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Elandra Goddess of Peace and Magic

Elandra came in the time of Perserphina. Created by Perserphina. Elandra fears the spread of evil and chaos. She dreads the misuse of magic for evil purposes and fears a world without peace and harmony.   Elandra seeks to spread peace to the lands in war. Only through peace can harmony with nature and all living beings be achieved. Besides Perserphina she is the only other divine entity that looks upon mortals that do wrong with compassion for they know not what they do. A hand with a magical flame above the palm is her symbol.   Elandra is a figure of captivating beauty, shrouded in mystery. Draped in black robes, her lush black hair cascades to her waist. Depending on her mood, she might be found topless or completely nude, her dignity preserved solely by the elegant black cloak she wears. Jewelry studded with gems of various colors adorn her serene countenance, signifying her dominion over Peace and Good Magic.   Elandra has a peculiar habit of changing her attire frequently. She takes a keen interest in the affairs of wizards and sentient beings, often intervening subtly to nudge them towards goodness.   Elandra enjoys the study of good magic, watching over her followers, and guiding them on the path to righteousness. She takes delight in peaceful negotiations and problem-solving.   Elandra was created by the divine being Perserphina during a time of great turmoil. Perserphina, recognizing the need for a beacon of peace and goodness, brought Elandra into existence. Elandra was bestowed the realms of Peace and Good Magic to govern, and she has ever since fulfilled her duties with grace and humility. Her sole purpose is to guide wizards and magical beings to use their skills to foster peace and propagate good. To those who dedicate their lives to worship Elandra, she grants powerful blessings that protect them and amplify their magical abilities to do good.   Elandra symbolizes peace and good magic. She is benevolent, wise, and kindly, preferring negotiation to combat. She guides her followers with patience and humility, expressing her displeasure subtly and encouraging good acts and deeds.         Avatars: Mage (40th level)
Alignment: Lawful Good
Movement: 120
Armor Class: 25
Hit Points: 800
Hit Dice: 80
# of Attacks: 4
Damage/Attack: 2d20/2d20/2d20/2d20
    Followers Abilities: +2 to intelligence. Cast one extra spell on their action, can only be done once per long rest. Spell save DC is 10 instead of 8. +1 extra spell slot per level
  Specials: Healing Word, Light, Sanctuary

Divine Domains

Peace, Arcana, Light, Life


The first artifact is the Amulet of Serenity. Crafted from pure silver and adorned with a flawless sapphire at its center, this amulet possesses the power to calm raging emotions and diffuse tension. When worn by a follower of Elandra, it instills a sense of tranquility and brings inner peace, allowing the wearer to think and act with clarity.   The second artifact is the Staff of Harmony. Carved from a rare and ancient oak tree, this staff radiates an aura of soothing energy. Its intricate carvings depict scenes of harmony and unity, reminding all who wield it of Elandra's teachings. With a touch of the staff, conflicts can be diffused, restoring balance and fostering understanding among warring factions.   The final artifact is the Book of Enlightened Spells. Bound in shimmering white leather and inscribed with golden ink, this book contains an extensive collection of spells that embody Elandra's principles of peace and good magic. These spells empower wizards to create harmony, heal wounds, and protect the innocent. Each page of the book is filled with intricate illustrations and detailed instructions, guiding the reader on the proper pronunciation and gesture required to cast each spell.   The Book of Enlightened Spells is not merely a compendium of magical knowledge; it is a sacred text that holds the essence of Elandra's teachings. Only those deemed worthy by Elandra herself can access its pages, for it is said that the book imbues its reader with a profound sense of compassion and understanding.   Elandra's followers, known as the Peaceweavers, are a diverse group that encompasses both wizards and non-magical beings alike. They gather in temples dedicated to Elandra, where they study her teachings, engage in peaceful discussions, and practice the art of diplomacy.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A hand with a magical blue flame above the palm

Tenets of Faith

1. Embrace Peace: Above all else, Elanra urges her followers to embrace peace in every aspect of their lives. They must strive to resolve conflicts through diplomatic means and seek harmony with all beings, both magical and non-magical.   2. Use Magic for Good: Elanra emphasizes the responsible use of magic for the betterment of others. She encourages her followers to utilize their magical abilities to heal, protect, and bring joy to those in need. The misuse of magic for selfish or malevolent purposes is strictly forbidden in her teachings.   3. Seek Balance: Elanra believes in the importance of maintaining balance in the world. She encourages her followers to find harmony within themselves and in their interactions with others, as well as with nature and the realms of magic.   4. Foster Compassion: Compassion lies at the core of Elanra's teachings. She teaches her followers to extend empathy and understanding towards all beings, even those that they may consider their enemies. She emphasizes the power of forgiveness and encourages her followers to approach conflicts with a compassionate heart, seeking resolutions that promote understanding and reconciliation.


Peace Day, Shuall, 25th

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To diffuse conflicts before they erupt into war, and if war does break out, to fight for peace. The delicate balance between war and peace is an ever-swinging pendulum in nature, and it is up to those like Elandra to keep it in check. Follow her example and become a peacemaker, bridging the divide between nations and bringing harmony to a chaotic world.

Divine Classification
(Gods of Good) Godess of Peace and Magic
Lawful Good
Bright Blue or Dark Brown
Long Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white


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