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Osious God of Oceans and Animals

Osious is the god of the oceans and protector of animals. He is also one of the Prime Entities from beyond thus one of the ancient gods of Solare. He usually roams the coastal lands as either a younger ladies man or older serious avatar with silver hair and beard. He respects those that teach harmony with nature and animals of the world. Sailers favor him and pray to him for safe journeys on their voyages in the oceans and seas.   Osious also favors rangers that fight to keep the harmony and peace in the natural world. Eshuall and Osious can usually be found together in coastal regions and forests talking about the natural world and the progression of the mortals and their effects on Solare. As an avatar, he is a charmer of ladies, and loves to visit cities as a bard tempting many young girls. As the ruler of the oceans he is almost always portrayed as a nude dominating man, sometimes fighting a sea creature or riding upon one. Paintings and alters display his perfect shaped and chiseled body. While Perserphina's paintings and alters display a perfect female body and empowerment of women, Osious is the male version.   Osious considers Perserphina the perfect form of the female body and aims to make her his mate. He is much older than she and is A Prime Entity, usually also a rival to Dijinus. Both Dijinus and Osious representing opposing elements, tensions have flared during godly gatherings. Dijinus is the ruler over neutral gods, but Osious pledges no alligence to him, nor considers him his ruler. He doesn't care for ruling over other gods, and respects Perserphina's authority, but so long as his domain is not bothered he will not bother other's domains. He will always come to the aid of Perserphina should she ask.
Three waves above a spear pointing down is his symbol.   Avatars: Fighter/ Bard/ Ranger (Any Level)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Movement: NA
Armor Class: 40
Hit Points: 3000
Hit Dice: 300
# of attacks: 15
Damage/Attack: 1-1000   The damage done by this attack is 1d100 times a number between l and 100. Two 1d10s are rolled to see how much damage is done or the goddess can pick the amount of damage to be done.   Followers Abilities: +1 to Strength, +1 to Constitution, +2 to Charisma. +1 to attack and damage rolls. +2 to survival and animal handling. Advantage on saves vs Fire Spells. Rangers gain one extra attack first round of combat.   Specials: Cure Wounds, Bless, Light, Find Traps, Beacon of Hope, Mass Cure Wounds.

Divine Domains

War, Nature, Tempest

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Three waves above a spear pointing down.

Tenets of Faith

Nature can be savage and the oceans are no exception. Either on land or water, learn to be in harmony with it. Protect the oceans and the lands and all beasts within them while respecting the circle of life.


Sailors Day on Goria, 18th

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Create harmony between the evolution of civilization and nature. Destroy all abominations of nature who seek to corrupt the harmony of life.
Divine Classification
(Gods of Neutrality) Greater God of the Ocean and Animals
Dark Brown, or Light blue
Short Brown, or Long Silver
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White, or Tann


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