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Artimis Sky

Leader of the Black Cloak Guild, one of the largest theives guilds in South Angoria, Artimis Sky took over as leader after his father died by assasination. The Dark Consortium are the main enemies of the Black Cloaks and Artimis's focus is on revenge for his fathers assasination at their hands. This has created a war zone in The Green Palace and territories around South Angoria.   The Black Cloak's reach stretches from Bay Town to even the capital city of Polaria and Kalanthie, only matched in size by The Dark Consortium.   Artimis Sky is a leader with powerful and personal connections within the city and kingdoms. Even while under his fathers tutelage, Artimis was intelligent and when things get dirty can be very intimidating. He understands there must be honor among thieves and any who betray their fellow guild members will suffer punishment by Artimis's own hands. He also understands the workings of running a business and delegating the correct people to run aspects of the guild. Artimis has his hands in the political areana of the city and has influence within the upper echelon of royality and nobles. Artimis is calculated and cunning, always a step ahead of his enemies. He is magnetic and charismatic, and an impressive tactician. At the same time, Artimis isn't devoid of compassion. He values loyalty and has a special place in his heart for the underdogs and the downtrodden.   Artimis grew up weighing the value of trust and treachery, of loyalty and betrayal in the dense labyrinths of South Angoria's underworld. Inheriting leadership of the Black Cloak Guild after his father's tragic assassination, he vowed revenge against the Dark Consortium, his father's killers. The streets of the Green Palace and surrounding territories in South Angoria have become a war zone under his leadership. His relentless pursuit of justice, or what passes for it in the shadowy recesses of thievery and subterfuge, has not only carved his path as a leader but also earned him both friends and foes. With the sole objective of avenging his father's death, Artimis is keen to bring down the Dark Consortium, no matter what price he has to pay.   With his large network of contacts, Artimis deals from large scale thefts, to smuggling (specialising in poisons), to legal front operations and assassinations. The guild owns most brothels in the Green Palace and throughout the Kindoms of South Angoria, this has also created territory conflicts with another large brothel chain, The Naked Maidens Taverns.   Most criminal organizations consider Artimis as the King of the criminal underground chellenged only by The Dark Consortium.
Lawful Evil
Shoulder Length, black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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