Amalthea accords

The Amalthea Accords is the name given to a decree signed by the armed forces of the United Nations of Earth in 2313 in which they proclaimed Arthur Drake as the new ruler of the UNE after which they marched on Earth and relieved the president of his office and placed Arthur as dictator until the crisis was dealt with. The name of the accords comes from the medium-sized asteroid Amalthea that were used as a small depot by the navy and the cafeteria of the depot was where the officers representing a major part of the navy were present to sign the accords.   The reason for the gathering of the officers was that for 3 years the second civil war in 20 years was burning across the colonies of the UNE and recently had begun attacking the Sol system itself and in the eyes of the navy, the central government were either not doing anything to help deal with the rebels or they were working so slow that some officers suspected that parts of the government were working for the rebels.   Critics of the new regime criticised the the accords by saying that by calling the document for accords, the navy officers tried to gain some elements of legitimacy to what in principle was a coup against the legitimate government.   In 2315, after the rebels that 5 years earlier had risen again against the central government were defeated, the accords formed the foundation for the new constitution of the newly formed Empire of Earth with Arthur Drake as its first Emperor.   The accords were later transcribed onto paper and placed in the main hall of the national museum for the citizens to see.
Decree, Royal
Digital Recording, Text


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