The Nest of Lord Rennadoll

1. Entrance

While normally the entrance door is a golden double door that has two Odium bolts of lightning that cross over each other, the illusion is broken for the party and in place of the lighting bolts the party now see two green entwined snakes. The doors open as if by magic, however when they enter the room the see two trition children opening and pushing the doors.

2. Tapestry

There are green tapestries with golden tassels hanging from the walls of the 13 Rennadoll rulers.
  • Shirall the first Lord Ruler
  • Semuthu The Axe
  • Sulash The Thundersong
  • Saskulli The Fiend
  • Szilshei The Eternal Hunger
  • Sizalz The Paragon
  • Ssokiss The Brightgrimace
  • Ssoatal The Marked
  • Shirall the second of his name The Prince
  • Sassalti The Warfury
  • Siakasi The Giant Sword
  • Suzunu The Ironblood
  • Sarek The Fang

3. Guard room

2 guards remain at their post. (a passive 10 perception) The 2 guards are upset that they had to stay back and watch over the castle, why couldn't they join in whatever is going on outside. (these two do not know about the drow and are kind of unsure what we are fighting; it must be the trition.)  

4. Tribute area to Ren

A large carved statue of Shiraal Rennodall towers over the room. A bowl for offerings sits at the base with some loose change in it. An elderly trition woman is on a rickity ladder cleaning the statue.
(The bowl is cursed, anyone who takes money from it will explode from the inside, instantly killing them, whenever they take a long rest. They are then brought back to life as through a reincarnation spell. This will continue to happen until the curse is removed by a remove curse spell, or a wish)  

5. Guard room

Secret door into the stairs. Second floor can only be accessed by a Law Master. (Twin can give the password thanks to Chaszazs being a changeling. PASSWORD: "We can, We will, We did")  

6. Small cleaning closet

Brooms, buckets, brushes, dirty rags, some old trash  

7. Small Armory

+1 shield x2, +1 plate metal in the fashion of a Law Master, handful of spears that deal an extra 1d6 necrotic damage.  

8. Small place of worship

(Nuhlir, God of Affliction and Darkness, but loosely looks like Odium, God of Compassion and Storms if one does not know the truth.  

9. Law Master Hassal's Quarters

Hassal (master of war) Has been abandoned for years. Investigation check shows that someone was in here recently. Some things are knocked over, there is a desk that looks like the drawer is partly open and thanks to the dust you can tell that some papers are missing. There looks like there was a struggle, then something was drug into the large standing wardrobe.  

10. Law Master Tesski's Quarters

Tesski (master of the nest) Pretty empty besides on large portrait of Lord Ren. Looks like they spend very little time here and only use it to sleep. There is a small chest at the foot of the bed. (common clothes, small sack of 1d10 x 10 gp, 2d4 healing potions)  

11. Law Master Sthedous's Quarters

Sthedous (master of the city watch). Maps of the city, codes and laws on what happens during incursions and such. Looks as if things were grabbed in a hurry before they left to help with the incursion.  

12. Large common area

Sets of old armor set into the stone walls a small round table in the middle with an empty vase.  

13. Law Master Herk's Quarters

Herk (master of the scouts) Newly cleaned out. Someone started etching his name into the a stone like plaque.  

14. Law Master Aizzzi's Quarters

Aizzzi (master of the ocean) Out on the ocean making sure no-one passes the ren line. Full on nautical items, compasses and such. Also has a map that leads to treasure in the middle of the Terpawa Forest, a story of a ship run aground appearing almost out of thin air.  

15. Law Master Chaszazs Quarters

The room smells of fresh honeysuckle, a bed sits against the opposite wall. A full sized mirror stands like a center piece for the room next to it is a large warn book. A small writing desk buds against the wall across from the mirror.
Chaszazs (Master of Spies) Information on nearly everyone, hints that they are a changeling. (things are too neat, there is a large mirror with a book of portraits next to. Each portrait has a few sentences about them (mannerisms and such) there is a small stack of scrolls between Chaszazs and Alpha locked in a writing desk (DC 18)) (The scrolls talk about opportunity in certain families that they can take. Where best to place people, and large secrets about the organization.)  

16. Law Master Thozzair's Quarters

Thozzair (master of the military) full of military codes and actions. Military personal files. Clean, well kept, ornamental armor on display.  

17. Stair landing

An older tritian stands there to greet people as they come down.  

18. Large Foyer

tapestries, sconces, siting area, a fountain in the middle, potted plants.  

19. Royal dinning

dinning room to the nines  

20. Common dinning

crammed area, simple table and benches.  

21. Common area

used to show off accolades, statues, weaponry, ect  

22. Throne room

giant throne that is in the middle of being remodeled to look like the giant snake of Nuhlir, God of Affliction and Darkness  

23. Small offering area

small standing basin with a bit of money and other trinkets to offer to "Odium" for good luck cursed: when someone takes something out of the basin the target becomes cursed. The cursed target takes 1 point of damage anytime someone within 30 feet of them takes damage.  

24. Chamber that houses slaves for sacrifice

2d8 tritions are shoved into the room.  

25. lounge room

couches, plants, candles  

26. Guard room

1d4 guards playing cards  

27. Guard checkpoint

2 guards standing by to make sure no one gets to the back offices  

28. Office

Office to the Lord of Substance: filled with info on grain storage and plans if needed to survive on such storages.  

29. Office

Office to the Lord of Coin:  

30. Guard room

A guard that fell asleep is in there  

31. Office

Office to the Lord of text. The Sextons  

32. Secret area

Mail room string board about Lord Ren trying to be a god  

33. Ritual room

Hidden door, dc 21 passive.  

34. Office

Lord of the University  

35. Office

Lord of the churches and healing  

36. Office

Lord of trade (slavery and actual trade)  

37. Small guard room

Two guards hide in the out cove  

38. Stairs to lead down

Lead down to hidden pit.
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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