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Intelliencia Goddess of Intelligence - NSFW Image

Intelliencia is the fourth created by the Great One and is the younger sister to Dijinus, Knowalia, and Wiszilliona. Perserphina being the youngest half sister to them all.   Intelliencia fears the spread of ignorance and the erosion of intellectual curiosity. She dreads a world where individuals abandon their search for truth and wisdom, succumbing instead to blind faith or unthinking obedience.   Emerging from the cosmic ethos as the third sister of cognition, alongside Knowledge and Wisdom, Intelliencia represents the thirst for understanding and the ability to apply learnt lessons. She honed mortal and immortal minds, fostering the ability to question, to learn and to apply. To drive home the importance of curiosity and understanding, the goddess often weaves herself into the fabric of mortal tales and quests, assisting heroes not with brute force, but with the power of logic, creativity, and critical thinking. Her ultimate goal is to foster an unending thirst for knowledge and a relentless pursuit of truth in all beings, emphasizing that intelligence is not a destination, but a journey.   She is logical by design, at times almost showing no emotion and has helped gods win many battles. With her, the gods have been able to stay steps ahead of the evil gods and other entities from beyond. But she does care and love the children of Solare, the mortals. Intelliencia does her best to help them in their struggles to solve problems in their lives.   A winged goddess with flowing silver hair that cascades like shimmering water. Commonly portrayed in her natural state of nudity, Intelliencia personifies the unadorned and pure truth of intelligence.   Intelliencia is patient yet assertive. She enjoys intellectual debates and possesses an insatiable curiosity. Adored for her stimulating ideas, she inspires those around her to embrace their quest for knowledge, ask difficult questions, and think critically.   She gives blessings to the libraries and the sages that help write the books that give people the information they need to empower their minds and apply that knowledge.   A feather within a square is her symbol.   Avatars: Sage (50th level)
Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 120
Armor Class: 40
Hit Points: 650
Hit Dice: 65
# of Attacks: 4
Damage/Attack: 3d20/3d20/2d1 0/40d100     Followers Abilities: +4 to Intelligence ability score, Immune to all charm and sleep spells. + 3 to Insight, Investigation, Religion, Arcana.   Specials: Clairvoyance, Daylight, Detect Magic, Purify Food and Drink, Aid, Calm Emotions, Continual Flame, Enhance Ability, Locate Object, Spiritual Weapon

Divine Domains

Knowledge, Light, Forge, Order


Intelliencia's main artifact concerning intelligence is the Tome of Intelligence. This ancient and sacred book holds within its pages the collective knowledge and wisdom of the ages. Written by sages and scholars throughout history, the Tome of intelligence is a testament to the pursuit of knowledge and the power of intellect.   The Tome is said to be imbued with Intelliencia's divine essence, radiating a gentle aura that enhances the reader's intellectual faculties. It is said that as one delves into its pages, their mind becomes sharpened, their capacity for critical thinking heightened, and their thirst for knowledge intensified.   Only those who have been granted permission by Intelliencia herself are able to access the Tome. It is carefully guarded within the hallowed halls of her most cherished libraries within her sisters city, Silvery City, where dedicated scholars and seekers of truth come to study its profound contents.   Within its pages, one can find treatises on various subjects, ranging from philosophy and science to history and mathematics. The Tome of Intelligence acts as both a guide and a source of inspiration, offering insights and perspectives that expand the boundaries of human understanding.   The knowledge contained in the Tome is not static but ever-evolving, with additional passages being added periodically by the most astute minds of each generation. Scholars and sages from all walks of life are invited to contribute their discoveries and insights, enriching the collective wisdom held within its ancient pages.   To access the Tome, one must undergo a rigorous examination of their intellectual capabilities. Only those who have demonstrated exceptional intelligence, a genuine thirst for knowledge, and unwavering dedication to truth are deemed worthy to be entrusted with its sacred contents.   The process begins with an invitation from Intelliencia herself, a subtle whisper that reaches the ears of a chosen individual. This invitation acts as both an honor and a challenge, for it carries with it the weight of responsibility and the expectation of upholding the principles of intelligence.   Once the invitation has been received, the aspiring scholar must embark on a quest to prove their worthiness. They are tasked with solving a series of intricate puzzles and riddles, each designed to test their critical thinking skills and their ability to apply knowledge in practical ways. The challenges are not meant to be easily conquered, but rather to push the limits of the mind and ignite the fire of intellectual curiosity within the aspirant.   As the aspiring scholar progresses through the trials, they find themselves delving deeper into the realms of wisdom and understanding. They encounter ancient texts and forgotten knowledge, unearthing secrets that have been hidden for centuries. They engage in debates with esteemed scholars and engage in intellectual discourse that sharpens their reasoning abilities.   Throughout their journey, Intelliencia watches over them, observing their progress with a sense of pride and anticipation. She sees their potential and recognizes the spark of brilliance within them. With each trial completed, the connection between the aspiring scholar and Intelliencia grows stronger, as if an unbreakable bond is being forged.   Finally, after overcoming countless obstacles and demonstrating unwavering dedication to the pursuit of knowledge, the aspiring scholar reaches the final challenge. They stand before a massive door, adorned with intricate symbols and inscriptions that seem to pulse with a faint, ethereal light. This is the threshold to the chamber where the Tome of Intelligence awaits. (The Tome of Intelligence grants a character an intelligence score of 26.)

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A feather within a square is her symbol.

Tenets of Faith

1. Embrace the power of knowledge: Intelliencia believes that knowledge is the key to unlocking one's full potential. She encourages individuals to seek out information, learn from it, and apply it in meaningful ways. 2. Nurture intellectual curiosity: Intelliencia cherishes the innate curiosity within every individual. She urges her followers to never stop questioning, exploring, and seeking answers. She believes that curiosity fuels growth and leads to greater understanding.   3. Foster critical thinking: Intelliencia advocates for the development of one's analytical and reasoning abilities. She teaches her disciples to approach information with a discerning eye, to question assumptions, and to evaluate evidence objectively.   4. Champion logic and creativity: Intelliencia recognizes the power of logical reasoning and creative problem-solving. She encourages her devotees to harness the strength of both faculties in order to find innovative solutions and make wise decisions.   5. Share knowledge and empower others: Intelliencia believes that knowledge should be shared freely and generously.


Intelliencia's Holidays are celebrated with great enthusiasm and reverence by her followers. These sacred days serve as a reminder of the importance of knowledge, critical thinking, and the pursuit of truth. Each holiday is marked by various rituals and celebrations that pay homage to the goddess and her teachings.   1. Day of Illumination: On this day, devoted followers of Intelliencia gather in libraries, academies, and places of learning to celebrate the power of knowledge. They engage in lively debates, share insights, and participate in intellectual discussions. It is also customary to offer prayers and express gratitude for the wisdom passed down through generations.   2. Festival of Curiosity: This vibrant festival encourages individuals to embrace their innate curiosity and explore new realms of thought. People engage in creative endeavors, such as art exhibitions, scientific experiments, and philosophical discussions. It is a time for intellectual exploration and the fostering of new ideas.   3. Logicmas: Celebrated during the winter solstice, Logicmas is a time when people gather to honor the logical reasoning and problem-solving abilities that Intelliencia embodies. The festival is marked by intellectual challenges, riddles, and puzzles that test the wit and critical thinking skills of participants. Scholars and thinkers from all corners of the mortal realm come together to share their knowledge and engage in friendly competitions to solve complex problems. It is a time of camaraderie and celebration, as people revel in the joy of unraveling mysteries and expanding their understanding.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To spread the light of knowledge to every corner of the mortal realm, empowering individuals with the tools they need to navigate the complexities of life.   To inspire curiosity and a thirst for understanding in all beings, igniting a never-ending quest for learning and growth.   To champion critical thinking and logical reasoning, guiding mortals towards making informed decisions and avoiding the pitfalls of ignorance.   To assist mortals in their struggles by offering guidance and support, using her intellectual prowess to help them solve problems and overcome challenges.   To protect the libraries and repositories of knowledge, ensuring that they remain places of enlightenment for generations to come.   To encourage the sharing of knowledge and the exchange of ideas, fostering a community where wisdom is accessible to all who seek it.

  To collaborate with her siblings, Dijinus, Knowalia, Wiszilliona, and Perserphina, in preserving the balance between knowledge, wisdom, and intelligence throughout the cosmos.

Divine Classification
(God of Nuetrality) Greater Goddess of Intelligence
Long sleek Silver
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale white


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