Zamoran (Za-mor-an)

The Zamoran people, inhabitants of the vast realm of Zamora, are shaped by a complex interplay of traditions and cultural practices that reflect the realities of their feudal society. Rooted in a system of hierarchies and obligations, the Zamorans navigate a landscape of rigid social structures and strict codes of conduct. Embracing the pragmatic pursuits of martial prowess and political influence, they prioritize the pursuit of power, status, and material wealth especially interm of magical power. In the realm of Zamora, magic is revered as a potent force, tightly controlled and reserved for those deemed worthy by the ruling elite, who harness its power to solidify their authority and maintain their grip on the realms of mysticism and arcane knowledge.   Clad in garments that signify their social standing, the Zamorans project an air of calculated composure and calculated reserve. Skilled in the arts of calligraphy, the inventors of the printing press, holding a monopoly on the worlds trade of silk and some spices, the Zamorans contribute to the world substnatially through trade.


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