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Hagsurium God of Hate and Death

The Great God is only one of the Prime Entities, and while he represents all that is good in creation, there were others Primes. Most are unknown, but there are three that have stories and exist in the Pantheon of Gods. Hagsurium, Enkell and Sorgoganis are Prime Entities. If the Great God represents good, Hagsurium is the opposite. Hagsurium God of Hate and Death   Hagssurium lusts for power, believing only those with great power should rule. Ancient History says there was a war of the Prime Entities, and the Great God was the victor claiming rulership over all the Prime Entities.   Hagsurium was charged to rule over the gates of death judging the souls for deeds done during life. He was frowned upon by other Primes and he looked at his post as a punishment. His hate grew once the Great God had children that were positioned as the rulers of reality.   He feeds on death and hate growing powerful from his followers who gain in stature through hate or violence. The reality that the Great God created should have been Hagsurium’s right. He plots to overthrow the Good Gods and recreate a reality of his choosing. He will become the one true ruler. Then, he shall lavish and indulge in the freedom of his sins and most perverted loves.   Hagsurium rewards his followers for killing or conquering in his name. Win at all costs. The more shrines and converts that are swayed to him, the more power he gains and victories over other gods. To keep followers’ abilities, they must perform one vile act per week in Hagsurium’s name. Rape, murder, torture, slaughter, some evil deed that spits in the faces of the Good Gods. A skull carved on a round coin is his symbol.     Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Movement: NA
Armor Class: 30
Hit Points: 4000
Hit Dice: 400
# of attacks: 13
Damage/Attacks: 1-1000 Handle the damage done same way as Perserphinas damage attack.   Any God who is hit by Hagsurium must roll saving throw or be dispersed for 1D10 days times the amount of damage done by Hagsunum.   Followers Abilities: + 2 to saving throws and proficiency rolls. + 3 to 2 ability scores player chooses which abilities with score cap at 24. 2 extra die for damage spells. Pray to Hagsurium and gain Aid or Shield of Faith. Immunity to curses, charm, and sleep spells.   Special: Bane, Inflict Wounds, Blindness/Deafness, Hold Person, Silence, Bestow Curse.

Divine Domains

Grave, Tempest, War, Arcana, Death, Trickery

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A skull carved on a round coin

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Spread hate, spread death and feed of it. To rule over all reality and relish in the pain and suffering of mortals and souls. His main goal is to gain revenge on the other gods, vengeance for his loss in the War of the Primes.
Divine Classification
(Gods of Evil) Greater God of Hate and Death


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