
Welcome to Solaris, traveller! This is a slower-than-light science fantasy set in our own solar system.
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When you need a quick bite to eat, experienced travellers know to look for the first hole in the wall with a queue. Take-out is a classic no matter where you are in the Sol System. For a real treat you want to step out of the spaceport, walk past all the chains at the transit hubs, and into the places where people live.   Traditions vary, but as the systems have become more connected, the different culinary cultures have spread across the system. Each culture has welcomed the foods and made their own takes on it, from the Jovian deep fried delights found shrinkwrapped on Mars, to Venusians ordering four of everything at a Saturnian food stall to indulge themselves and their friends.

Martian Manufacturing

Not everyone shares the appreciation for a still steaming bundle from an auntie whose fingers are just as well seared as her food. In the arcologies and sleek cities of Mars, vending machines are built into the architecture. Here, all the food comes sterilized and prepackaged. Martian food proudly proclaims that your hands will be the first, and only, to have touched your food.  

Venusian Abundance

Venus loves their feasts and plenty, and their take-out reflects it. Even when foreigners come and order just a single dish, they're leaving with at least three, and likely upwards of six, different containers. Venusian takeout comes stacked, one on top of the other, then tied together with ribbons, scarves, or rope.  
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stacked containers

Jovian Feasts

Jupiter also has a culture of feasts, but their idea of a good feast comes out in a strong preference for a sit down meal. Take-out on Jupiter is for snacking, and comes in the shape of a stick of fried goods or a wrap.   The Patriciate is well known for their own unique grazing culture, where servants lay out buffets that they slowly snack on throughout the day. Establishments that cater to the Patriciate class also have sideboards full of hot and cold foods for people to pick and graze at. Patricians who can barely afford to maintain the markers of their class sometimes leave their buffets out over multiple days.   Jovians see no need to imitate this aspect of patriciate extravagance, but the practice has taken off as a luxurious trend off planet.  
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spread of jovian delicacies


Chronian cuisine is a take-out classic, and take-out is an essential part of Saturn's culture. Personal kitchens are a rarity on the planet. With busy lives and long days out, almost all Saturnians take their meals in public eateries, restaurants, or as takeout. Street food is plentiful, cheap, and tasty to boot.   On Saturn, food is not just sustenance, but the fabric of society. Connections are forged over meals, from the owners learning your name and preferences, to getting to know your neighbours as you all settle down by the local stall. Communal eating is so engrained in the culture of Saturn, that taking your meals alone in your home is seen as the pinnacle of antisocial behaviour.  
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Aug 4, 2024 02:38 by Aster Blackwell

I LOVE FOOD TRADITIONS! And Solaris does it so well :D The way you write about food is one of the best things about Solaris. I really loved learning about the different traditions on each planet and the cultural basis behind each one. And, of course, the art is wonderful as always!

Aug 6, 2024 10:58 by Annie Stein

Ahhh thank you! I love writing about food too, I feel like it's one of the most approachable (and delicious!) ways to learn about another culture.

Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!
Aug 7, 2024 20:39 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love the different traditions! I really would love to try... anything but Mars, probably. XD

Aug 9, 2024 08:10 by Annie Stein

Understandable, I think it's probably alright on the go food, but it's not gonna be as tasty as any of the rest!

Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!