Sersus, God of Conquest and Tyranny Character in Solaria | World Anvil

Sersus, God of Conquest and Tyranny

Anger and malice radiating from him is almost palpable. He exercises no control over his temper or his urges and lashes out at subordinates at the slightest provocation. Sersus appears as a four-horned minotaur of incredible size clad in spiked bronze armor and wilding a massive ebon greataxe. He doesn't debase himself by appearing in other guises to mortals - to behold him is to behold the cruelty of war personified.   MYTHS OF MOGIS The tales of Mogis’s deeds exemplify his need to unmake, his brutality, and his desire to destroy his hated brother.   The Endless Feud. One legend claims that Mogis and Iroas were once a single being, the act of war personified. But the inherent tension between honor and brutality in combat led to a dichotomy of purpose too great for a single god to reconcile. Ripping himself apart, the god split in two, and so did Mogis and Iroas come into existence, embodiments of the two aspects of war that are forever in conflict. Though no tales of either Mogis or Iroas’s faith speak of such, whispers among the servants of other gods claim that there might be a way to piece the fractured god back together. Doing so would require an incredible feat, though, likely involving the cooperation of both Mogis and Iroas themselves.   Mogis’s Warhound. Mogis generally fights alone, because he often loses control of his temper and strikes allies as well as foes in the heat of battle. Still, Mogis sought a creature that would go before him, instilling fear in his foes before his mighty axe fell upon them. Mogis took a ferocious cerberus and bound it together with the fires of his eternal rage. This terrible new creation became his personal harbinger and battle companion. The god of slaughter didn’t name his pet, refusing to do so until the beast had claimed a hundred thousand lives and so proved itself truly worthy of his esteem.   Origin of the Minotaur. In ages past, a warrior of tremendous strength stalked the battlefield. As a lone combatant, he was unbeatable, but he suffered when groups rose to oppose him. After one such defeat, the warrior was so filled with wrath that he murdered his entire village in Mogis’s name. The god, delighted by this display, gifted the warrior with his own ferocity, remaking him as a reflection of Mogis’s wrath and an engine of destruction in combat. This warrior became the first minotaur, and many minotaurs still worship Mogis, as he is their creator and they were made in his image.   Revel in Ruin. The summer festival of the Megasphagion is a domesticated version of Mogis’s typical rites. It involves the sacrifice of many cattle to avert Mogis’s wrath. The meat is then cooked and distributed among all who attend the festival. The grand feast that follows tends to devolve into a drunken revel. In some tales, individuals or communities with long-held grudges find themselves incensed during the festival, leading them to seek violent ends to their rivalries.   Wrathbringer. Shortly after his birth, Mogis decided to create a weapon with which to kill his brother. Mogis assembled his champions and sent them out to battlefields, where they collected the essences of rage, hatred, and bloodlust. Under a blood-red moon, Mogis used those ingredients to forge a black iron greataxe of manifest violence, Wrathbringer.   Mogis’s Champions Alignment: Usually chaotic, often evil   Suggested Classes: Barbarian, cleric, druid, fighter, warlock   Suggested Cleric Domains: War   Suggested Backgrounds: Athlete, criminal, outlander, soldier   Most champions of Mogis are antiheroes motivated by rage and a thirst for war. Many are tortured souls with a thirst for vengeance.   Mogis’s Favor Mogis’s favor isn’t difficult to earn for someone who lacks a moral compass. Mogis demands that blood be spilled in his service, preferably the blood of Iroas’s followers. Would-be champions should realize, though, that the god of slaughter invests in his followers with the expectation of receiving great returns. Those who disappoint, proving themselves incapable of sufficient cruelty or bloodshed, might find themselves on the wrong end of his blade.   To Mogis, the ideal follower is one who sheds all moral compunctions in the course of bringing suffering to the world. He also cultivates grievances and bitterness in those not ordinarily disposed to acts of wanton violence. Over the eons, he has found that the betrayed, the disgusted, and the disfavored are readily turned to a life of murderous service, to be discarded just as easily if they don’t satisfy him. The Mogis’s Favor table suggests a few ways that a mortal might come to Mogis’s attention, or vice versa.   Mogis’s Favor d6 Circumstance 1 You were born under a sanguine moon, the symbol of Mogis’s red eye. 2 Your twin sibling is a champion of Iroas. 3 You successfully carried out a brutal vendetta against a rival family. 4 You proved yourself dramatically (and perhaps violently) worthy in a contest of strength, a feat of endurance, or a similar accomplishment. 5 You called on Mogis’s power to settle old scores by becoming an instrument of his wrath. 6 You have no idea why Mogis chose you, but his hate seeps into your being day by day nonetheless. Devotion to Mogis Following Mogis is a definitive rejection of ethical codes and adoption of bloodlust and rage. As a follower of Mogis, consider the ideals on the Mogis’s Ideals table as alternatives to those suggested for your background.   Mogis’s Ideals d6 Ideal 1 Devotion. My devotion to my god is more important to me than what he stands for. (Any) 2 Savagery. I express my rage through combat. (Chaotic) 3 Hate. Hatred of my foes warms my heart and gives me power. (Any) 4 Fury. My only release from life’s endless grind is surrendering to my inner beast. (Evil) 5 Ruthlessness. The ends justify the means and victory is to be obtained at any cost. (Evil) 6 Pride. No one can best me in my chosen endeavor and woe to those who try. (Any) Earning and Losing Piety You increase your piety score to Mogis when you expand the god’s influence in the world in a concrete way through acts such as these:   Defeating a champion of Iroas Taking vengeance against a powerful foe Burning a polis or a settlement to the ground Desecrating a temple to Iroas as an offering to Mogis Your piety score to Mogis decreases if you diminish Mogis’s influence in the world, contradict his ideals, or make him look weak or ineffectual through acts such as these:   Failing to carry out a sworn vendetta Publicly displaying weakness or compassion Rejecting a duel or a challenge out of fear Mogis’s Devotee Piety 3+ Mogis trait   As a devotee of Mogis, you have shown yourself to be a brutal combatant. You can call on Mogis’s favor and cast wrathful smite with this trait. Mogis’s blessing manifest as a blood-red glow around your weapon, causing it to shed dim light in a 5-foot radius until the spell ends. You can cast the spell in this way a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for this spell.   Mogis’s Votary Piety 10+ Mogis trait   You can cast blinding smite with this trait. Once you cast the spell in this way, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for this spell.   Mogis’s Disciple Piety 25+ Mogis trait   Countless battles and vicious visions have given you focus. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened.   Champion of Slaughter Piety 50+ Mogis trait   You can increase your Strength or Constitution score by 2 and also increase your maximum for that score by 2.


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