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General Borus Wolfheart

General Borus Wolfheart is a striking figure. Standing at over 6 feet tall, the grizzled yet sturdy human has captivating green eyes and long, silver hair tied back into a tight braid. His body bears several scars, remnants of numerous battles, and his strong features signify a life of hardship and adventure. He typically wears his old military uniform, bearing the insignia of the Green Palace, though it is now tattered and worn.   Despite his military background, Borus has a soft spot for art, particularly music. He can often be found humming an old battle hymn under his breath. Additionally, he never passes a chance to feed a hungry stray cat.   Borus spends his leisure time practicing swordsmanship and engaging in tactical war games. He also has a deep love for lore, voraciously reading old scrolls and books, learning everything he can about strategy and history.   Born and raised within the walls of the Green Palace, Borus quickly displayed an aptitude for combat. From a collage of guards to a soldier on the frontlines, he rose steadily through the ranks, accruing respect for his tireless dedication. However, a brutal battle that claimed many of his men forced him into a checkered semi-retirement, leaving him with deep-seated guilt and a fervor to keep his homeland safe. Now, he seeks a way to prevent such loss from ever happening again, fueled by his relentess devotion to the palace and its people.   General Borus Wolfheart is intensely loyal and fiercely protective. He is known for his strict discipline and uncompromising character, often pushing those around him to their limits to coax out their full potential. Not one for levity, he is stoic and pragmatic, yet beneath his stern exterior lies a heart of pure gold.


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