Emma Hawkins Character in Solarium Imperium | World Anvil

Emma Hawkins

Sergeant Emma Hawkins (a.k.a. Barf)


Emma Hawkins grew up on the planet Montgomery in a poor neighbourhood of the capital city of the planet, her mother left her and her father shortly after her birth, and her father tried his best to give Emma the best childhood he could but around the time Emma was 10 years old, her father failed to return home one evening.    

Teenage years

as a young girl, she started hanging out with the wrong people and did minor crimes over the years like stealing a bottle of booze from a shop or some clothing. While she tried to keep her crimes small and not hurt people in the process, as the years went the crimes slowly got bigger until one day when she tried to steal a car but got stopped before she could get it started and get away.   Her lawyer told her that the owner would not press charges as he could see that Emma needed help instead of being sent to jail, her lawyer told her to go home and have a long think about her future, she handed Emma her card with her number. On the way home, Emma saw an advertisement for the new Marine Raider regiment that was being raised on the planet and she had nothing to lose.

Young adult

Now as a young adult in her early 20s, Emma has risen to the rank of Sergeant of her own Raider team and is currently getting deployed to the Sullivan system bordering the Zeyorian Republic
Date of Birth
3rd of July
Year of Birth
2424 22 Years old
175 cm
Emma gained her nickname "Barf" during her time in boot camp when she threw up during a Friday morning run after some friends and she had been out binge drinking the night before.


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