Within the Serpents Tomb

Strong Start:

While you stand in the center of the Serpent Kings grand cathedral, I need Orphius to make an Int Check + Prof, in order to make out the text on the coffin. (DC: 18)
  As you begin to mutter the words, the text start to glow with a humming golden light. There are mostly protection spells written upon the coffin (DC: 15, Arcane: Protection against reincarnation, destroying the tomb, protects whatever is inside it from rot and decay. and some sort of spell unknown to you / DC 20, Arcane: A curse to those who try and steal what is inside.) The coffin also has an arcane trap upon it. (DC 22 Arcane, to break the trap). If the trap is not broken or if an attempt fails. 2 stone snake guardians uncoil from the pillars and attack the players.
AC: 17 (natural armor) / HP: 175 / Speed: 30ft
Immune: Poison, Psychic; Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks that aren't Adamantine
And: Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned
+4 STR / +2 DEX / +5 CON / 0 INT / -2 WIS / -4 CHA
Multiattack: Makes 2 attacks 1 with its bite the other with its tail coil
Bite: +8 to hit, 2d4 + 6 piercing and 2d8 poison
Coil: +8 to hit, 2d8 bludgeoning and you are restrained. At the beginning of your turn you take 2d8 bludgeoning for being constricted. DC 16 to escape.
Slowing Poison (recharge 5-6): The golem targets one or more creatures it can see within 10 feet of it. Each target must make a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw against this magic. On a failed save, a target can't use reactions, its speed is halved, and it can't make more than one attack on its turn. In addition, the target can take either an action or a bonus action on its turn, not both. These effects last for 1 minute. A target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Within the Coffin: The coffin holds 1000s of pp worth of gems and coin. There are 3 scrolls written by Shirral Rennodall.
  Scroll 1: "I now see what I must do for the survival of my people. I do not wish this decsion upon anyone else. However, as the 2nd born I know my brother better than any. The first born must die and be forgot in history. Otherwise he will sunder our relationship with Nuhlir, God of Affliction and Darkness and strip us of our gifts."
  Scroll 2: "I am now first born. No one else will know the wiser. Our eggs are starting to crack and this can only be because of what I did and the affliction I showed to my brother. Nuhlir, God of Affliction and Darkness as gifted upon me brothers and sisters, a family to rule this jungle and create a great kingdom."
  Scroll 3: ""The Sun Elves have started fighting themselves. Many have came to our region. We granted them pass at the edge of the jungle. They have made their own realm with the power of their new god Melan, God of Deception and Secrets. I have seen the power that she can wield and I will not allow these so called Mistwalkers live without darkness. I will gain favor with their queen Li' Shivallreal and take the crown for thy self. No one will harm my family and what we have created."

Possible Encounters:

Traveling through the crypts.
  Finding a tunnel that goes under the Capital. This would lead to either a secret escape from The Lords room, an entrance into the dungeons, or a way to walk into the plane of the "abyss"
  Making their way through the Capital: The capital is now heavily covered in mist and is difficult to see. The mistwalkers have resumed their daily activities but are on high alert.
  Coming upon Felynda talking with Li' Shivallreal She knows that Felynda is trying to overthrow her. She is not the first and will not be the last. You do not stand up to your queen your voice to Melan without penalty though.
  Finding the dungeons that are holding Herk family. They are alive, Sal is like Tommy Boy, confused, not sure how he got here wants to get home, but feels the injustice about how they have treated him and his family. A bit crazy as he had no one to talk to for years.
  The Pigtooth sisters talking to Serek in his chambers about the prophecy. They warn Shirall about the unthetherd. They know he is Shirall and Sereck. They tell him about how they knew about their escape form death, and the timelines. How they are always one step ahead from the Dimensional Manipulator and how now their is a being that babbles above the gods.
    History of the three Imortals:
In 2250 UTD (Universal Timeline Date) about a third of the Sun Elves left their home and followed Melan, God of Deception and Secrets into the forest. From there they created a city of stone underground, and then they created The Skyless Realms. 250 years later Shirral Rennodall betrayed Li' Shivallreal. The Mistwalkers attacked and while we fought as hard as we could we were no match for them. This led us to be pushed out of the forest. We tried to live on the edge of the forest, however the Sun Elves had the protection of their walls and we were still being hunted by Li' Shivallreal. Shirral Rennodall went to the Sun Elves to try and make a deal for safety, however their king felt that Shirral betraying Li' Shivallreal was like betraying his sister, so they did not give us the safety we needed. We asked for another meeting but they denied us. Shirral Rennodall was not going to let his people die, that night we slithered up the was under the protection of the night and took their kingdom for ourselves.
https://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/dmg/appendix-a-random-dungeons#StockingaDungeon   Random General:
d20 Purpose
1 Antechamber for those that have come to pay respect to the dead or prepare themselves for burial rituals
2–3 Chapel dedicated to deities that watch over the dead and protect their resting places
4–8 Crypt for less important burials
9 Divination room, used in rituals to contact the dead for guidance
10 False crypt (trapped) to kill or capture thieves
11 Gallery to display the deeds of the deceased through trophies, statues, paintings and so forth
12 Grand crypt for a noble, high priest, or other important individual
13–14 Guardroom, usually guarded by undead, constructs, or other creatures that don’t need to eat or sleep
15 Robing room for priests to prepare for burial rituals
16–17 Storage, stocked with tools for maintaining the tomb and preparing the dead for burial
18 Tomb where the wealthiest and most important folk are interred, protected by secret doors and traps
19–20 Workshop for embalming the dead
Secret and Clues:
1. Shirral Rennodall was the second yuan-ti, claiming to be first after he slew his brother.
2. Li' Shivallreal knows that Felynda conspiring against her
3. Li' Shivallreal is in the first city
4. The gods egg is Shirral Rennodall personal vault
5. The Mistwalkers are on high alert
6. The entier first city is covered in mist
7. Rennadoll needs to sacrifice 1000s of people for enough blood to enact a ritual
8. The ritual should let his body become the vessel for the God Nuhlir, God of Affliction and Darkness
9. The gods egg contains part of the essence of Nuhlir, God of Affliction and Darkness
10. Hatching the egg would let Nuhlir, God of Affliction and Darkness out into the world.


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