Position: Warchief of the Ironstomach Tribe
Race: Orc (Exandria Variant)
Age: 43
Time as Warchief: 20 years
Summary: One of only two children born to feared Warchief Torgorn Ironstomach, and unfortuantely for Gadrokk he was born the younger of the two and since they both impressed their father with their brutality and skill he ultimately chose Hargesh the oldest brother to succeed him as Warchief when he died. Gadrokk challenged his brother for the right to be Warchief and soundly beat his brother into the ground and claimed his place as Warchief. He jailed his brother but sympathizers broke him out and they left the tribe. Gadrokk didn't take long to build a reputation, the first thing he did was challenge the Ironstomach Tribe's greatest warrior Larga Brutalheart; if she won she would become Warchief but if he won Larga would be his Concubine; and after a lengthy battle Gadrokk emerged victorious and didn't wait long to lay claim to what was now his and this resulted in the birth of Gadrokk's ONLY failure, his first born son, Gromgarn Ironstomach. But before that happened, Gadrokk made a decision that his Father never would have, he had his Blood Brother Karthak Goreblade make a secondary camp on Coalheart's Goldhill island. Gadrokk has 7 sons and a pair of twin daughters, but as stated before his Eldest is is ONLY failure (EXPLAINED IN HIS BIO)
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