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Perserphina Great Goddess of Solare - NSFW Image

Perserphina the Goddess of Solare   Perserphina was born a half-mortal half god and so had two pairs of parents. The Great God is her father. Perserphina is a stunning embodiment of beauty with perfect body curves. Her unreasonably attractive attributes include vibrant thick hair, soft alluring eyes, a youthful face, and sensual curves that are admired by many.   Perserphina was part nymph and human. The Great God imbued her with the beauty that represented Solare. She adventured as a rogue and fighter when she walked as a mortal on Solare, but the effects of her beauty didn’t blind any onlookers, though it was enough if they failed a wisdom save, they were charmed for 24hrs. Perserphina was not a bashful adventurer and had the natural curiosity of a nymph. Perserphina's most distinct quirk is her preference for nudity, which she wears like a suit of armor. She thrives on breaking societal norms and challenging the status quo.   She also has a fondness for artwork, often posing for sculptures and portraits. Paintings and statues of Perserphina portray her as a nude female expressing the perfection of the gods especially in barbarian clans in Northern Angoria. In barbarian clans, gods are portrayed in the nude with most considering them as perfect beings. Gods do not have the modesty that mortals do and Perserphina is among one of the gods that emphasis this belief. The goddess has walked among the barbarian clans as one of their priestesses. She became beloved in Northern Angoria, where her beauty and free spirit resonated. Their artists drew inspiration from her form, creating countless paintings and sculptures. However, her unashamed embrace of nudity and love was misinterpreted by the more conservative societies; this ostracization led her to question the stifling norms and dedicate her existence to challenging them. Guided by her innate nymph-like curiosity, Perserphina embarks on adventures, striving to normalize love and nudity while respecting others' boundaries. She fears the cruel spread of the Askaria Empire and what its influence means for mortals.   Perserphina is a strong advocate for the true essence of nudity, believing it should be celebrated as a symbol of confidence and natural beauty. However, she fears its misuse as a tool of humiliation and oppression by the Askaria Empire. She firmly objects to their actions of publicly shaming and degrading those who are vulnerable. Perserphina has dedicated herself to fighting against the empire's oppressive ways and blessing those who resist slavery and injustice. Her ultimate goal is to restore purity and remove the stigma associated with nudity that the empire has created. Despite her fiery passion, she remains patient, understanding that change takes time. Her kind and wise nature makes her a symbol of love, compassion, and rebellion in the eyes of those who seek freedom from oppression. She fiercely protects those she blesses, making her a courageous and unwavering force against injustice.   In other parts, people have claimed to see the goddess as a nymph walking in the forest or bathing in rivers or lakes. But, most people wave such rumors away as fantasy. Perserphina is confident, unapologetically bold, and flirtatious. She exudes charm and an inviting sense of sensuality. She is witty, and is often the center of attention, sometimes even unintentionally. Despite her outward flirtation, she has a deep sense of love in her heart, yearning for true connection and intimacy even in her casual liaisons.   Perserphina loves to travel, explore different cultures, and immerse herself in local customs. She also has a passion for dance, expressing herself freely in the rhythm of music.   Through the divine powers of the Great One Perserphina gained Godly ascension and became the Goddess of Hope and Love tasked to watch over Solare while the Great God rested. Fertility, love, sex was one side of her realm of influence while others were in protection, medicine, and war. Perserphina is the epitome of love, adored by everyone around her for her kind and confident demeanor. Her natural curiosity always eager to discover the world around her. Despite her divine beauty, Perserphina is humble and compassionate, always willing to help those in need.   When the time of the Great God ended, she became The Great Goddess of Solare rivaled only by Dijinus the Fire God.   Followers of Perserphina give thanks by setting a time during the day to pray while holding a blessed blue stone with a white dove carved into it. Her symbol is a white dove.  

Perserphina (Greater Goddess)

    Avatars: Rogue, Wizard, Cleric (Any level in each)
Alignment: -
Movement: NA Armor Class: 40
Hit Points: 1,500
Hit Dice: 150
# of attacks: 12
Damage/Attack: 1-1000   The damage done by this attack is 1d100 times a number between l and 100. Two 1d10s are rolled to see how much damage is done or the goddess can pick the amount of damage to be done.   Followers Abilities: +1 to all ability scores with cap at 24, +1 to saving throws and +1 to all proficiencies, +1 to attack and damage rolls. Spells that require concentration no longer do up to 2 spells at levels 1 - 5, 3 spells at levels 6 - 15, 4 spells at levels 16 - 20. Automatically succeed on one death save.   Specials: Cure Wounds, Bless, Light, Find Traps, Beacon of Hope, Mass Cure Wounds.

Divine Domains

Arcana, Light, War, Tempest, Order, Twilight, Peace, Knowledge, Life


Zealot longsword
Perserphina's Dagger of Targeting
Zoron, Perserphina's Shortsword

Holy Books & Codes

"The Book of Embrace," "The Code of Liberation," and "The Songs of Love." These holy texts serve as a guide for Perserphina's followers, outlining the principles and values they should uphold in their daily lives.   "The Book of Embrace" delves into the concept of self-acceptance and embracing one's natural beauty. It emphasizes the importance of confidence and encourages individuals to love themselves unconditionally, regardless of societal standards or expectations. The book also explores the idea of challenging societal norms, urging followers to challenge oppressive systems and strive for a more inclusive and accepting world.   "The Code of Liberation" focuses on fighting against oppression and injustice. It instructs followers to use their voice and influence to protect the vulnerable, standing up against those who seek to harm or marginalize others. The code also highlights the need for patience and understanding, acknowledging that change takes time but encouraging steadfast dedication to the cause.   "The Songs of Love" is a collection of poems, songs, and stories that celebrate love, intimacy, and connection. These beautiful works of art explore the depths of human emotion, capturing the essence of what it means to truly love and be loved. The Songs of Love inspire followers to express their feelings freely and authentically, encouraging them to embrace the vulnerability that comes with opening their hearts to others.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

White dove or Blue stone with a white dove carved into it

Tenets of Faith

1. Embrace your natural beauty and be confident in who you are.   2. Challenge societal norms and strive to create a more inclusive and accepting world.   3. Celebrate love, intimacy, and connection, while respecting the boundaries of others.   4. Fight against oppression and injustice, using your voice and influence to protect the vulnerable.   5. Restore purity and remove the stigma associated with nudity, promoting a healthy and respectful view of the natural body.   6. Be patient and understanding, knowing that change takes time.   7. Stand up for those who are marginalized and bless them with your support.   8. Explore different cultures, immerse yourself in local customs, and seek to understand the world around you.   9. Express yourself freely through art, dance, and music, allowing your creativity to shine.   10. Hold onto hope and spread love wherever you go, embodying the essence of the Goddess herself.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To foster love and unity among all beings, to inspire individuals to embrace their true selves and find confidence in their natural beauty, to challenge oppressive societal norms and create a more accepting world, to protect the vulnerable and fight against injustice, to restore purity and remove the stigma associated with nudity, to promote a healthy and respectful view of the human body, to encourage exploration and understanding of different cultures, to express oneself freely through art, dance, and music, to spread hope and love wherever she goes, and ultimately, to watch over Solare and ensure its prosperity in the absence of the Great God and save souls from the temptations of Hagsurium and eternal torture of the 9 Hells.

Divine Classification
(Gods of Good) Great Goddess
Lawful Good
Light Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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