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Eshuall Goddess of Nature - NSFW Image

Eshuall was created by Dijinus. She is favored among rangers and druids. She teaches the ways of survival and hunting and to cherish the natural land for what it has to offer and be one with all creatures and plants. Often at odds with Luskell, as the mortals evolve it often means destruction of forests to make new homes or resources for expansion of cities. While she understands the progression of evolution, she is angered when there is unnecessary destruction of natural environments or pollution of water. She looks down on any who kill wild life for sport.   Portrayed as either a wolf, bear or a female in the forest with messy brown hair, human or elf.
  Avatars: Fighter/Cleric/Druid (35th level in each)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Movement: 120
Armor Class: 30
Hit Points: 500
Hit Dice: 50
# of attacks: 3
Damage/Attacks: 4d20/4d20/3d20
  Followers Abilities: + 3 to Survival, Arcana, Nature. Choose one extra skill for proficiency. + 2 to AC. + 4 to healing spells.
  Specials: Animal Friendship, Cure Wounds, Entangle, Charm Person, Goodberry, Barkskin, Gust of Wind, Protection from Poison

Divine Domains

Life, Nature, Twilight

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A circle with a tree and bare roots

Tenets of Faith

Protect natural environments
Be in harmony with nature
Respect the natural progression of the circle of life
Do not hunt and kill for sport
When you hunt and kill an animal, be respectful and humble for its gifts and sacrifice

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Teach that one does not have to have riches, owning bigger houses, or gaining power. This leads to being envious, always chasing more gold never gaining it. Not all will succeed in gaining such riches.   You don't have to be rich to be spiritual. Spirituality frees mortals from worldly need of wealth. Eshuall wants the mortal children to cultivate virtues, relationships and make time to figure out what is true happiness. Learn to evolve in harmony with nature and thus the universe. The circle of life encompasses all living things in nature, thus there must be a balance with nature and evolution of modern ways.
Divine Classification
(Gods of Neutrality) Goddess of Nutrality and Nature
Neutral Good
Dark Brown
Messy brown, long or short
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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