BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Lines & Viels

Enthusiastic Consent

(We’re okay with this appearing in a game session and existing in-world)
PG-13 - R content rating   PC Permadeath   Significant NPC Permadeath   Princess Bride level of seriousness/silliness. There are stakes and consequences to your choices, and shenanigans are okay.    


  Romance on-screen, w/ fade to black, and between PCs and NPCs.   Violent conflict and/or betrayal between PCs    

Social and Cultural Issues

  Sexism   Fantasy-specific cultural issues   Classism   Police brutality    


  Bugs, blood, demons, rats, spiders    

Mental and Physical Health

Claustrophobia, paralysis   Freezing to death, heatstroke, starvation, thirst   Natural disasters, severe weather   Terrorism  


(Ok if veiled or referenced to "off-screen"; It may be ok onscreen but would requires discussion ahead of time)   Eyeballs, gore, body horror, cancer   Explicit romance, romance between PCs   Sex, sex with a fade to black, PC and NPC sex, PC and PC sex   physical abuse of any kind   Racism, gaslighting, self-harm   Pregnancy, miscarriage, or abortion   Torture  


(Hard Line, this will not be included or referenced at all at the table):   Sexual assault   Harm to animals or children   Sex that is explicitly described   Emotional or physical abuse between PCs   Real-world religion   Homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia


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