Cassandra Drake

Imperial Heiress Cassandra Drake (a.k.a. Cass)

Cassandra Drake, the young heiress to Earth's ever-growing Empire. Cassandra is a person loved by the people, She was born in the old imperial city of Rome and spent her childhood years there.   Ever since she was born she has been described as a free soul, meaning that she would doe what she found to be best in any given situation, with that said she would never jump into something without first thinking about the possible outcomes, having thought of all the possible outcomes she would then choose the option that to her seemed like the most suiting for the situation. This practice has sometimes led to some outcomes that have landed her in some problems that to most would seem like a minor problem but as the heiress her every move would be monitored by the public.   Likewise, she would be calm and collected in public, but in private or around friends and family, Cassandra has been described as turning into a different person, with a more sassy Cassandra coming to the surface.

Childhood years

Being curious from an early age, she often gave her parents and caretakers a few extra gray hairs as she early on developed a habit of exploring the gardens and corridors of the imperial residence, she often had to be escorted back to her rooms by palace guards.   Later on, Cassandra developed a fondness for reading, with stories with a naval theme being her favourite.   A side effect of growing up in and around the imperial court, Cassandra was exposed to diplomatic intricacies from a young age, despite her young age she proved to have potential so her parents allowed her to sit in on certain court proceedings and at some point she noticed that some people were taking notes so she soon enough began to do the same.

Teenage years

During her teenage years, Cassandra excelled in high school were her academic performance was among the highest in her class, she excelled in studies like governance, and diplomacy, and her observance of court proceedings helped her in these classes, but her teachers also noted that she was showing a natural aptitude for leadership.   Her ability to lead showed in her participation in several events at her school and later on at university, were she naturally took the leadership role.   Cassandra also developed a passion for exploration and the galaxy, so when she had free time she would attend science lectures about space exploration.

Young Adult Years

After graduating from the university, and after having taken a small vacation, Cassandra decided to join the prestigious Imperial Naval Academy on Mars, her decision to join the navy was After met with both support and scepticism, while many thought it to be a good idea for the heiress to join the branch of the military that placed a crucial role in the formation of the Empire that, at the same time some thought that Cassandra joining the military would send a wrong message to people.   Before joining the naval academy, Cassandra had heard stories of a group of cadets that went by the name "Astral Vanguard" at first she thought it to be a bit cliche to have some of the cadets have such a name, though it changed when she heard some of the stories about them, apparently the group consisted of some the older cadets who managed to win exercises designed to be a costly lesson, there were even rumours that once they graduated, they would be given command of some of the capitals ships in the navy, bypassing several steps in their career.   During her time at the academy, Cassandra would forge friendships with her fellow aspiring officers. in her time at the academy, she would polish her skills as a leader and when graduating she had been formed into a poised and capable leader.  
she has everything it takes to be a great Empress one day.
- Admiral Jenson, head of the Imperial Naval Academy.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Cassandra maintains an impeccable level of fitness, resulting in her strong and toned physique. Likewise, her agility is described as remarkable.

Mental characteristics


Cassandra is educated in matters of statecraft and through her role as heiress she have gained experience in matters of diplomacy as well as the intricacies of governance.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Cassandra likes the idea of exploration of space, likewise, she finds enjoyment in physical training with one of her favourites being running.


Family Ties

Cassandra have a good relationship with her family, she is close to both her father and mother. The Drake family have never been a large one, when General Drake took power back inĀ 2315, the family only consisted of four, over the years it has grown to close to twenty, Cassandra looks forward to the family gatherings as its some of the few times were she can relax a bit and dont have to act in a way the people expect her to.


As a product of her upbringing, Cassandra carries herself with confidence and a straight posture.   Although in private her mother have sometimes described her as a couch potato.

Hobbies & Pets

One of her Hobbies is going to science conferences, to hear about the newest and greatest discoveries humanity has made so far.


Her speech is often imbued with diplomatic finesse as she speaks in an articulate and measured way, she will carefully choose her words to best convey either, authority, empathy or conviction depending on what the situation demands. With that said, despite her extensive training in it, if she gets excited about a topic, typically science-related, she can suddenly start to speak rapidly, resulting in her often having to repeat the question.
Current Location
Date of Birth
15th of August
Year of Birth
2424 22 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Almond-shaped and a mesmerizing shade of deep azure.
Long chestnut brown hair
1.68 meters
58 kilograms
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Some Japanese
A few swearwords in Dutch


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