Battle of Mistake Military Conflict in Solarium Imperium | World Anvil

Battle of Mistake

What became known as the battle of Mistake was a small skirmish that took place in the orbit above the planet. The planet itself was a lush, green planet in orbit of a small yellow star located in what is locally known as the Kaer star cluster.

The Conflict


In the time leading up to the skirmish, the Empire of Earth and The Zeyorian Republic had been involved in more and more border skirmishes. The mistake system acted as a secondary refuelling station for the ships that operated in the sector. The battlegroup Morhen had made a short stop in the system to top up their fuel and offload a crewmember who had become too sick to continue the mission.   As the taskforce prepared to leave, sensors detected an unknown force entering the system, a day later the sensors identified it as a small taskforce from the Zeyorian Republic.


Taskforce Morhen deploys with the battleship in the centre and the heavy cruisers on the flanks with the destroyers and frigates acting as forward pickets with the task of harressing the enemy.   The Zeyorian Taskforce had deployed in a classic formation with the battleship and battlecruisers sitting back with the goal of sniping the Earth force while the escort ships protected them.

The Engagement

As the Zeyorian fleet entered the orbit of the planet  

Opening salvos

The opening salvos of the engagement were fired and the Zeyorian fleet had yet to reach orbit, with the two fleets exchanging missiles and railgun fire from the Earth force and plasma fire from the Zeyorians, first blood is awarded to Earth as the main guns of their battleship hit the bridge of one of the Zeyorian light cruisers, cribbling it and taking it out of the active combat. Shortly after the Zeyorians enter orbit, one of their ships hits with a glancing blow, the side of the Earth battleship, damage is minimal.   Corvette and frigate action In the low orbit of Mistake on the other side of the planet, the Zeyorian corvettes and Earth frigates are fighting a chaotic melee, while the two classes of ships typically fight in ranges that are much closer than those of the bigger ships, the chaotic nature of this fight had forced the two sides to engage at a much shorter distance than normally, likewise as a result of the manoeuvres, the two sides had entered the low orbit of the planet, resulting in the speed of the battle showing down to avoid entering the atmosphere. The frigates Valiant and Defiant led a charge towards the corvettes and their railguns tore through the lightly armoured corvettes but the frigates were forced to break off the attack as the torpedoes from the corvettes forced the frigates to make evasive manoeuvres, two of the frigates manage to flank one of the corvettes and destroy it with precise railgun attacks but one of the frigates are lost due to a surprise torpedo strike from below it.  

Turning Point

As the battle draws on, the two battleships enter into close range and exchange several brutal broadsides, the armour of the Earth battleship holds up better than that of its counterpart and the hits start to take their toll on the Zeyorian battleship, seeing the battleship cribbled the destroyers of taskforce Morhen rallies and saturate the enemy battleship with missile strikes, one of the missiles manage to start a chain reaction and shortly after, the battleship explodes, the debris from the explosion taking one of the destroyers with it.  


With the explosion of the Zeyorian battleship, the rest of the task force disengages and retreats, the admiral of taskforce Morhen dont chase after them and instead focuses on helping the heavy cruiser that are still fighting against Mistakes Gravity.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
4/7 2446
Ending Date
4/7 2446
Conflict Result
Pyrric victory for the Empire


Empire of Earth
The Zeyorian Republic


  • 1 battleship
  • 2 heavy cruisers
  • 3 destroyers
  • 2 frigates
  • 1 Battleship
  • 2 light cruisers
  • 3 destroyers
  • 4 corvettes


  • 1 battleship damaged
  • 1 heavy cruiser, heavily damaged
  • 1 destroyer destroyed
  • 1 frigate destroyed.
  • 1 Battleship destroyed
  • 1 Light cruiser destroyed
  • 1 Corvette destroyed
  • 2 Corvettes damaged


Raid on the UEE base


  • Solarium

Cover image: Morning Star (Artist Concept) by NASA/Ames/JPL-Caltech


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