Nirvalla system Physical / Metaphysical Law in Solarium Imperium | World Anvil

Nirvalla system

The Nirvalla system was one of the first systems settled outside of the Sol system as it had one planet perfectly suited for human settlement and 3 other planets that could be settled after some light terraforming.   The system was settled in the late 2200s and the terraforming of the other planets started shortly after it was during the terraforming of the 3rd planet, at the time named NI-535XP but would afterwards when it was settled, get the name Takao. As a way to bring water to the planet, asteroids from the outer system were towed in and set on a crash course towards the planet, during the transport of a particularly large icy asteroid, the ship transporting it, had its engine break down at a critical point where the ship was needed to course correct the asteroid so it would hit the planet as the right angle but as the course correction didn't happen and the ship could not get its engine started and would have to be towed away later, the asteroid continued its way towards the planet that had been settled first, Akizuki, where it made impact roughly 100 days later Luckily due to the 100 days, the area where it was estimated to crash was evacuated and scientists in the system had set up instruments to get data out of the impact.   The impact had a significant impact on the planet, on a local scale the impact left a large portion of the western continent burning with lava flowing to the surface and forming rivers, likewise trees for hundreds of kilometres were knocked over. On the global scale, the impact blocked out most of the sunlight for some years which paused the planned beginning of local agriculture.   The company tasked with transporting the asteroids were afterwards criticised for not sending another ship to catch the rogue asteroid, to which the company said that it was not possible to get another ship to the scene as all their other ships were at the time of the incident occupied towing their asteroids and were therefore in no position to come to the aid.


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