Sal's Entry Part 2

  • One day I'm waking in this vast stretch of emptiness when all of a sudden a gorge was at my feets. I stood there awhile but then it started callin to me so I ventured down in there. I met my new friend Millheart down there. He is traveling with me now.
  • Me and Millheart come out of the gorge and now there is a forest with blood rain. I should have just stayed home. The sherif of Direham might have been an idiot but at least it didnt rain blood.
  • Day 1472. I met a very terrifying woman name Old Red Ruth Pigtooth. She asked for my soul but I traded her some our worlds history instead. She said she was from a place called Avernus. And that a group of assholes called The Fox Catchers forever changed her life. Why you would ever want to catch foxes instead of leaving them alone is beyond me but hell so is a forest of blood.
  • Me and Millheart found a nice place to camp. I think we will stay awhile and watch the routes before try and sneak through this giant city. 
  • Spiders, why does it always half to be spiders.
  • Jazzdarino, what a funny name. 
  • Trolls with giant nails pull caravans, don't like that. 
  • I might have found a tunnel that can get us into the city, but i'm not sure where it goes. 
  • I could go for a milk steak right now.


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