The First Gods

Celestial / Cosmic


The primes creating stronger and stronger creatures on their own, started to work together and created the first gods.

The Elemental Primes grew bored of their endless wars. They created peace and harmony with each other. Realizing that one could not topple as they all needed each other. They started working together and created the first gods. Votos the God of Knowledge and Horizons: Became the first God to walk the material plane. All four elements had to work together at first to create this deity. Odium, God of Compassion and Storms: Purity, Aeros, and Lutum created Odium, by clashing together and trying to find balance between the three. Lihsin (Lie-sin) God of the Moon and Sea: Lutum and Purity first created the moon, then by taking a piece of the moon to form Lihsin, and gave them the power of the sea. Phebris(Feb-ris), the God of Harvests and the Sun: Aeros and Bayle created the sun and the twin to Lihsin. Arton, the God of Lands and the Hunt: Lutum and Aeros created the lands, and the wild in a god to watch over nature. Rarlin (Rawr-Lin) and Nuhlir (Nuu-Ler), The last of the first gods came out to be Ralin the god of Civilization and Creation, and their twin, Nuhlir the god of affliction and darkness. These twins were the spawns of an accident. Purity and Bayle clashed in their hatred for each other. Aeros saw this and joined in the fight to try and stop it. Lutum took their opportunity and attacked Aeros. This massive battle lasted for nearly a year. Until their constant clashing destroyed almost the entire world that they created. In the calmness of this realization, the twins were brought onto this land.

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