
Crafted by a legendary Jester Genie, it was a vessel of stories, secrets, and the collective emotions of those who once held it.  


Empowered Identity Spell: Once Per Short Rest: Can Cast Identitify and Ask 3 Questions about the history of an item and get a (mostly) reliably true awnser.
History: Can be used to make history checks with advantage, Whimsy tells the history of a particular question but he may inject some of his Whimsy into the narrative.
Created by the Master: Whimsy has a deep connection to his creator and can be used to contact him. Though Whimsy decides who he wants to talk to, and will tend to find himself closer to the people who embody his master's creed.


Created in the Age of Legends before the Confligration by the Wandering Nephalim Jinn. If you ask Whimsy, he will say that there was a time when Jinn found an orphanage and decided to cheer up some of the mortal children, he picked up a sock, sewed Whimsy and poured his nature into the item. He then spent a month at the Orphanage, cheering up the children and telling stories. That was until he discovered by the mistress of the orphanage. Jinn left town then, figuring his time was up. But not before defacing some of the local shrines to Mara. She never could take a joke. Leaving the sock puppet behind, Whismy passed from child's hand one to another for decades, offering tales, comfort and humor. One child took Whismey with him though, found himself a member of trade caravan, and met a wandering wizard of some kind, that recognized the magic in the item. The Wizard stole Whimsy form the now Young Man, perhaps killing him. Some time went by, mostly spent in the backpack of the wizrad before Whimsy found himself at Feyneth's Hollow.
Item type
Creation Date
Approx -6000
Current Location

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