

A young native from the south, Vassalis has found himself in Dunwell looking for a fresh start. His skill in medicine has drawn him to a local clinic where he spends his time helping the citizens in and around the city. Respected as an almost miraculous healer, he keeps his magical powers hidden from those not close to him to avoid suspicion from the locals. He commits most of his time to the clinic, but does go out for a night of dice and drinks when opportunities arise.   He is usually seen wearing a hood and robe to keep warm, as he hasn't really acclimated to the northern chill.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall and slender. Vassalis isn't the most muscular person, but he doesn't have a body that most would call "soft".

Facial Features

He keeps his hair long and usually has a bear that covers the bottom half of his face.

Physical quirks

Vassalis is known to spend very little time sleeping. While many are concerned that over excursion will take its tole, it hasn't done so yet.

Apparel & Accessories

He generally sticks to his robe and cloak, though will occasionally done a special parka intended for use during important medical procedures. While limiting himself with adornments, he does have a ring on his finger with the visage of some kind of bird.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Vassalis grew up in the southern territories and doesn't specify where. His life before Dunwell seems to ambiguous. Even his good friend, Marcus Rivers, doesn't know or provide much context to Vassalis' earlier life.


Vassalis is well read and has an above average knowledge of several subjects. While not a savant in most, he can maintain a conversation and has an excellent capacity for retention.


He works in a clinic in Dunwell.

Failures & Embarrassments

He fled from Athelia with Marcus. He refuses to explain why.

Morality & Philosophy

Vassalis maintains a morality of non-aggression unless he or others he cares for are threatened. He wishes to stick to saving lives and finds the work fullfilling.   Duty to family has been drilled into him at a young age. While he agrees with this, he wishes to pursue a life of free choice and is willing to endure the consequences of his actions.

Personality Characteristics


Vassalis is dedicated to serving the citizens of Dunwell through the clinic. He is won't turn down anyone who needs his help, and will usually refuse payment from those who will clearly struggle with it. Some may say his commitment to work leaves no time for a social life, but who needs those when his friend Marcus lives for the both of them.   He finds his mind will wander when he isn't busy, so will usually direct his free attention to a dice game or three.

Likes & Dislikes

He enjoys reading and experimenting with various medicine/magic combinations to effectively treat wounds and diseases. He also will dedicate time to anyone who can provide news of the happenings in Athelia.   He doesn't being interrogated about his past by others and will shut down most attempts to do so. He also loathes adults who mistreat children.

Virtues & Personality perks

Committed: He will commit to a cause once he has given his word.   Generous: He is happy to provide help to those in need or less fortunate.   Patient: He doesn't allow himself to get rattled by things around him. He is willing to take the time needed to make sure something gets done right.

Vices & Personality flaws

Secrecy: He will maintain secrets that he believes could put himself in danger. Even if these secrets are detrimental to those around him.   Isolating: He generally doesn't make friends, despite his reputation as a doctor.   Addicted: He does have an addiction to dice gambling and has been known to turn towards debtors for an influx of money.


Contacts & Relations

Marcus Rivers: Friend   Ailean and Aine: Dunwell clinic owners

Hobbies & Pets

Vassalis spends most of his time working at the clinic. On occasion, he will go to the tavern with Marcus (both to keep him in line and for the dice games that frequent the establishment).   Attempts by women to get to know him usually end before anything meaningful can happen. While he is interested, he maintains a strict distance.

A young native from the south, Vassalis has found himself in Dunwell looking for a fresh start. His skill in medicine has drawn him to a local clinic where he spends his time helping the citizens in and around the city.

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Neutral Good
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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