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Introduction to Gods of Solare

The pantheon of Solare is made of various gods, the oldest being the Prime Entities. The gods are active in Solare, many being seen here and there as mortels traverse the lands. They are powerful entities, yet are bound by the decrees of The Great God. Though The Great God is merely mentioned and never seen upon Solar, he does have followers. His influence flowing through The Great Goddess Perserphina. Perserphina being the choosen goddess to oversee all of reality by The Great God, she commands the highest authority in the pantheon.   Perfections of Nature     In North Angoria, on the planet of Solare, gods are seen as perfect embodiments of nature and are often depicted in their natural form - nude. It is primarily humans who perceive them this way. Unlike mortals, they do not have a sense of shame or modesty surrounding their bodies. In fact, they view their physical forms as representations of perfection. This perspective is shared by Northern Angorians and particularly barbarians, who see nudity as a symbol of righteousness. It is common for both men and women to appear naked during celebrations, sports events, and clan gatherings, only donning a loincloth when visiting cities.   In most civilized cities, it was not uncommon to find altars adorned with nude idols of their gods. However, the majority of citizens did not share the same beliefs as barbarians or other worshippers who embraced nudity. For the orc race, baring one's body was seen as a display of vulnerability and they would often strip captured enemies in order to shame them. Dwarves, on the other hand, showed indifference towards this practice, viewing it as peculiar and foreign. As for the elves, there were varying opinions within their kind. Some forest elves held similar beliefs to the barbarians of North Angoria and would partake in celebrations or rituals while in the nude, connecting themselves to nature and their primal instincts. Others stood firmly against such customs, considering it a violation of their dignity and modesty.     Relationships   Lawful and Neutral gods get along for the most part and there are siblings among the pantheon. The most known sibling rivalry would be between Dijinus and his half sister Perserpina. Dijinus is the oldest brother of the famous sibling gods consisting of Dijinus the Fire God and his sisters, Knowalia, Wisziliona, Intelliencia, and Perserphina their half sister. The two moon sisters Lunious and Aria, also half sisters have a strong bond and watch over Solare like guardians in the night. The evil gods and Prime Entities, Hagsurium, Enkell, and Sorgoganis are all siblings that can join into one god called the Chaos God.   Worshipers   Worshipers are crucial for the gods. A god who has few worshipers has lesser power in the pantheon. A god with no worshipers losses his powers and becomes a sleeping entity in the beyond. Some greater gods though, with their innate powers, still hold great power naturally even if they have few worshipers, thus gaining a larger pool of followers would grant them even greater might.   Clerics and Followers   The god can see and hear everything that happens in their temples. The gods though are not entirely omnipotent. Followers of the gods, who the god deems above the normal mortals, adventurers or champions of the gods, will be blessed with abilities. Each god gives certain blessings when a follower gives prayer or worship every day.   Blessings for Followers   Abilities: These are bonus abilities the gods grant to clerics, but also other followers who walk the path of adventure, not your average mortal. Common folk don’t gain abilities. A follower’s abilities are gained by giving thanks and prayer, sometimes an item must be carried as well, to gain the abilities. When players forget to do this, they may not have the abilities for the next day. Some gods have specific ways to worship to gain their abilities. With the divine intervention of the blessings, bonus caps can be broken.   Specials: These specials are for clerics only. These are the spells the deity grants to clerics in addition to any other spells they normally obtain, these special powers are not counted against the normal spells acquired for the day and can be cast even if the cleric is not yet of sufficient level to cast the spell normally.   When a character becomes a cleric, he must choose which god or goddess to follow. When he selects his spells, he gains the benefit of the specials as well.   Clerics are the only class that need to choose a deity to follow, other classes have the choice. God’s don’t need to be worshipped in Solare, but blessings for worshipping can be helpful to both common folk and adventurers. There are many cults and orders spread around the world, each spreading the ideals and teachings of their god.


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