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Aria Goddess of Birth and Death - NSFW Image

Aria is the younger half-sister of Lunious. Aria blesses female power and achievement. Born of an ancient goddess and god, her mother is mother to Lunious.   Aria is responsible for guiding good souls to their final resting place in the afterlife, while Hagsurium fulfills a similar role for evil souls. They are two sides of the same coin, with Aria being the compassionate counterpart to Hagsurium's dark nature.   Aria protects travels by night, she also is prayed to during birth and is a protector of children. Bringing good visions to children’s dreams. Aria sometimes wanders about Solare as an avatar in various guises of a child from different races, but her true form is a black haired female. Her ire and wrath are quick against those who would harm children. Her favorite avatar is that of a red haired girl.   She tries to comfort those in mourning when a loved one is lost. Usually visiting the dying before death, to ease their fears of the afterlife.   Aria is one of the gods that has the most interaction with mortals and many worshipers have sworn she has visited them when Aria the moon is full. Even when Aria’s moon isn’t full, people insist they talked to a child that was actually the goddess Aria. A crescent moon within a double circle with points to the left is her symbol.  
Cleric/Paladin (Any level in each)
Alignment: Neutral
Movement: NA
Armor Class: 40
Hit Points: 1,000
Hit Dice: 150
# of attacks: 20
Damage/Attack: 1-1000
  The damage done by this attack is 1d100 times a number between l and 100. Two 1d10s are rolled to see how much damage is done or the goddess can pick the amount of damage to be done.  
Followers Abilities: +3 to Charisma, +2 to intuition, +2 arcana.
  Specials: Cure Wounds, Toll the Dead, Spare the Dying, Aura of Life

Divine Domains

Grave, Life, Arcana, Death, Trickery


Moonstone Staff, the Silver Veil, and the Tears of Serenity.    The Moonstone Staff, carved from a fragment of her celestial namesake, allows a user to harness the lunar energies and manipulate them to create shields of light or beams of healing energy. The staff glows with a soft silver light, its surface adorned with intricate engravings depicting stars and constellations.   The Silver Veil, an ethereal garment woven from moonlight itself, grants a follower of Aria the ability to traverse between realms effortlessly. With the veil draped over their shoulders, they can pass through the barriers that separate the mortal world from the realms beyond.   The Tears of Serenity are a collection of shimmering dewdrops that form when Aria sheds tears of empathy and solace for those in pain. Each droplet holds within it a soothing essence capable of healing both physical and emotional wounds.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A crescent moon within a double circle

Tenets of Faith

Embrace death as a natural order of things and do not fear it.
Undead beings are an abomination and must be destroyed.
Protect children and teach them to respect life, guide them to their full potential.
Combat any followers of Hagsurium wherever they may be found.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To ease the fears of death and protect the passage of good souls. Be free and travel, explore the world and have no fear to adventure where there are no paths. Aria is a guiding light to the lost.

Divine Classification
(God of Nuetrality) Greater Goddess of Birth and Death
Dark brown
Black Long Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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