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Enkell God of Retribution and Magic

Enkell is an imposing figure, towering over most beings. In his true form, his skin is of onyx hue, mirroring the blackness of the darkened skies during a storm. His eyes blaze with the fury of a retribution unfulfilled, burning a bright, eerie red. He is typically garbed in a cloak as midnight black as his skin, with three black crows woven elegantly on the back.   He was instrumental in a celestial revolt against an old god who viewed justice as a plaything. After overthrowing this old god, Enkell took it upon himself to enforce the balance of justice and retribution. His unforgiving pursuit of fulfilling just desserts made him renowned as The God of Retribution, feared by the guilty, and revered by the wronged. His stern belief in the principle of an action deserving a just reaction echoes in the world, marking him as an eternal symbol for karma.   Enkell is a divinity marked by a stern sense of justice and a drive for vengeance. He is harsh but fair, quick to punish those he believes deserve it. Enkell places an immense value on the principle of "An eye for an eye", often taking it upon himself to deliver the wrath of retaliatory justice.  

Avatars: Mage (40th level)
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Movement: NA
Armor Class: 30
Hit Points: 1200
Hit Dice: 80
# of attacks: 10
Damage/Attack: 1 - 1000
  Followers Abilities: +1 extra spell slot per spell level, +1 extra dice for any damaging spell. 1 advantage roll per day. If an attack roll should fail, a follower can choose not to fail it once per long rest. Rogues don’t need an advantage for sneak attacks.
  Special: Cure Wounds, Blindness/Deafness, Inflict Wounds, Locate Object, Light

Divine Domains

Death, Trickery, Grave, War

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Three black crows

Tenets of Faith

Master your fear and become that which others fear. Perfect yourself as a weapon of retribution. Repay any pain and suffering done to you. Become a master of the shadow, of misdirection, win by avoiding direct combat, but if you must fight, become the perfect weapon.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The law of karma must be fulfilled. He aims for mortals to obtain revenge, or justice where it is deserved. Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. The world grows and revolves through war, and where there is war there are followers of Enkell. A balance will be kept for cruelty and suffering done, retribution will come.

Divine Classification
(Evil Gods) Greater God of Retribution and Magic
Lawful Evil
Brown or Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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