergeist Framework

25 years ago, one mustached Eldonian Immgrant to Athelia named Heinz Freidrich Meltwile became fascinated by the moral frameworks as they were shifting by the introduction of natural philosophy, and reform Azreanism. He took a deep lens to the history of the Azrean church and started picking away at the axioms of belief to see what was left standing. The more he studied the history, the more he saw the religion as a slave revolt, but it wasn’t just a changing of old order with the new. It was meant to be a complete eradication of the moral framework of the masters.   The morality of the Masters held values such as pride, wealth, fame, and power. It made value judgments based on good or bad. It was value-creating and pursued personal excellence. Master morality is “sentiment.” “The noble type of man experiences itself as determining values; it does not need approval; it judges, ‘what is harmful to me is harmful in itself.’”   The morality of slaves held values such as kindness, empathy, and sympathy. It made value judgments based on good or evil. Slave Morality is “Ressentiment.” Slave morality is a reaction to oppression, vilifying its oppressors, and seeking to devalue and corrupt all that which the masters value. It does not seek to transcend the masters, but to make them slaves as well in egalitarianism.   Now that Heinz Meltwile had analyzed what he sees as the problem, he began putting out ideas for potential solutions. His answer was not to just return to Master Morality as a framework, although that was preferable to the status quo. Just as the old gods died and were replaced with the new, humanity would have to come up with new values and correct the inconsistencies in both moral and slave morality. Humanity needed to reevaluate and create a new story.   Heinz Meltwile called this framework the “Äthergeist” and it could be something that gives meaning to life. The old moral doctrine was outdated, it’s sole source of values exhausted, thus nihilism loomed as we were literally killing our own God. New values can banish the coming nihilism. We cannot relapse into Idealism and Ascentisim or anything motivated by the instincts inherent in them. They were justified by a slave morality and a resentfulness that promised an escape from our world and an escape from suffering. The “Äthergeist” is a goal that humanity can set for itself, a new prime-value, a super-meme. Äthergeist ignores those who promise other-worldly fulfillment. It rises above people’s “isms,” their hypocritical theories.   To Meltwile, the sole evil in this world is Nihilism. Any would disregard life is the enemy. Evil is Resentment. He predicted a cult of death would sweep across the world, and this must be fought at all costs. We must be “Life-Affirming” and fight against the “Last Man” who is antithetical to the Äthergeist. The Last Man is the vestige of egalitarian modernity that is taking hold in the Free Republics. He is Life-Denying. He presents a smothering of aspiration. He is the complaining resentment of the collective. He welcomes in the looming nihilism.


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