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Angoria Goddess of Good War - NSFW Image

Angoria came in the time of Perserphina. She rules over the sphere of good war. If a war is to be fought, it should be for protection or the vanquishing of evil, and the help of the innocent. Her rival is Sorgoganis the Evil God of War. In the many wars that come to Solare their followers face off with each other for the betterment of their cause.   Angoria is one of the stricter goddesses of good. She frowns on anyone who kills for enjoyment and pleasure and eventually sees that person is punished for their crimes. Any who worship her and commits a crime against her teachings will awaken her wrath upon them.   Angoria is a striking figure with long, luscious brown hair that falls in waves down her back. Her dark brown eyes are piercing, and they burn with a fierce determination. She has a muscular build, testament to her warlike nature. She is often portrayed as a topless female barbarian, with a crown of steel and gold, and ornate, intricate tattoos covering her arms.   Angoria, is a goddess dedicated to the idea that if a war must be fought, it should only be fought for protection or the vanquishing of evil. She became a goddess of war not out of lust for power, but as a reaction to the cruelty she saw from her rival, Sorgoganis. This strict lady of merit and virtue has, since her awakening, been a stalwart defender of the weak, the innocent, and the just. She sees each war as a sad necessity and strives to bring about its swift conclusion. Her ultimate purpose is to transform the understanding of war from a grim reality to a tool of protection, and eventually, to an obsolete concept.   Angoria is a disciplined and forthright deity. She leads with valor and wisdom, not hesitating to make tough decisions. As the Goddess of Good War, she strongly values honor, fairness, and justice. She is strict but compassionate, selfless and seeks the good in everyone. She is a fierce protector and guardian of all beings who abide by the law and tread on the path of righteousness.     Avatars: Fighter/cleric (30th level in each)
Alignment: Lawful Good
Movement: 240
Armor Class: 28
Hit Points: 1200
Hit Dice: 120
# of attacks: 10
Damage/Attack: 4d1 0/4d20/3d20/2d1 0/ 20d 100/20d100/ 20d100/ 20d100/ 30d100 / 10d100

Followers Abilities:
+2 to hit on attacks and damage.
1 extra bonus action once per short rest.
+1 to Perception, Intimidation, Athletics and Survival.
Improved Two Weapon Fighting: Two weapon fighting doesn’t take a bonus action and you can add ability modifier to damage.
War Flurry: At Level 5 followers can attack twice, instead of once, with the weapon that you’re holding in your other hand whenever you use two-weapon fighting on your turn.

Sacred Flame, Bane, Inflict Wounds, Zone of Truth, Hold Person

Divine Domains

War Domain, Tempest Domain, Twilight


Artifacts of Angoria are revered as sacred objects that carry the essence of her divine power. These artifacts symbolize the principles and ideals that the Goddess of Good War represents, serving as both physical reminders and conduits of her strength.   One such artifact is the Shield of Valor, a magnificent shield forged from enchanted steel and imbued with Angoria's blessings. It is said to be unbreakable, capable of deflecting any weapon or spell that comes its way. The Shield of Valor is often passed down through generations among her most loyal and honorable followers, serving as a symbol of their unwavering commitment to protecting the innocent and upholding justice.   Another artifact is the Sword of Justice, a blade crafted with exquisite craftsmanship and infused with divine energy. This sword represents Angoria's unwavering commitment to righteousness and her relentless pursuit of justice. It is said that when wielded by a true champion of Angoria, the Sword of Justice becomes an extension of their will, striking swiftly and decisively against all evildoers.    The final artifact closely tied to Angoria is the Gauntlet of Protection, a sturdy, armored glove made from enchanted leather and reinforced with shimmering steel plates. The Gauntlet of Protection symbolizes Angoria's commitment to safeguarding the defenseless and shielding them from harm. Those who wear this gauntlet are said to be imbued with enhanced strength and resilience.  

Holy Books & Codes

Angoria's Holy books and codes are revered as sacred scriptures among her followers. These texts contain the wisdom, teachings, and guidance of the Goddess of Good War, serving as a moral compass for those who seek to walk the path of righteousness. The primary holy book is known as "The Tome of Valor," a beautifully bound tome filled with intricate illustrations and profound writings.   "The Tome of Valor" contains stories and parables that exemplify Angoria's four tenets of faith: protection, vanquishing evil, justice, and swift conclusion. Through these tales, her followers gain insight into how to navigate the complexities of war while upholding honor and compassion. It also offers practical advice on conflict resolution, strategic warfare, and promoting peace.   In addition to "The Tome of Valor," Angoria's followers adhere to a set of sacred codes known as the "Code of Virtuous Warriors." These codes outline the principles by which her followers should live their lives, emphasizing integrity, self-discipline, and selflessness. The Code of Virtuous Warriors includes guidelines for honorable conduct both on and off the battlefield, promoting fairness, respect, and empathy. It teaches followers to use their strength and skills not for personal gain, but for the greater good.   Angoria's followers hold regular gatherings known as "Warrior Assemblies," where they come together to study the holy texts, discuss moral dilemmas, and receive guidance from experienced warriors and scholars. These assemblies serve as a place of community, fostering camaraderie and unity among Angoria's faithful.   The Goddess of Good War also grants her followers divine blessings in times of need. Warriors who display unwavering loyalty and dedication to Angoria's cause may receive visions or dreams that guide them towards victory or reveal hidden truths. These divine interventions serve as a reminder of Angoria's presence and reinforce her followers' faith in their righteous mission. (Characters may attempt to do a ritual prayer over 3 hours entering a trance. Roll a d100 with a 50% chance to have a vision or dream, if Angoria finds them worthy enough.)

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Two great swords crossed with feathers at the handles

Tenets of Faith

1. Protection: Angoria believes that war should only be fought to protect the innocent and righteous. She advocates for using force as a means to defend those who cannot defend themselves, ensuring their safety and well-being.   2. Vanquishing Evil: The Goddess of Good War believes in the necessity of eradicating evil from the world. She encourages her followers to stand against malevolence and injustice, using their strength to defeat the forces of darkness and oppression.   3. Justice: Angoria upholds the principles of fairness and justice. She expects her followers to adhere to a strict code of conduct, treating others with respect and empathy. Her divine wrath is reserved for those who commit crimes against her teachings or harm the innocent without justification.   4. Swift Conclusion: While war may sometimes be unavoidable, Angoria urges her followers to seek a swift resolution whenever possible. She abhors unnecessary bloodshed and advocates for diplomacy and peaceful resolutions whenever feasible.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To instill a sense of moral responsibility and accountability within her followers, guiding them towards righteous actions and decisions.   To inspire compassion and empathy in the hearts of her worshippers, fostering a deep understanding of the value of life and the importance of protecting the vulnerable.   To combat the influence of Sorgoganis, the Evil God of War, and thwart his malevolent plans.   To transform society's perception of war, promoting a shift from aggression and conquest towards protection and justice.   To ultimately bring about a world where war is obsolete, where conflicts are resolved through peaceful means rather than violence.   Angoria's divine goals are not easily achieved, for they require a significant shift in mindset and societal norms. However, she is tirelessly dedicated to her cause, guiding her followers along a path of righteousness and striving to make the world a safer and more just place for all.

Divine Classification
(Gods of Good) Goddess of Good War
Lawful Good
Dark Brown
Long brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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